
Peaceful Living Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Most people pretty much just want to live peacefully, they just want to take their kids to school, they want to get dinner on the table, they want to relax on the weekend."
"We just need to coexist amongst each other and live peacefully."
"The sheer fact remains that the vast majority of Muslims... just want to live peacefully."
"Know thyself, remember your ancestors, peace."
"Apply this to your own life. What would it be valuable for you to declutter before 2019? How would that make your space feel more simple, more breathable, more peaceful?"
"We should do everything we can to live in a manner that makes peace and prosperity most likely."
"Here was one who brought a message: 'We can care for each other; we can take care of each other; we can live justly; we can live at peace.'"
"She was loved by no one and had no one to depend on yet she holds no grudge against anyone and just wants to live peacefully."
"My body is healthy, my mind is true, my soul is tranquil."
"Choose nurture over aggression to maintain your mental strength."
"Just get out the way and keep positive, keep peaceful, and keep doing what you do."
"She reminded herself that she was currently an Allon and just a Monster who Wanted to live a quiet plant life."
"Live your life out of purpose and preparation."
"Is it possible to live in peace... completely free of fear, toxic emotions, addictions, and all soul ties?"
"Make every effort to be found living peaceful lives."
"Cats are one of the most enlightened animals, and people who have cats are more peaceful than people who don't."
"We're not meant to be struggling, aggressing, fighting. We are meant to be honoring each other, honoring ourselves, and having a wonderful time in this very short lifetime."
"Discovering Harmony within harmonious relationships and living peacefully."
"Impact, do I think you have a freer life? Do I think you'll have a more peaceful life? Yes."
"This is more kind of in my old neighborhood but it is a lot more peaceful a lot more spacious address and then still like an easy drive to everything that I'd want to do."
"I was living a very relaxing, peaceful life."
"I'm on a new journey to be a responsible adult male who makes music and enjoys life, who doesn't want to harm anybody."
"Being agenda-free, living a stress-free life, no drama, oh yeah, it's well worth it."
"Be strong, be brave, practice yoga, and change your world to a more peaceful place."
"Congratulations on your new home, may God bless you and fill your space with peace and love."
"Peace is the only way to live. Your life in peace is why Jesus came."
"Those who possess the power to defend themselves against threats by their neighbors live the most pleasant life with one another."
"The country life really is so peaceful, I mean look at this."
"You don't fight life, you create harmony with life."
"To exist in a world that is so dominated by fighting... as a being of near pure empathy... I think is remarkable."
"Length of days, a long life, and peace shall they be added unto thee."
"Your overall contentment in the heart, goodness in the heart, peace in the home."
"I see it being like a homesteading type situation where I grow some food and yeah just like nice peaceful place away from everyone."
"I'm gonna do my thing, I'm not gonna hurt anybody, I'm gonna live, I'm gonna treat people like I want to be treated but I'm going to do my own thing."
"Just chilling in one place for a little while... having some peace."
"Live a life where you have sleep with your head on the pillow, it's that simple."
"Her ways are ways of pleasantness and all her paths are peace. She's a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her and happy is everyone that retaineth her." - Proverbs 3:17-18.
"I like having a bag that lets me sleep peacefully at night."
"Living in a life that feels more friction free, where you become peaceful in your own heart."
"My main focus is to find a way to live peacefully in this moment at all times."
"Be good and kind to everybody; it is one of the royal paths to happiness and peace."
"For my people out there who are just trying to live life in peace, hopefully, you guys are doing well."
"Black folks are just minding their business."
"Because you're in love life is easier and there is a lot of peace that will come into your life in October."
"Healthy people do not need a physician but those who are ill do."
"We need to focus on what is in the best interest of the American people, our well-being, and our ability to live in a peaceful, prosperous, and free society."
"This way of simple eating and simple living has a more peaceful effect on our bodies."
"I enjoy my freedom, I love living at peace."
"In the future, I hope to continue enjoying peaceful and bright days with my loving parents and daughter."
"Begin to raise your children together and have a little peaceful life."
"Hobbits... characteristically value peace, simplicity, and cozy homes yet are capable of incredible feats of courage and resourcefulness."
"We just want to live our lives in peace and quiet. We're not trying to fix relationships and we aren't harming anyone."
"Life in Silver Plume exudes serenity in an unhurried pace."
"My days pass calmly and peacefully."
"All I want is to live a peaceful daily life with you."
"Let those who aim at the right life, who believe that they love truth, cease to passionately oppose themselves to others, and let them strive to calmly and wisely understand them."
"We should be the best that we can and try to live in a peaceful way."
"I shall send my soldiers towards you; they shall bring you to my place, and you shall live peacefully and happily."
"Nature loving, harmony, peace, love, and unity - that's all that we need."
"We all just want a nice, quiet, peaceful, respectful, humble life in which we can just get on and be left alone by authority."
"A quiet peaceful little town going about its own way most of the time, but once a year, oh it happens."
"This apartment is truly my sanctuary."
"We're going to do our best as the building's owners to make sure that all of our tenants can live happy and peaceful lives."
"I live a peaceful, quiet life surrounded by the best natural beauty that nature has to offer."
"We have to follow the rules, not get in trouble, and live peaceably."
"I'm out here trying to live a peaceful life."