
Player Frustration Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"This exotic doesn't make you literally invincible, but it is just so freaking annoying."
"There's one mechanic almost every survival game has that no one seems to like, a drop on deck, where you lose everything in your inventory when you die."
"Blizzard bloody hell, don't time-gate Twisting Corridors."
"Legendaries aren't fun when you need not just the gun to drop but the gun with the right anointment."
"My biggest frustration with this game is that the mechanics they expect you to use to solve the puzzles aren't really built in a way that makes it obvious."
"If you're new to the game, look things up, check the wiki, videos... Tons and tons of people tell me they quit because they couldn't figure things out."
"There's nothing worse than being an aggressive player and playing with people who like to camp and vice versa."
"Are you experiencing the same kind of thing in your tier 8 tanks where you're constantly either getting to tier 8 only at a tier 8 tier 9 or t89 and tier 10 matchups?"
"PVP has gotten so bad to the point I actually just deleted the game. Playing the same three units over and over and over really might have been the worst experience I've had playing a game ever."
"Nerfing the character is bad for Tekken, it frustrates the good players."
"This game is so unfinished, so rushed, and so broken."
"It's a little but it helps, also no more trash. I'm sick of catching trash. It's a waste of an inventory slot."
"Animal Crossing has this nasty habit of everything being hidden behind a paywall... literally everything in the game at some point passes through the bottleneck of bells."
"Y'all want to see me go a little bit crazy? Ban heavy-duty boots."
"Katarina one tricks are always really annoying to play against."
"That and ladies and gentlemen, was Final Fantasy 13, huh? That was rough."
"Don't die, Thanos, you died to an SMG, are you kidding me? And you died to Family Guy, bro, are you serious?"
"Here are seven times video games did just that: busting you right back down to scum-sucking noob for reasons that we think are pretty flimsy."
"Cynthia, the woman who made 10-year-olds rage quit."
"Every so often there comes a moment in otherwise good or popular games where things are suddenly so tedious, hard, scary, or unpleasant they make you go, 'you know what, eff this game.'" - Relatable frustrations.
"A lot of frustration from the player... if also aren't going to play him they should just make him leave."
"This game should be embarrassed of itself right now."
"It's gonna feel worse until you get IE, crits gonna suck."
"Dude, that is the most aggravating thing when you accidentally tp because of uh, like for me it was always like an explosion from like a geo or something like that."
"It's fun to lose sometimes if it's not too bullshitty, right? But if it feels really unfair and bullshitty, then it sucks to lose."
"The power fantasy wasn’t there and wouldn’t return until the Whisper of the Worm exotic quest shook the game back to life."
"Revoker was the most annoying to play against for me since it just rewarded missing and led to snipers being a menace in the crucible."
"It's all about being reasonable, you know? It's not fun for anybody if I'm sitting somewhere just air striking them into the ground and they have to spawn back at base. That sucks, it's... it's fucking irritating, you know? That's bad for everyone."
"It's so slow now, they made it so like before an Irelia, you know how you'd want to throw out the first E far from yourself and put the second one like right on top of you so it does the stun instantly, oh you can't do it during your Q right."
"He's still a dominant character because he can skill spam and just pretty much sit in the air 24/7 spamming skills against the enemy and they can just get frustrated."
"You're just gonna get frustrated as well as respect this game."
"We're definitely getting our opportunities to guess for mercy. It's the same as a rage quit, dude. This is like actually a severe ass open right now."
"This next one is technically a free talisman but it requires something quite annoying to get in order to obtain it, and that would be the Cat Links and Cheetah Talismans."
"Draven two at three-five, that is some donkey nonsense."
"Now we're doing a coin Blitz again kind of wish you would just give me the coins rather than making me get the coins just give me the coins."
"maybe the core gameplay is just so good i'm always going to feel a bit annoyed when it's interrupted"
"Seven amethysts, that's absurd... that's stupid, that's insane."
"Even famous snipers here on YouTube hate snipers on the other team because there's nothing more annoying than being one-shot by something."
"World PvP is objectively not fun for people."
"World PvP is trash content, it's [__] annoying."
"I don't feel like I overextended because it's an aggressive deck but a board wipe is a board wipe and this is not great for me."
"No upgrade SPC's and no more packs, I mean that's it."
"This guy was the best unit in the game for over an entire year. It was actually like the worst period to ever play this game. It was so stupid."
"Avoiding the freezies at the end is a goddamn event when it shouldn't be."
"This is by far the worst bug I've come across in this game."
"That was not cool, how is there problems in my game?"
"Man, [__] it, I forgot about what happens when you're like running at a dead sprint towards something in Assassin's Creed and the world goes, 'Nope!'"
"Three musketeers make your opponent rage quit without even knowing the deck that's the power of this fleet barbarians are licking this man's trophies and truly asserting the dominance."
"There's just so many games where you just look at your hand, and you're like, 'Ah, I just don't have the right cards right now.'"
"Not being able to fast travel can be really frustrating, and you don't want that."
"A big reason for that was the fact that progression was going to be deleted and we had already unlocked all the gear."
"Money: Starfield's economy works perfectly at low levels, but as your character progresses, it becomes frustrating."
"Footsteps are too loud, making stealth nearly impossible without Dead Silence."
"Mage is actually overpowered and a little broken and targeting mage is worse than just playing mage."
"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the worst MMO ever."
"I'm playing this game to be a criminal. You're stopping me from being a criminal. What the hell's going on?"
"Stunning strike: the boss killer the dm frustrator the most straight up powerful monk ability in the game."
"Does anyone know why I'm hitting this much despite six sand attacks and some double teams?"
"Avoid adding really difficult jumps into slow autoscrollers. If you mess up, you'd have to play through the whole level again, leading to people skipping your level."
"We got another freebie yes there these are easy levels come on but it's nerve-wracking you die once and it's all game over all those levels we've done will be for naught."
"Their anger is directed at the player right yeah, as much as anything. But it kind of, it's like it's at the mechanic and the flow sort of thing, right? It's like..."
"This build single-handedly made Nate Robinson Rage Quit out the wreck."
"That guy's gonna really take a lot, angry that's not gonna do."
"I literally called it. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it, man. That sucks, that sucks, bro."
"A smooth, error-free game is crucial. Nothing is more frustrating than getting dashboarded or error-coded every five minutes."
"No shots being blocked by your teammates' heads is stupid."
"I honestly think a lot of the frustration with this game is the fact that it's great."
"I'm totally on the camp of people getting frustrated that it's hard. We need hard game modes."
"We're coming into kind of a weird meta. I hate Varus so much. It's gonna be banned every game."
"The game is so unrewarding, that anyone can win, like guys who aren’t good can win in FIFA 20 and no one enjoys playing it."
"I got a lot of crawlers now, don't clean the damn..."
"I mean, the fact that I can't play my spells, you know, that probably helps."