
Beekeeping Quotes

There are 1032 quotes

"Animals not only provide meat, they perform a variety of other functions, creating an apiary and keeping bees is going to help off the ecosystem, will pollinate your crops, and provide you with honey."
"Flora Starr is one of the greatest of these, this whole bee business."
"The next step in the chain is you want to have a cultivated bee."
"Bees are funny. If we didn't laugh, we'd cry with what we have to deal with."
"Raw honey is sourced from different flowers that are located near the hive, each type of honey holds a unique composition of nutrients and flavors relative to its derived nectar."
"The best honey's are purchased directly from the beekeepers themselves in the communities you live in, sometimes farmers markets are good places to find local honey made from small-scale beekeeping operations."
"This one made me really smile because you might think this is crazy: I have this idea that when I retire from the internet, I'd love to raise bees."
"You can use any flower you want with a bee farm and you only need one flower per bee farm."
"Natural beekeeping that has very low mortality rates is real accessible to everyone."
"Artificial swarming is a natural process that bees want to do themselves."
"He can make 100,000 bees land on his body without stinging him, then even make them carry out complicated maneuvers."
"Like wine, the longer you let the honey stay in the hive, the better it is."
"It's not about the absence of the bad guys, it's about the strong immunity of the hive that keeps it going."
"Harvesting this time of year is so much less disturbance for the bees and a much more pleasant experience for the beekeeper."
"Chances are that when they start rebuilding it, they will rebuild it in a straight line down."
"Just slice it to detach it from the other frame, a brush off the bees, look how beautiful."
"The uncapping process is very straightforward."
"Sitting there and thinking about the bees and the miracle of sunshine, water, and air coming together and creating this magic of honey."
"It's a win-win. You're rendering them service by harvesting honey."
"The bees are wild creatures. They can decide for themselves. You know we're not locking them up in the hives or forcing them to stay anywhere."
"Bees are very precious because of the valuable role they play in maintaining the world's ecosystem and they produce delicious honey which creates jobs and feeds honey lovers around the globe."
"Backyard beekeeping can be a simple and effective way to make an impact on nurturing bee populations."
"Building your own beehive is easy on your budget and you'll end up with first-class stuff."
"The moveable frame is the essence of the modern-day beehive."
"Bees that live in nice looking beehives they make her better honey."
"These ventilated suits breathe and keep stingers out - they're pretty cool."
"I do encourage you to take a class. It is, in my opinion, essential for you to be a successful beekeeper."
"Natural beekeeping is about protecting the landscape and ecological balance."
"So what I recommend the ivory B hive for a beekeeper for a new beekeeper I think it's a great way to get started in beekeeping."
"The feeling of harvesting your own honey at the end of the season is just the best thing ever."
"I started beekeeping two years ago. I was not ready for the adventure it would lead me on."
"On my first day of beekeeping, I was scared, I got stung, and I just didn't have a clue what I was doing."
"It felt so good to cut the wax cappings off the frames and extract the honey and pour it into jars."
"Having a queen in your colony is crucial. If you don't have the queen, the colony just starts to fail."
"Bees are important for self-sufficiency. Having a resource like this book is extremely important."
"Bees are bringing in the stores, the nectar, the pollen."
"It gives you the ability to make changes to your bees and do all kinds of crazy stuff."
"The bond between you and your bees can overcome anything."
"Look at this beautiful amber colored honey. Aren't you thankful to bees for making all of this?"
"The ancient beekeepers' village, a structural wonder many centuries old and very mysterious."
"I say it will be time soon to get our stingless bee box, what do you think?"
"There's a lot of luck involved and getting the bee or a lot of effort from the beekeeper."
"Bees work really fast, but bee rescuers do too."
"Don't panic, just ask your parents to call your local bee rescuer who will swoop in to save them anywhere."
"Just seeing a queen in your hive is not good enough, you need to see signs that she's healthy and doing her job."
"It'd be nice to add another beehive to the farm."
"Beekeeping is so much more fun when your bees are healthy and happy."
"The Layens Hive provides less disturbance for the bees during inspections."
"The Layens Hive is more bee-centric and focused on working with the nature of the bees."
"...you guys can save a ton of money raising bees, providing pollination for your homestead, honey for your pantry, and just good environment for all of us to live in."
"This is by far and away the best beekeeping hack that I've ever come across."
"...a beginning beekeeper can do to make a split successfully it's very simple you don't have to know much about keeping bees to do it and it really really does work."
"When I finally got my own place at some point, I ran into this advertisement for these flow hives, which are pretty awesome."
"The bees hardly even know you're there as long as you're gentle."
"There's nothing like raising your own queens, and the best part is you're not just getting run-of-the-mill stuff, you're picking from your best colonies in your yard."
"It's time to feed your bees. I'm going to tell you how, I'm going to answer the question. When do you feed your bees? How do you feed your bees?"
"You never know when your bees are going to swarm, you never know when you might lose a queen or something."
"That's part of the joy and the sometimes frustration of new beekeeping."
"Patience in beekeeping is pretty much everything. Bees do not expand and fill the brood box overnight."
"I really do not recommend treatment-free beekeeping. I would much prefer to give them something that I know works and something that I know alleviates the pressure of those pests and those viruses and those diseases to make sure my bees are as healthy as they possibly can be."
"Spraying down the hives worked and the bees finally accepted her."
"The best way to prevent swarming is to split your hive."
"Make sure that they're not building any weird comb. Make sure that the queen is there, that she's healthy, make sure that they are still drawing comb out."
"So you want to make sure that the queen has room to lay and doesn't feel overcrowded, and they've got room to put honey in the hive as well."
"The honey flow is our favorite time of year as beekeepers."
"Beekeepers take care of bees and collect honey."
"Now you can start your hives with a nuke you can start your hives with package bees."
"If you live in a place that doesn't have a frost and there are flowers blooming year-round, like here in Hawaii, you can split your hive any time of year."
"I like to be a little bit more Hands-On when it comes to splitting a hive..."
"...so that when some of the bees from the split go back to the original Hive, it's okay."
"...you want to separate her from the rest of the hives so that the bees from one of the other hives don't kill her."
"...the more frames of brood you can give it, the stronger it's going to be..."
"Raising your own queens can greatly improve your ability to have more successful colonies over winter."
"Why not invest in learning how to raise your own Queens? It is really going to save you a lot of money in the long run."
"The more you understand bees, the more successful you're going to be."
"If you forget to add that second deep, you're going to cause the bees to fill up that bottom deep too much, and they're going to want to swarm because they are crowded."
"I've created several things that have really revolutionized keeping bees alive in the winter with my winter bee kinds, my burns feeding systems. I'm very proud of that."
"I would have never thought Queen rearing could have been something to help me pay off a very large bill."
"If you're a beekeeper, you know you need queens."
"Natural beekeeping allows the honey to overwinter with the bees as their supply. What I'm looking for is a balance of lots of bees to pollinate my garden and perhaps a good supply but not all the honey they produce which I'll take in spring."
"So if you want to maximize honey production and you're not making nukes with your hives here what you can do is do this as soon as the colonies are big enough to do it."
"Good coffee time, right? All right. Hey, be sure and visit my website. I do have some awesome beekeeping classes."
"Remember, the bees are in charge here. If you're not positive that what you are about to do is going to help the hive, don't do it."
"I was a graphic designer who worked from home, and so I took this part-time job interning for a bee farm and learned from experienced beekeepers what to do."
"But they were there to give me the basics, the things you really need to know that prevented me from doing things that could cause a hive to collapse. And that was crucial for me."
"I still don't know everything. I was just talking to a beekeeper who's been doing it for 20 years, and she said she still comes across things she doesn't know what to do."
"Ultimately, the bees are in charge here, and you can do a lot of harm trying to help because you think you need to do something."
"Even if you were an experienced beekeeper, the odds are against you. If you start with two hives, you have a much greater chance of one of those two hives surviving the year."
"You start with a few, you figure out which ones are strong, which ones are weak, you help the strong ones, and you start to build an apiary off these strong bees."
"I love seeing their interests come so like Matt got our youngest bees when how old was he five yeah five or six my son became a beekeeper cuz he had such an interest in it."
"People are really interested in the easy peasy Queen cage system."
"So if there's nothing else out there available then yeah I'm sure that the bees will will go in your little nuke box but like I mentioned earlier within a week or so they'll fill that box out nurse so you're not going to keep them very long."
"Honey is nectar that has been converted into survival food. Pollen is really where the vast majority of the bees nutrition comes from, not honey."
"That's an indication your bees are swarming and they need to be checked."
"We got the honey supers in there's 17 full ones and a partial deep which makes about 18."
"By managing your hives, you're going to keep your neighbors happier."
"I saved almost 13,000 bees. Not bad for a day's work."
"Beekeeping isn't an emotional sport, that's for sure."
"If the winner kills your bees, it's more than likely that you did something wrong in late summer and early fall."
"It's more out in the country so I can further enjoy solitude and the hermit life, and Sarah can move and expand her blueberry farm and start her new beekeeping hobby."
"After the past few days, I suspect they'll be lining up to study bees."
"So long as there's not swarm cells already developed in the hive, stick this board in there and it's almost a sure thing."
"Most of the wild bees are all gone, it's the people that's keeping bees now, it's doing the pollination."
"We as beekeepers only take surplus honey, the extra, if we've been blessed with a good year to have extra honey."
"Bees were designed to be expendable and while I am NOT saying that we just need to go around crushing bees mindlessly at the same time if you give your bees proper bee husbandry and take care of them just like you would anything else."
"The honey these bees produce will be world class, and I can't wait."
"It's a perfect day to melt your wax cappings or render your wax."
"We're taking care of them, spreading the bee population out in our community."
"The next video I think I'm gonna do is gonna be how to build an inexpensive hive box."
"Thanks for watching and as always you be good to your bees and I'm sure they'll be good to you."
"The last round we're pushing the bees back down with single boxes and these bees need feed right away."
"It allows me to bee keep a little more intensively to achieve that precision that we're all wanting to get at."
"Right at this time is when I focus on taking my split just managing the population to harvest that excess population and make up for hives."
"It's the December treatment with the oxalic, you have the chance to get the mites to the absolute lowest level that you will get them in the entire year."
"Hope you guys are having a good beekeeping season or if yours is fixing to start that it ends up being a good bee season for you."
"Fingers crossed the bees are going to make it through the winter. I want to encourage you to please subscribe. I appreciate it so much."
"...we're going to feed extra thin syrup because we're not trying to add a lot of poundage we're just trying to get them from the point they are now to where they can be big enough and have a big enough forager population to go out there and get the real stuff..."
"You want to enjoy beekeeping and that's what this is all about."
"Another really cool thing that I like to do, I like to use a nice stain on my beehives."
"A good beekeeper is going to be able to raise tens of thousands of bees for every couple that they crush."
"Beekeeping is a lot more flexible than a lot of people think."
"I hope this note is found by one of my children who is curious about beekeeping."
"We got bees in May 2023 yeah two um I don't know what you call them no nucleus or yeah two nukes what they call them so bombs by the way."
"...that ladies and gentlemen is bee wax."
"So, um, if it starts raining, turning cold or something, they still have access to that honey. So no, you don't need to feed them, no, you wouldn't need to save a little money, let them eat that honey."
"Sign that your hive is queenless is that you don't see any eggs."
"We need as many beekeepers as possible."
"Leave below in the comments questions you might have where you were thinking about keeping bees and a little bit about yourself."
"I'd really appreciate that and also if you haven't already subscribed please consider doing so."
"Don't forget to download my free ebook 'How to get started keeping bees' as well as equipment checklist, your hive identification guide, and a beehive inspection sheet for you."
"The number one way to deal with small Hive beetles is to have a low veroa might level when you have low verite levels that mean your hive is a lot healthier and they are much better at guarding the hive against small Hive beetles"
"Work on your queen spotting skills when you first get your bees so that when you need to find her, you can."
"It's about 60 pounds worth of honey in here."
"I've always wanted to try beekeeping but after getting stung and getting cellulitis, I don't know that I really want to venture down that road."
"Breeding mite resistant bees is a great idea."
"If you have a queen who's made it through the winter... why would you want to get rid of her? Those are the goldilocks bees, the ones that are absolutely perfect for backyard beekeeping."
"Just use what's good for you and don't be afraid to make queens off of it."
"Once we have them in a trap like this, we take them back to our apiaries and we introduce them into a nucleus like this."
"What these larvae will do is they will bore holes through all your comb, through all of your honey frames, there all of your brood frames, and they will eat larva, they will eat brood, they will eat your honey and your pollen."
"If you get a large population of these high beetles in your hive and they start going through releasing this K yeast, what that's going to do is it's gonna make your honey ferment."
"The very best management tip I can give you is to have your hives in direct sunlight."
"There is now baseboards on the market like this one here which is called the beetle buster from Australia."
"Thanks for watching. It means a ton to me that you're a part of this beekeeping channel. I really do appreciate you so much."
"The basic requirements for raising Queens: you need a breeder Queen, a cell starter or finisher, plenty of resources, good weather, remaining drones, and a place for the newly emerged Queens."
"To quote Kim Flotum, the editor of Bee Culture: 'The difference between queens you buy and queens you raise yourself is almost the difference between light and lightning.'"
"My preferred method of raising queens is grafting. It is a skill, it takes a little bit of skill and a little bit of time to learn, but once you learn how to do it, it's really not as hard."
"...so remember you can take the rapid round out you can have this open and now you have an upper hive entrance so they can come down and be replenishing this super now so this is nothing but honey not for you and this is a brood and honey and pollen..."
"Anyone that tells you that there is the only way to do it is so off base. If there was, 'This is how you keep bees' in a book, it would be a bestseller. There's millions of books about keeping bees because there's that much variety."
"So, where's the queen? Nobody knows where the queen is."
"Why raise your own queens at all? There's many reasons for raising queens."
"So what we're gonna do is you can either cut them out with your hive tool or you can just pinch them shut with your fingers and the goal here is to go through absolutely everything and make sure you're cutting out every single cell."
"So let's go on up, open up the hive, go through it, do a really thorough inspection, cut out any Queen cells."
"This hive was made queenless six days ago."
"If you're a new beekeeper, you might consider this hive to be one that you can purchase. You could do worse."
"The other thing is make sure that when you have your five tools that you use in each hive, clean them between hives."
"Your honey can taste differently in each one of the frames. That's another benefit that you're going to have with the flow hive."
"The flow hive is a very important innovation in beekeeping."
"If a thousand dollar flow hive gets you into beekeeping, then it's worth it."
"The flow hive was my gateway to beekeeping. If it wasn't for the flow hive, I wouldn't be a beekeeper today."
"Bees do not need a landing board."
"That's what's so great about might away quick strips, it's the only treatment that I'm aware of that actually penetrates the cappings on the cells and kills mites inside of the cells."
"I decided this year that for biosecurity, I'm going to keep a hive tool in each hive."
"Beekeeping is a lot more fun when you have a little idea about what you're doing."
"I just made a new video on wrong techniques you can make in the month of August when you're doing your inspections."
"So, you just can't keep bees without giving your skill and your knowledge back to them by taking good care of them. You just can't, you just can't take without giving back."
"But in any case, don't be a formulaic beekeeper where you're only doing things that other people tell you. I'm coaching over 200 people on B Team Six, but I don't want to give just the answer. I want you to know how I'm coming up with that answer. I want you to see the process."
"Insulation is a good thing if you do it all the way around the hive."
"I appreciate anybody's opinions but really I'm coming on here to ask for advice for those that are either new beekeepers or experienced beekeepers."
"Queen rearing should be left to the professionals, and who are the professionals? The bees, of course."
"This was a really cool beekeeping experience. It's really a gateway and it opens up so many doors."
"Beekeepers are the cleanup crew. We come in and we take the stuff that you don't think you can use and we put it to good use."
"I'm gonna head over to the honey house to finish up the removal... golly, 40,000 bees, in fact, there were so many bees I had to use two vacuum bodies to contain all the bees."
"If we can find those colonies and introduce that little three-frame four-frame colony with that young queen, they'll take off like a rocket."
"He likes big honey boxes and he cannot lie."
"Kenyan top bar hives folks the way to go."
"Beekeeping is a Four Season activity. You're only as strong as your last season."
"Nucs are a tool to increase the number of bees in your operation. They have a lot of potential."
"Just because you know he works for betterbee I personally don't think that matters at all."
"Expecting a queen to give you more than two full years of great production is asking a lot."
"If you want your bees to thrive, you really need as low of mite levels as you can go."
"That's my new goal: to get to 100 hives."
"I'm pretty tickled how my bee venture is going."
"As beekeepers we should want the EPA to be really strict right we want the EPA to really care about this stuff to not just let anybody send any chemical anywhere they want for any reason especially in agricultural settings right."
"One of the things that's going on with oxalic acid one of the things that people are talking about is you know there's some Rumblings that maybe we don't want our bee medicines to be regulated by the EPA."
"Whether you're going to use the synthetics or not it's important to to understand that they've got to be kind of part of your cocktail right you know one weapon in the Arsenal that you reach for it can't just be the end-all be-all of everything."
"I got interested in oxalic acid because I'm a beekeeper."
"Can I put my bee hotel up at the Watermill near your beehives?"
"Welcome back to the 628 Dirt Rooster channel where happy beekeeping is a way of life."
"Recovering honey from bees would be so much easier."
"You see here, it's where the queen lays her eggs, and the bees keep the brood nest at a constant temperature of around 95 degrees Fahrenheit."
"I spent at least an hour carefully working my way through the hive and removing comb from the floor of the shed and putting it into frames."
"This channel is Texas Bee Works. This video is about a lady who goes in there, she's got no protection, she's got nothing, she's just the bee whisperer."
"There's three types of cells that bees make: a swarm cell, a superseding cell, and then an emergency cell."
"These cells right here, these are superseding cells. In other words, these bees, they were getting ready to replace this queen."
"Bees coming and going, you can see pollen on their legs and you can see things happening."
"If there's more bees than you can count, then there's probably honey flow going on."
"The beekeeper's main tool is his smoker."
"Beekeeping is kind of like growing a garden. Some years are good years, some years are bad years."
"Find a place to put your beehive. Morning Sun, afternoon shade, and try to keep it out of the wind."
"The best paying honey comes from this area because of the multi-flora."