
Personal Respect Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"I've learned that no matter what, you always have to be yourself. Hold your head up high and have respect for yourself."
"They don't want to play games with you. They hold you in very high regard."
"Back-to-back promotions and back-to-back league titles for us here."
"Fighting MTG is like the best... you're fearless. I really respect that."
"I love the quotation... 'I respect you as a person too much to respect your ridiculous ideas.'"
"Know your worth and don't lower your standards."
"Especially a [__] like T.I. who is an intellectual, if you ask me."
"Roland was great on that and I respect him for that."
"There is no shortcut that Ethan Page will not take. I respect it."
"I really respect him for giving me that C-plus."
"Do you like any of these people? They're all different in many ways. I am respectful of who they are, what they are. My friends? No. But there are some characters here that have some personality characteristics that you would say are likeable."
"People who don't love themselves or respect themselves will treat others like [ __ ] or inflict their pain on others."
"One of the things that took my respect for you to a whole nother level is when you were willing to appear with Coffeezilla..."
"Oz will always have my respect as a person for what he has done."
"I didn't just want the pain, but I did say if that's what you're after, if you just want to feel something, like, I respect that."
"There is a line we should not cross, talking about someone's father, talking about somebody's children, talking about political issues you have no business talking about."
"Cherish your journey and respect your journey."
"Love yourself first. Do you love you? Are you respecting your own needs, wants, wishes, and desires?"
"Wow, that's cool. I respect that on some level."
"I've always respected his driving skills 'cause the guy can flat out drive."
"Nobody should be treating you less than you deserve."
"If Jay is disrespecting you, I ain't gonna tolerate that."
"I need to wake up one day and not give a [ __ ] what people think in that type of way but like i do care just because it's like i'm not going to go out and make a fool of myself because i and i i respect myself too in a sense"
"You can like or dislike Liz Cheney, but I have an enormous amount of respect for Liz Cheney because she went against the party... prioritizing the democracy and the integrity of the republic over the party."
"People deserve respect for their own personal respect. Everyone's decisions deserve to be their own decisions."
"I don't care who you are, what your identity is, or what you believe, if you want to serve in the armed forces I respect that 100%."
"Respect for Allison as a woman and a mother—it's an intelligent choice not to torch a whole bunch of innocent people in the room."
"I actually respect Diamond for realizing how disgusting that was."
"No one deserves to be harassed for the content they choose to stream, how they look, or who they are."
"People respect you more for who you are, not really what you're wearing."
"I can certainly respect somebody who's remaining true to their convictions."
"Love yourself. Don't expect anybody to love you because when you love you right, you're not going to tolerate disrespect from anybody."
"I'm not just gonna let someone who I used to respect just completely change their purported beliefs and principles."
"I respect him for being who he is. I think he's doing the most to save hip-hop."
"You can be a chill girl and also set healthy boundaries and have some self-respect."
"Don't lie to me because when you lie to me it insults my intelligence and it makes me angry."
"Anybody that I'm dating could have been okay breaks up, at least they tell me to my face."
"Any guy who downsizes and becomes okay with it, that is a respectable act in my opinion."
"I've never assaulted anyone, never disrespected anyone."
"Nobody wants to [ __ ] be in a relationship with someone who treats them like an object and who devalues their very humanhood."
"You deserve better than that. Someone you're with should never put you down like that."
"Self-love is not selfish, it's self-respecting."
"Personal attack should never be the intent of the conversation that you're having or what you're doing. It should always be the ideas."
"You're worth more than this, I deserve more than this."
"I know David Axelrod very well. I respect him wholeheartedly." - Karine Jean-Pierre
"If it's somebody that I know and I respect then I can be like it's cool."
"I genuinely think Malaise, I've come to respect strength loss so much."
"It's disrespectful, especially when they can hold it back. Man, not just me."
"There's no way you're gonna make me feel bad for what you feel is me not respecting him other than you didn't man up."
"That's why I always respected Colleen. He wasn't just a straight fire f***, he was a good human being."
"He's the real man he's actual alpha like I respect that respected de montijo by him saying that about Akkadian and about TFM he actually is calling out Akkadian to a certain degree."
"Salute to my bro, that's the OG right there."
"You deserve the best. Recognize your value, don't let anyone disrespect you."
"How you feel should be respected by other people and yourself."
"I've always had pretty high regard for Roman Catholicism."
"Elon Musk is probably the guy I respect the most in the world."
"Life's not about reward, it's about being respected, it's about recognizing that you are doing a good job."
"I always have a huge amount of respect for people who chase their dreams and get to a point like this."
"I respect people who do it in a way that's fulfilling to them and brings them happiness."
"Love yourself first, your respect makes you more romantically attractive."
"Respect on your big homie, never. I'll never play big T raw like that. Never play that, like that."
"It's amazing. It's so amazing, guys. It makes me want to tell you guys the truth. It makes me do it one more time. It's amazing. It's so amazing."
"You never want to take the advice or the opinions or the experiences from people that you don't know and that you don't respect or admire."
"I have a healthy respect for magnets. They're absolutely terrifying to me."
"He's someone that I've studied a little bit and I do actually respect."
"Placing people or things on a pedestal shows a lack of self-respect."
"There's nothing wrong with having some personal self-respect and some dignity and taking care of yourself."
"I felt like the universe was unintentionally uplifting my work life by making sure that my personal life was very respected and safe."
"The character which a person displays must be the basis upon which we appraise their worthiness of personal respect."
"He was extremely respected and for the most part a really good guy."
"I do respect Lala and all she's been through; she's an absolute legend in my eyes."
"I'm never gonna attack you personally, you've been nothing but sweet and everything right."
"I massively respect Jimmy for what he's doing, and I think he's a great guy."
"It's about personal respect, that's the entire point."