
Family Loyalty Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"He lost one son in the street for a lie, and he wasn't going to lose another one."
"At the end of the day, I love my parents and I chose to be with them and if I wanted to I could have just left but I didn't, I wanted to stay with them and take care of them."
"You never denounce your family or your spouse in public ever. I don't care what they said, especially not over something like this."
"This is my family. I'm not leaving them behind." - Samwell Tarly
"I would die for my brothers. I would die for my family."
"The truth, Lana, no matter what happens, I'll always be your sister. No [ __ ]."
"You keep the secrets of the family because it's nobody else's business, and you are loyal to the family system."
"My only focus for the next year is getting my father re-elected, my only."
"If I had to choose between my children and a significant other who's going to win? My children are, by the way."
"If all this comes together in the final product, this is absolutely going to be the game that everyone was hoping for and the next box needs." - Twitter
"Your only loyalty should always go to your family."
"You do not have to and you should not betray your deepest held beliefs, the things that you really care about, your loyalty to your family, to your faith."
"If you say something to my mama, I don't care if it's the devil himself, you're gonna have an issue with me."
"But if you say something to my mama, I don't care if it's the devil himself, you're gonna have an issue with me."
"Family's supposed to be family no matter what's going on no matter how it's going."
"Brandon wouldn't run out on his family. He just wouldn't."
"You cannot be a good person if you are actively involved in letting havoc be wreaked against your own family."
"She is back to her northern roots she is wearing her sigil on her dress and the little girl who was too good for her family has fully vanished into a woman who will stop at nothing to protect her family and her homeland."
"Number 6 people are fiercely protective about their family members, fiercely protective."
"Suzanne loved her family. There was just no way that she was going to leave that behind for whatever reason."
"Harry is very much being dishonorable to his grandmother by complaining about these things."
"I tell anybody story you know when I told my daughter what happened the first thing and I got me my kids clothes first thing my daughter was there was but there who told on you hmm like that's how much she loves her dad."
"He's going to protect his mother's reputation and memory against everybody who isn't harming it or only harms it slightly."
"One thing she don't play about is her effin brothers."
"I won't shun you. I thought it through, and I won't do it. I'm not about to pretend that you never raised me."
"My parents are always great to me, so I obviously, I'm gonna take their side."
"When people say it's this huge conspiracy, would you lie to save a member of your family? I don't know, I don't know... Maybe something happened inside the house, you know? Maybe somebody didn't murder him, it could have been an accident."
"The lengths we go to for family are infinitely immeasurable."
"We're the [__] family. Do I need to go backstage and do some favors?"
"Despite the mishaps, the mistakes, the face palming and eye rolling that ensues, they always stick by each other when they could just leave."
"Rebecca's family also has kind of been very adamant standing by a side."
"My wife, my daughter and my son have my first loyalty and always will. I put family and country first."
"Kawaki's love for the Uzumaki family is so great that he would sacrifice everything for them."
"There's pretty much nothing that I wouldn't do... for my family."
"The Anatolian Shepherd is extremely amiable and loyal to its family."
"Why would I want something to happen to my brother? I don't wish death, you know what I'm saying?"
"The enmity of exterminating my family is as deep as the sea of blood."
"It didn't have anything to do with it being my brother."
"I'm smarter than you, complex. Listen here, Sonati. If any of you come near my nephew again, grandniece or no, I will kill you," Tabarama gritted his teeth.
"She was a superb person, warm and friendly, loyal to her family, looked after the kids very well, and quite a determined person, quite a plucky person."
"Don't ever take sides against your family."
"Family's family. They don't betray each other."
"He doesn't want to go against his family."
"Thought-provoking... how far would you go for your family?"
"Family can't give up on them, never. What else is there?"
"A five-year quest for justice that would cross continents and test family loyalties."
"Mercy comes only from the family; the family is more loyal and more to be trusted than society."
"That's my mama; ain't nobody gonna make me turn against my mama."
"They're going to be very loyal to their family."
"No matter how rebellious I became, I won't forgive anyone who disrespects my mom."
"Speak the truth, be loyal to family, and not keep secrets that eat you up inside."
"...he said he committed the gruesome crime out of family loyalty, a value that had been drilled into his head as a child."
"Stay true to yourself, stay loyal to your family."
"Silence! You don't know her. She wouldn't just leave; she's family."
"Stick by their family, whatever the cause, faces danger with courage."
"Boyle's are nothing if not loyal."
"The greatest equalizer in your financial life is being able to look at your job and realize that your loyalty is to your family, not to your employer."
"I never breathe life into negativity, but I stand by my family."