
Political Outcome Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"60% of Floridians, a state that went for Trump, wanted a $15 minimum wage."
"Sooner or later it has to finish badly for him... Vladimir Putin has to lose."
"Brexit is the opportunity for the nation to come back together."
"Every vote counts. Voters decide the winner. We'll see him in court."
"Black Lives Matter, they've won this one. The failed leadership of Brooklyn Center has caved."
"The market is pricing in a Biden victory already."
"Whoever wins, the bureaucratic state is going to be crying into their pillow tonight."
"Once the winner is declared after all the votes are counted, that'll be the end of it."
"You have a historical result in Iowa where Donald Trump, the most indicted president in history, is on the rise."
"I genuinely believe that the reason we're in this crisis is because the remain side didn't accept a democratic result."
"In the end, we got a Stark in charge of the north, which is the best we could have hoped for."
"We actually have... about the best balance we could have hoped for from this election."
"Joe Biden may still win one way or another, don't give up."
"Joe Biden won the last race to the White House because he was not Donald Trump."
"Our democracy is going to prevail or autocracy is going to prevail."
"If the Democrats win these two senate races... we have a 50/50 tie in the Senate... would that not be glorious?"
"America's loss in Vietnam was ultimately not due to a military defeat, but rather a political one."
"Air power cannot secure a political outcome on the ground."
"If nothing comes of this, then there's no country anymore."
"The verdict is going to be delivered by the voters."
"Incredible results for the Labour Party because people voted for hope...they want hope in their lives."
"Fa's victory with approximately 54% of the vote indicates a significant mandate from the electorate."
"The whole country can sleep soundly in the knowledge that we are going to come out of the EU."
"It is so perfect that Trump lost by the not the exact but close margins um to the way that Hillary Clinton lost I think that is so wonderful."
"I think either path ends up with him out of power."
"At the end of the day that's who we think won in this discussion and this negotiation, not the Democrats, not the Republicans, but the American people." - Nick Mulvaney
"What's going to happen if Trump wins? A lot of crying, but that's all."
"If we don't win the election in 2024, I really believe that America is finished."
"If Anil Antony wins comfortably, that would mean one community has decided."
"A landslide victory for Biden will make it virtually impossible for Trump to deny the results and is our best means for defending democracy."
"Election denialism was rejected at The Ballot Box."
"If DeSantis becomes president, we win, no question."
"We voted him out of office...and he had at most a year to implement his vision."
"It's over, and it's a great day for democracy."
"Gavin Newsom was not recalled in the California election."
"The British people have spoken and the answer is we're out. It was incredibly exciting."
"Either he will win and be declared the winner or he will be declared the loser and he will spend the rest of his life explaining to you that he should have been the winner that was stolen from him."
"The scariest thing would be if Trump wins again."
"A big winner of 2020 is centralized government and I think that makes all of us a big loser."
"The higher voter turnout is, the more likely a Democrat is to win."
"They gave him enough rope to hang himself and he followed through."
"You know, perhaps politically the best thing we can hope for is that people like Marjorie Taylor Green who tend to subscribe to this stuff lose their reelection because this becomes so toxic."
"We're actively funding the destabilization of our country... it does scare me a little bit to think of what the end result of all of this is."
"I see a lot of people that are hopeless because of the election... it's not over."
"Pennsylvania today is in the Joe Biden column."
"The Brexit referendum left a very polarized British society, a country divided between Brexiteers and Remainers."
"It's not about helping anybody or people's lives or feelings; it's just about taking someone down."
"The eyes to the right, 311; the noes to the left, 310. So the eyes have it, the eyes for the vote of no confidence."