
Parental Control Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"The big people, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, do not allow their children to use internet or mobile. Why the hell they are forcing us to do?"
"Shinoshi provides peace of mind for busy parents knowing that their kid is safer online."
"As a parent, I'd much prefer to be able to determine my child's time online than to have China tell me how to raise my child."
"Parents should have no say in whether children under 16 decide to transition."
"Controlled by parents over the schooling of their children is today the exception not the rule."
"As Christians, we can't let the world teach our children about human sexuality."
"I think what the Supreme Court did was to give it really truly give the decision-making back to the parents and the teachers in the universities."
"I feel like my mom has taken my daughter and I don't believe at any point she has any intention to give her back."
"Zuckerberg and Apple don't let their children have any of their devices or apps until they're about 14 or 15."
"We have to control what our kids are being taught."
"You have to pull your children out of [Public Schools]... we cannot seed control of these schools to the woke."
"Terry McAuliffe erupting when asked about it... 'Who do you think should be in control of education if not Virginia parents?'"
"Would it be worth it for developers to put a blood or language off code like Mortal Kombat on the Genesis only in Reverse so more mature games could be played while kids are around?"
"School choice is important, and we are not going to allow wokism and critical race Theory to brainwash a generation."
"Home Shield parental controls help parents foster healthy online habits for their children with age-level filters and online time limits."
"It's all about them wanting to control your children and their education and money and power."
"If you are not comfortable with something being done to your child, you don't let it happen."
"If you have a universal voucher where parents at all levels are able to choose the schools their children go to..."
"They should not be controlling our children, they should not be telling our families how to do what they do."
"No one is forcing your child to binge-watch all 15 seasons of RuPaul's Drag Race. Trixie Mattel isn't gonna be assigned to your local kindergarten class to teach them how to use Lube."
"Pull your kids out of the government mandatory youth indoctrination camps."
"It's such a tricky thing, it's a slippery slope."
"If my daughters want phones and they're under 18 years old, I'm gonna respectfully ask that they have either Find My iPhone or Family 360 on their phone."
"Instagram announcing steps it's taking including a stricter approach to recommendations for teens and tools for parents to monitor their kids' use of the app."
"There's just no question about it: any idea that local school districts don't have control over how their kids are being taught is going to set parents off."
"Do you let your kids watch YouTube or YouTube shorts at all? Oh no, of course not."
"Do not put your freaking hands on my kids' brain and start indoctrinating to whatever you think they should be doing."
"The OurPact app provides parents with the ability to protect kids from intrusive tech and keep them focused on family, social interaction, outdoor activities, and education." - OurPact
"No snacks without permission, no arguing, no hanging out with friends."
"For me, it's very disturbing. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be homeschooling my kids just based on the trajectory of which the public education system is going." - Blair White
"Parents deserve more control over their children's education, making strides toward unprecedented educational attainment and freedom of choice."
"After that, my parents pretty much had enough."
"Now you can give your phone to your kids without any fear that they're going to call someone or text someone or see something they're not supposed to see."
"The way to bring learning back into the classroom, the way to make sure that schools are responsive to the needs of the children they have in their classrooms, is to give parents more power, more control, over their own children's schooling."
"If you gave parents $1,500 they would be able to acquire with that better schooling than they're now getting for the $2,700 that is being spent on their account."
"Parents should be able to control the content their kids consume, not have the option taken away from them. This is Disney."
"When you actually look at it in the global context of parent control, it becomes very obvious."
"Now you can create a child account, and what you're going to find is just basically a more streamlined process for creating the child account."
"The kids are going to really love this area but do bear in mind it is quite pricey so make sure you keep an eye on their cards when you get on the cruise ship and make sure that they can't go spending money without you knowing."
"I love the options they provide for kids to help keep them safe from pornography and unwanted adult interactions online."
"Parents will have full control of their child's profile and view every post, comment, message, and their friends."
"Eero is great for parents with younger kids too because the internet usage of devices can be managed and monitored."
"If you're a parent and you don't like a school, you should be able to take your kid and give that money to another school."
"I'm grateful you raised me, but I can't accept being controlled like some sort of puppet."
"The app lets you set speed limits, a really important safety feature."
"You can limit your usage or in reality use this as a way to manage your children's computer usage."
"I don't like my kids staying up all night on the internet, so I have the Wi-Fi turn off for their devices."
"After 13 to 16, you need to have like a contract... I can go into your phone anytime."
"A lot of people like this on because of teens, like their children are actually driving their car, they can follow them and make sure they're not speeding or doing anything reckless and where they are supposed to be."
"Parents have a right of censorship within their own home with what their children listen to."
"Your mom telling you no, you can't have Mortal Kombat, however painful that may have been at the time, was not."
"They help protect from financial fraud, identity theft protection, privacy assistant, there's even parental controls and all sorts of other things here."
"Make your TikToks, give me your phone back, you know what I'm saying?"
"This phone will actually decrease the hours your kid spends on a phone."
"A new 15A classification would allow parents to make the decision and accompany their children to the cinema."