
Motivational Content Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"This video should feel empowering to help you elevate yourself."
"I hope you create everyday magic, I hope you have a lovely day and a lovely week and I hope to see you next time here on Superhumans, the place to be if you're looking to create a fabulous career and master your life."
"Crypto winter feels like 10 years... Imagine me streaming twice a day almost every day trying to keep you guys encouraged."
"I'm positivity on here. I'm motivating on here. But this had to be told."
"I hope you can pick out some inspiration from that, people who are watching."
"The key thing behind my channel and the key thing behind this video is you absolutely can if you bust your ass."
"Let me know in the comments if this motivated you or something that you're doing to reset or to get your life back together."
"That's gonna be it for today's video I hope you enjoyed it and got tons of cleaning motivation."
"Subscribe to this channel if you're interested in the head and heart of being a better version of you."
"We hope this video gives them the high honor they deserve."
"If you're in need of some organizing, decluttering, cleaning motivation, then you are in the right place."
"I hope this video motivates you to help out however you can."
"This video has the potential to change your life."
"Be confident, love your body, and I will see you very soon with another new video."
"I hope you found this video inspiring and that you could learn from things that work for me and things that didn't work for me."
"I was super excited to show you what sort of progress I've made."
"Maybe the purpose of me going through all of this was to be able to make this video."
"Just typing Will Smith's motivation on YouTube and there's like there's nine-minute clips of all these cut-up stuff."
"That's what my channel is about pushing to a positive outcome and coming from a negative environment."
"They usually start extremely skinny or overweight, then as the music goes from sad to upbeat, the progress explodes."
"Well, thank you so much for watching and I will be sharing that Vlog... I hope that this was encouraging."
"I hope that this video will inspire you to go out, create your vision board, change your life, change the world."
"Watching this special is really watching yourself succeed."
"So, if you're looking to have your most confident and fashionable swimsuit season in summer 2020, this video is for you."
"One thing I push here on this channel is you deserve the world bbg."
"I would have really appreciated this video when I first started my fitness journey."
"I like to say the things that I would have liked to hear when I was growing up in my videos."
"Seeing his videos every single week, whatever he posts, it inspires you so much."
"The goal of today's video is to hopefully get you inspired and motivated if you have spaces in your home that you want to clean, declutter, and organize."
"I hope this video gives you that boost that you need today if you are just feeling unmotivated I hope it motivates you."
"My hope sincerely is that we will get through to some more people, especially with a video like this."
"This channel was created to help you overcome the number one challenge that is holding you back: a lack of belief in yourself."
"Hopefully if you watch this tonight you will feel inspired to go out and make a difference in this world."
"This book also represents a pretty inspiring story of self-made success."
"I make these videos because I really genuinely want to help people...I want to help the animals and make this world a better place."
"I hope you guys enjoyed today's little Vlog and that you find it motivating and helpful and you enjoy it."
"That video... I found like inspirational... that was a really good video."
"It's just a different time where music and movies and TV shows weren't so dark and neotic where entertainment was actually focused on motivating and uplifting and inspiring."
"Insight encourages growth and that's exactly what this channel is all about that's exactly what i want you to do."
"My channel is about inspiration, ease, peace, and therapy."
"This video could change your outlook on business Forever."
"I guarantee when you leave this video you're gonna feel good and ready to start organizing."
"Motivating cleaning, I promise you that you are going to be so motivated at the end of this video."
"Thank you so much for watching and keeping me accountable because if I wasn't doing this video this probably wouldn't have gotten done yet so I'm really happy about that."
"I feel like if you watch this video you leave this video feeling hopefully a lot better about Who I am as a person."
"Even if you can watch a hundred of my videos and I do exactly the same thing and every single one of them, if it gets you into a better frame of mind more enthusiastic about going to work, my job's done."
"If one video makes someone sort of get out of bed and go for a walk so their mental health improves, that to me is a good video."
"I hope you have found some inspiration in there."
"The purpose for my video today is to offer hope to those who are going through difficult struggles."
"Every video we make is a chance for you to take a step in the right direction."
"I hope that this video has been insightful, informative, and has in some way maybe motivated you guys."
"Your videos are what got me through a very tough time when I decided to quit."
"I hope you were able to see some things that inspire you."
"I just feel like when you watch them, it makes you want to do it."
"I want people to watch this and be inspired."
"It's actually motivating, I'll actually watch these type of videos."
"Well, I hope you guys enjoyed today's video and it gave you the motivation to get whatever projects you have in your house tackled today."
"I hope that you enjoyed today's video and that it brought you all the motivation that you may be looking for."