
Academic Rigor Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"They do have lots of focus on science and statistics and have published research."
"It's not easy. You don't come here—nobody comes to MIT to phone it in."
"Always good to check the conclusions of a research paper. See what the experts in the field are saying about the data."
"The sheer amount of notes that I've had to take is staggering."
"Academic conservatives don't have the luxury of being dogmatic. They bear a special burden to root their arguments in facts and evidence."
"Education has been synonymous with debate, inquiry, challenge. If the universities replace the ideal of rigorous and free intellectual inquiry with safety, they will have lost their reason for being."
"Let us spend a little bit of time academic study. Let's look at these three reports. There is no question that the first report is authentic."
"The weak are going to get cleared out but once the calling is done the strong, the top universities are going to come back even stronger."
"What we need is a scientific investigation with peer-reviewed research."
"Every single thing you say needs to be backed up... with a fact, with a statistic, with a date, with a person, with a quote, with a place."
"Highlighting the importance of doing your research."
"But to act as if I'm just pulling these references from my behind and nobody else is reading these people in the same way that I am of course they are and I gave the references so read and weep."
"Good research is going to ask you to do both and everything in between."
"Both journalism and scholarship have really important roles to play in society but they are fundamentally different."
"There's no shortcut around serious theological study."
"It's basically going through those 200-300 pages of material where you actually find the truth."
"You can't just assume that you know automatically what ancient words refer to, there has to be an effort to understand the ancient language."
"Studying accounts from the past is essential in my opinion, this is the main hurdle that separates the amateurs with those who have any chance of making a new discovery."
"We don't work that way. I mean, you should find me studies later. I don't think you've ever read a medical study in your life."
"I'm not just trying to stick to a thesis, I'm trying to make sure I get it right."
"Hey Kyle, this might be nitpicky, but as someone who did their master's thesis on white dwarf stars I just can't let it go."
"This isn't a magazine subscription kind of a thing... it's heavily reviewed, it's very labor intensive."
"We're on the side of truth and if we'll dig one study we'll get the great answers."
"All my data is from original scientific reports, magazines, periodicals, and in books. I do not use the internet as a source."
"It's not really about sources, it's about methodology."
"He is Beyond brilliant, the research he does."
"You're always under scrutiny. That's how science is and how science should be."
"If a student can't meet the standard is it unfair to us to nonetheless insist on that standard."
"We have a good range of sources actually for this particular event in history. Perhaps more than you know we would expect for an event that happened so long ago. And so we've got sort of five main literary historical narratives..."
"Science has to update some things, and he definitely needs to update his notes because a lot has changed since then."
"The whole idea is to collapse these fields because we need these fields, but we need them to be doing rigorous scholarship in a scientific tradition which they're not."
"The rigorous selection process: only 3% pass the entrance exam out of 40,000 applicants."
"Rigor is not the only thing that matters, but it is undeniably the most important thing."
"The goal is still the same... those papers contain an enormous amount of sophistication."
"You don't prove anything in science; we've gone through that."
"So, all the proofs in the book have been verified in... It's strictly more expressive."
"Try to take the most difficult schedule possible that you know you can complete."
"It's been distressing to have Doubt cast on my commitments to confronting hate and to upholding scholarly rigor to bedrock values that are fundamental to who I am and frightening to be subjected to personal attacks and threats fueled by racial animus." - Claudine Gay
"You want to be somewhat prepared to take an AP class. The harder ones, like in the sciences and maths, reflect that you put in the work and are not afraid of a challenge."
"We peer review each other's papers and thoughts and processes and experiments and outcomes and theories and conclusions as much as possible."
"Use every minute to research... so that you can really demonstrate that you have gotten your head entirely around the materials."
"Methodology is the predictable, conscious, theoretical investigation and analysis of methods."
"I think the questions I've written are quite good, they're more rigorous than average questions."
"Making his calculations rigorous is actually the fifteenth problem on David Hilbert's famous list of influential math problems in the twentieth century."
"Developing theory is not easy, it takes more time, it takes more energy, and you have to be excited about the process."
"Evaluating the sources thoroughly is essential for top-level marks."
"The methodology chapter is not just there to say what you did, but it is so that other people could repeat it."
"Science and research is so darn difficult and expensive."
"When producing research, there are five key things to be looked at: reliability, representativeness, generalizability, validity, and objectivity."
"The paper itself is very evidence-based and cites a litany of peer-reviewed sources."
"It required deep research, an unreasonable amount of research."
"If you're going to talk about ancient Egypt and writing, and where its writing came from, if you have not read Ancient Egyptian Literature Volume 1, 2, and 3, you cannot even come into the room to speak on the subject."
"You cannot just accept things as they are written on the page, you have to critically analyze them."
"Although the universe is under no obligation to make sense, your PhD thesis ought to."
"Starting your research with a strong foundation is very important."
"...the fruitfulness of coming up with precise definitions was helpful, in fact crucial, in many cases for understanding the effects."
"I have to cite the sources and it just takes the level of the lectures to a higher level."
"Rigor is a combination or a balance between difficulty and complexity."
"It's an incredible amount of research that's been done."
"Ph.D. is no joke; you need to do your absolute best, and it can be very demanding."
"The NUS modular system combines the rigor and depth of the British university system with the flexibility and breadth of the American system."
"...be sharp with your theory and be sharp with your method."
"We need to have strong justification either based on theory or based on previous research."
"It's about going back to the teacher really being able to define the experience in really interesting, creative ways but have tools that make sure that the academic rigor is still being achieved."