
Healthcare Impact Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"One study found that 45,000 deaths a year are linked to not having healthcare."
"A good product is necessary for clinical impact, we also have to address the product's impact on the entire health care system."
"I actually like getting these subjects out in the open 'cause I feel like if we can discuss them honestly, openly, and fairly, we're gonna make the best impact on the healthcare community, starting right here on this YouTube channel."
"A thousand dollar test could potentially save more than 60,000 people a year in the US alone."
"Even if delta has a lower infection fatality rate than the earlier ones then it's still going to overwhelm hospitals due to sheer volume."
"He increased the cost of the medication from $13.50 a pill to a whopping $750 a pill."
"One of the reasons why I love talking about this is if you take all these different areas, healthcare and genomics is the one that is guaranteed to affect you at some point."
"Saved three million lives, 18 million hospitalizations."
"The crime and murder rates would go down substantially if people just had health care. Yes, if people weren't desperate all the time, crime would go down."
"Think about any of your loved ones who might need blood, think of yourself someday who might need blood and what if it's not there." - Dr. Claudia Cohn
"Such a simple development could be sold over the counter, preventing human pain, suffering, and death."
"There's just an incredible amount of opportunity, many unmet medical need diseases there that we can make an impact on."
"This is not improving someone's life by three months or modifying some sort of signal by 10 or 15, no, this is correcting the disease."
"Personal choice impacts us all, our hospitals, our countries."
"The economic fallout is going to hurt worse than dealing with this from a medical standpoint."
"Ransomware attack forces Indiana hospital to turn ambulances away."
"If you can control the research in meds for disease, you can stretch out the life cycle of each drug."
"Medicine needs more AI enthusiasts to jump in, especially now." - Dr. Andrew Ng
"For every intervention you do as a doctor, you've got to ask yourself two questions: How much difference does it make, and how do I know this?"
"Medicine has saved millions of people's lives."
"I have personally seen this health care law saved my friends' lives."
"Frankly, the therapies to me are the most important because it takes care of people right now."
"The death rate in Bolivia could be up to 10 times higher if healthcare infrastructure was available."
"Dr. Ortiz cloaked himself in the white coat of a Healer but instead of curing pain he inflicted it."
"Medical shows this amazing potential to change lives."
"This blowout for the job gains shows how vaccines and the economic reopening are basically juicing it right now."
"To think that you bought the rights to a medication that probably helps so many people... and then you go ahead and jack the price up by something like 5,000 percent, that is some pretty messed up stuff to do."
"Can you imagine the healthcare savings from 100 times lower heart attack and stroke?"
"You're the reason there's a little girl with a heart disorder in Phoenix who'll get the surgery she needs because an insurance company can't limit her coverage. You did that."
"Studies indicate that people use Medical Services 90 less frequently after receiving appropriate Healthcare."
"MRI has truly changed the nature of medical diagnosis and treatment."
"Puberty blockers and gender affirming care was associated with a 75% drop in suicidal ideation."
"It's actually a big deal because the difference between a two and a three is actually go away and come back in a year versus we better get you into the clinic next week." - Jeff Dean
"You could provide one guide dog for one blind American, or you could cure between 400 and 2,000 people of blindness."
"If you're filling up the hospitals because you didn't get vaccinated, you're just making a choice to take a risk."
"We developed a vaccine in less than a year and that's changed drug Discovery for many other diseases."
"Working in A&E, you realize that the most important thing in life is you and the people that you love and just to hold them there, just tell them, you know, how you feel."
"Awards are nice I suppose but really seeing any individual person get better is a bigger reward to me than getting a plaque."
"If we can address just 10% of the population that's suffering from depression, anxiety, addiction, we're saving people's lives."
"It's mind-blowing what had to come together to make it so that you go from 10 million deaths a year to 5 million deaths a year."
"Our metric is how much did we reduce the number of children who died... if we in 15 years don't get that down to 2%, then we're not doing our job."
"Seeing the change in someone's health being a direct result of what you're doing physically with your hands is very gratifying."
"Controlling contamination and therefore the spread of the disease would have a positive effect on the health care system's ability to treat patients."
"It's saving a lot of people's lives."
"It reduces emergency visits, it reduces hospitalizations."
"Good quality primary care improves outcomes for patients at lower cost for health care systems in ways that decrease disparities within vulnerable communities."
"Any night that the Dark Knight is roaming around town, the Gotham City ER is gonna be busy."
"The vast majority of the time, you leave the operating room and you fix the problem."
"Evidence-based practice is about finding and searching the evidence, being able to appraise it, implementing the evidence, and then determining whether the implementation has really made a difference."
"This Cyber attack has affected every hospital in the country one way or another."
"This could possibly be the difference between just getting by... or actually being able to live one's life to the greatest extent that is possible."
"Solve the sleepless epidemic, you could almost double the budget for education and you could almost half the deficit for healthcare."
"Implementing the evidence is very important because even if you have evidence available, unless you're putting it into practice, it's not going to make a big difference in our patient lives."
"We didn't invent a diagnostic machine; we invented a time machine."
"Erasing the gap could save 5,000 women's lives each year."
"It's always a priceless feeling to see your patient recover to a normal life after going through a difficult time."
"The impact of emerging new treatments and technologies on healthcare is significant."
"Seeing patients' lives change and giving the power back to patients is awesome."
"I love helping people. I think that nursing or any kind of health care profession really allows you to see your results of you helping people."