
Attraction Dynamics Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"We don't have to work at getting the feminine to be attracted... As soon as you turn and go, 'Oh, it's here, how do I keep it?' you just blew it."
"The foundation of female attraction lies in respect. That respect needs to come from a fear of loss."
"Refusing to chase her makes her uncontrollably attracted to you."
"If Jesus was anointed to the brokenhearted, who do you think would be attracted to him? People who had a broken heart."
"You can respect somebody's identity but still be attracted to them."
"Strength attracts strength, alpha attracts alpha."
"Temptation with lust grows without physical attraction."
"Women attract every type of man... The problem is most of y'all are responding to the shitty men because they're exciting."
"Women are more attracted to how a man makes her feel rather than how he looks."
"With the lack of any real updates on the supposed erroritis algorithm since 2016 it seems as if this mystery or arg has run its full course."
"Embrace what you are naturally... will attract those that you are attracted to."
"Good girls like bad guys, and bad guys like good girls."
"Girls love bad boys. They're like, 'He's so mysterious.' You're like, 'No [__], he's slow. He's a mystery to himself.'"
"Ravenclaw teaches us that being a true intellectual means being a nonconformist -- it’s thinking in an alternative way, getting deep, and being willing to follow your mind wherever it leads."
"Begging and pleading are the kinds of behaviours that DESTROY attraction and confirm for your ex that breaking up was the right decision."
"Visual chemistry is that animal attraction that you feel when you're in front of someone."
"Make men desire and addicted to them." - Unleash the power of attraction in relationships.
"Respect is ultimately important because you're not going to sleep with a man you don't respect, you're not going to be attracted to a man you don't respect."
"They see you as the light, drawn to you like flowers open and face the sun."
"If you're obsessing over this person and you're coming across as very needy, even if you're not doing that to their face, they can feel that vibrational energy even subconsciously."
"If you take your focus and you put it into building yourself as a man and upgrading your character compared to if you put that focus into going out and chasing girls the girls will just naturally come to you."
"There's just something about a dude dating a girl that makes them more attractive."
"Women tend to be attracted to men who build things, who are upwardly mobile."
"Narcissists are never interested in someone who's a nobody. They usually end up with people who are amazing, intelligent, beautiful people."
"The way that you choose a partner and approach relationships should be rooted in something other than infatuation pure feelings or sexual attraction raw cougar feral sexual attraction."
"Real men are going to attract the type of women they desire."
"What allows two people to find a lot of electric chemistry between each other is when you can show your attraction to that person."
"We are attracted by many things... If an amazingly attractive person comes into my life... I don't deny myself that."
"Attraction is not only physical, it's his energy."
"Men who have value in terms of income, in terms of status, tend to do better with women."
"When you show her that you're not fazed by her challenging questions and you can remain confident while also being a good guy, then she respects you and feels attracted to you as a result."
"Looks will get you attention, but personality keeps it."
"Women love bad guys. Bad guys like John Wick."
"Basic social skills are key to getting a guy's attention."
"Sometimes what we are so very, very attracted to can scare the out of us at the same time."
"Get passionate and interested in whatever you're doing and that always sets up a really attractive energy around yourself."
"The greatest primal attraction trigger in existence is polarity."
"Women want to be with a powerful man. When it's all said and done, women do not stand in line ready to be with the nice guy. They don't. They stand in line ready to be with the guy that's going to be bad for them."
"You ever see somebody there in a relationship and then everybody's interested in them because they're in a relationship? But can you imagine that when you're in the strongest relationship with yourself?"
"As long as we have the ability to push every single attraction button that is hardwired into her mind, one by one."
"Men are attracted to women who have a hint of masculinity."
"The F boy is who she wants, the F boy is who she needs and she's attracted to him because he is a mirror of who she truly is on the inside."
"Love is a fundamental need, but being needy is unattractive."
"Boredom kills attraction; be interesting without being a jerk."
"Women cannot love you, respect you, submit to you, desire you sexually, or want to date you if you don't appear to be higher value than them."
"They feel this powerful magnetism towards you."
"If you're too responsive and you're too much of a nice guy, then you're going to turn her off."
"Women will always be the best behaved and treat you the best when they think you have lots of options with women. They know that at any moment you could replace them with not only a better woman but a hotter woman."
"What makes them tick? What makes two people attract or repel each other?"