
JSON Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"The advantage of using JSON data is that you can split it up into pieces."
"JSON is a data format used a lot within full-stack development and using APIs when you're sending data to a server."
"Unity does have a JSON utility class which is really useful for that type of stuff."
"I have a lot of flexibility. And one of the things you're going to see is it's not just storing this JSON. I don't have to do string manipulation to go and get elements from it. I'll actually be able to treat this just like an object."
"Converting this JSON to Binary, this data is saying the exact same thing except this data over here is machine readable."
"Because Json is so ubiquitous and doesn't contain any additional information other than raw data, nearly every language has very strong support for serialization and deserialization."
"The whole point of this is I want to kind of create this JSON configuration file that deploys whatever this resource or this application spec is."
"Default values do not play well with JSON serialization and deserialization and are a source of many bugs."
"These are platform agnostic snippets of UI that are authored in JSON and apps and services can openly exchange these."
"JSON is just absolutely beautiful."
"Now we can update the frontend code to handle the response according to the new JSON structure."
"So, in this case, protocol buffers are a structured data representation, unlike Jason."
"Json values can be precisely modeled using record classes."
"Knowledge about the explode function and a reader API to read JSON file is what was expected."
"JSON is widely used for sending and storing data due to its simplicity and flexibility."
"JSON and XML are both used for sending data from clients to servers and vice versa."
"JSON is a widely adopted format for sending and storing data due to its simplicity and compatibility across different programming languages."
"JSON and XML serve similar purposes, but JSON is preferred for its readability and lightweight syntax."
"JSON is easier to read and write compared to XML."
"Now everything is perfectly structured as a JSON object."
"Unlock the power of JSON for form customization."
"... we now also supporting a binary representation of JSON which not surprisingly lets you query JSON documents ..."
"Most integrations that you're going to end up doing are going to be with REST APIs, and REST APIs, 90% of the time, probably at least in my experience, typically return to you a JSON object."
"With the options pattern, we are binding strongly typed classes with the values in the JSON file."
"Instead of just saying degraded, now we get this whole JSON object of information."
"Serializing data into JSON is crucial for APIs."
"...a perfect Json representation."
"JSON objects are basically a very popular and common data file type you definitely need to know how to work with."
"JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation, and is basically a way of organizing data that makes it very easy for machines to read and write."
"It quickly converts the JSON to XML."
"Adaptive cards are platform-agnostic snippets of UI authored in JSON."
"What are adaptive cards? They are portable, JSON-based, and platform-agnostic."
"Need to transform your YAML code into JSON? We've got you covered."
"So the next thing we're going to talk about is JSON and the dynamic type."
"The JSON is the mostly adopted pattern of communication between the APIs nowadays."
"What we want to do is we want to return a list of dictionary objects or JSON data of all of the quotes on that page."
"We're saying to HubSpot, 'Hey, I'm going to send you some information in a moment in the body, it's going to have the format application/json.'"
"That's saving and loading using JSON, a super flexible system you can do all sorts of cool stuff with."
"It's a great tool because it allows you to work with some complex Json structures and navigate through them."
"I've found this one invaluable when I've been doing some development with Json."
"We're going to create a file called course_details.json."
"I can't just put data because that is an object; I need to put JSON.stringify around that."
"If you've been a data engineer anytime in the last five to ten years, odds are you've worked with JSON data."
"Mocking data with a JSON file is super powerful, highly encourage it."
"The data that we return is going to be in JSON format, which can be utilized by pretty much any programming language."
"The benefit of utilizing JSON is that it can be utilized by multiple languages, multiple platforms."
"JSON Convert as a class offers lots of simple methods for serializing and deserializing objects."
"In this video, we are going to see how we can serialize and deserialize JSON strings and JSON objects."
"I want to write a JSON file into that directory that gives us some metadata or information about what we just did."
"DLT is a tool for parsing JSON and putting it into a data warehouse."
"The value property returns an array of data in JSON format, and in this, I have all of those tickets that have the status closed."
"That's JSON, JavaScript Object Notation."
"This is the neat thing about JSON; it lets us nest objects inside of objects."
"In the real world, many of the JSON URLs that you visit will have parameters that you can include in the URL to control how many items are returned, which items are returned, and the order that they are returned in."
"JSON is just a popular and agreed upon format for sending, receiving, and storing data."
"This is lesson 11, and a really fun one, I think, because I'm going to be talking about using JSON with SQLite via the Python programming language."
"JSON is an industry standard format for representing data used a lot with APIs over the internet."
"I agree with you 100%, a JSON file to generate the XAML would be way better."
"Whatever gets sent to the local storage is sent as a string, so I've got to parse that back into JSON."
"Being a superset of JSON means that it can do everything JSON can, plus more."
"Then we went YAML and JSON, and all hell broke loose."
"A REST API request will send usually something back called JSON."
"Look at how simple it made my JSON data that my client can now grab."
"It examines your JSON data and gives you essentially a guide to what is contained within it."
"Using JSON in the database is an enabler for web services."
"JSON has become a critical technology for JavaScript developers most importantly, and then more broadly doing website development."
"JSON has truly hit the big-time; it has its own DBMS JSON package in Oracle now."
"We're making it easy to take that relational data and surface it up as JSON for a JavaScript developer."
"That's an introduction to JSON Path."
"When we press the inject, the message object, which is a JSON message, will be sent over to the next node."
"It's already running so I can actually grab the URL that's provided for me, copy that, and then paste that onto here and we got to see what the data looks like because it's going to return back as a JSON."
"Whenever we build projects, it's inevitable to deal with JSON data."
"It's important to have some basic understanding of JSON."
"Let's test in this video we are going to learn how to read the data from excel, convert that into json and later save that json file onto our local system."
"JSON essentially is extended from JavaScript."
"It's ideal for web APIs and actually most of the web APIs nowadays are using JSON."
"When you take a JSON value and you stringify it, this allows us the ability to convert our object into a string value."
"If you've got a string version of a JSON object and you want to get it back into a usable format in JavaScript, then you'll parse it back out."
"So this is basically a good use case for why you would be using JSON.parse and JSON.stringify."
"Object serialization and deserialization via the JSON format."
"If you're familiar with the JSON format, then MongoDB should be really easy for you to pick up."
"You should understand how to convert JSON into data models."
"This process of translating this JSON into that list of video objects is called parsing JSON or more specifically decoding JSON into our video objects."
"Why JSON? It's ubiquitous, simple, scalable in a use case sense, and very readable."
"SQLX is going to create some struct objects that we've defined out of it and with those structs, we're going to serialize it into JSON so we can send it back."
"So pretty cool, whole bunch of ways to work with JSON data."
"That's it, that's a practical example of using JSON, Wi-Fi, manipulating data that's coming through list comprehensions, and displaying it in a format that it's easily readable."
"It gives you a really awesome JSON structured data in here, really really easy with a really important and crucial information that we need through our application."
"So as a conclusion here, JSON function in SQL Server enables you to easily transform data from relational format from SQL tables into JSON text."
"If you have a web app that's maybe sending some state down to a client web page, JSON is super easy for JavaScript to read."
"Let me show you the magic and kind of my bag of tricks when dealing with JSON."
"It also provides automatic mapping to and from JSON with your application level classes."
"It stores data in JSON format and it uses an internal architecture that was built for the web."
"It's a Java library that can be used to convert Java objects into their JSON representation."
"Now you know how to store data within a JSON file for your MC plugins."
"JSON documents allow you to represent your object model more directly."
"Don't value also comes with JSON serialization support automatically built into it."
"All JSON is, is JavaScript Object Notation; it's a way that we commonly store data outside of Python to use it to use data inside of Python."
"HTTPie is pretty cool; it's basically a curl clone but it's way easier to use and it defaults or assumes JSON by default."