
School Policy Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Children should not go hungry at school. They should not have to pay school lunch debt. It's psychotic."
"If you have to send your child to a school that is masking them, I would highly encourage you to take your child out of that school."
"Pleaded with my principal to kick those delinquents out of school instead people who complain get harassed. I'm from a different state than where this occurred."
"Schools are just flaunting what's advised in the various policies for what should be served to kids at school."
"I think that it is fine to keep those things out of schools because they're kooky and don't really have much academic basis anyway."
"What we do not teach in Texas public schools is not one race is inferior or superior."
"Wow, that is some breathtaking levels of bullcrap right there. Screw school systems that don't allow fun hair colors."
"Despite clear evidence proving their efficacy and long-term cost-effectiveness, few schools can get funding to implement these solutions."
"The goal of the transition closet is for our students to be able to wear the clothes that their parents approve of, come to school and then swap out into the clothes that fit who they truly are."
"That's bullying, there is no bullying allowed in my school."
"Tiny minority of people think that parents should neither be informed nor have a say. It's up to the child."
"A clear majority of people don't think this should be allowed in schools."
"Both parents and the school itself force the schoolchildren to wear embarrassing 'scarlet letters', consisting of short notes about not such impressive school achievements."
"Can you believe that a school can go as far as organizing a 'special', but fake prom in order to punish your unsuitable behavior, choice, or appearance?"
"There's never been a school shooting in a school that allows teachers to carry."
"The idea that the schools can remain indefinitely closed or they can close down all of American society forever, that's just not a realistic scenario and everybody knows it."
"To defy the school's reluctance to let children wear shorts, all of the boys wore skirts."
"This is somebody that is literally taking it down, they're throwing it away, everything that they built, it's like it's coming down."
"Gym class should be mandatory throughout high school."
"What we're going to need to do is make sure that those children who can be vaccinated are vaccinated, that children wear masks while they're in school to protect themselves and to protect each other."
"This is what they're doing at the school board meetings."
"How simple is that just a little bit of curriculum transparency which if you're a parent right now whose kid is in school they should be doing this for everything that they're teaching at the beginning of the year."
"If you give an inch they'll take a mile and you can never admit that you know anything is inappropriate for a school setting."
"We believe in providing a window into the classroom."
"The series became so popular that several schools had to ban the trading cards because they were distracting students and causing fights."
"Ensuring health and safety is a priority will always drive our reopening efforts."
"We want the education in the school to just simply be factual."
"Removing pornographic and kink books from middle schools is a very, very good one."
"It's incumbent upon Northwest Public Schools district to restore and uphold students' rights by immediately reinstating the journalism program and school newspaper as soon as possible."
"Schools have come a long way in preventing abuse, but they're backtracking on those policies."
"I'm not against Bibles in school libraries... I'm also not against comprehensive, science-based sex ed." - You don't want to have that conversation with me.
"Are we back are we back at a place where we are arguing again sex ed in school yeah I think sex like like like are are we back at that point."
"My middle school, for Martin Luther King Junior day only the black kids got off."
"Wow, cool, all homeroom teachers are advised to be aware of this situation."
"Face masks are going to be made mandatory in schools and colleges in England."
"Utah governor announced yesterday that masks will be mandated for all schools K to 12."
"Equity in education absolutely has to be the number one priority for our school district."
"I don't think you deserve to get in trouble if people are messing with you and you try to defend yourself. Well, that's how school works."
"We're not going back... It's very, very important that we're keeping our schools open."
"The only solution is Christ Jesus and being able to get some type of spirituality and prayer back into our schools."
"It's basically race-based obsession working its way into the school system."
"It's impossible to ignore the significance of dress codes for young individuals as well as teachers in the school. School dress codes continue in painting a picture of girlhood/boyhood for students as they continue to develop a gendered identity."
"Our youth and society as a whole would be well served if students in the public schools were afforded a moment of silence at the beginning of each school day."
"Mask mandates in schools are 100 appropriate and here's why."
"School zones is basically the bubble that exists outside the school grounds..."
"Just because you walk across the schoolhouse threshold door does not mean that you lose your first amendment rights."
"The junior leadership team brought it up at an in and the head teacher jokingly went all right if the boys want to wear skirts then let them. A group of boys went to school wearing skirts the very next day."
"Your child may be taken from your home. School warns parents over unpaid lunch bills."
"Perfect attendance awards for kids? Sick days are important too."
"He claims he won't tolerate bullying in their school."
"American schools were as safe from school shootings as our European peers prior to 1990 with the introduction of the The Crime Control Act."
"We have a pretty big no bullying policy at this school, so don't worry, you won't get much of that."
"Bullying is never acceptable; every school must have anti-bullying policies in place so that no pupil fears coming to school or working online."
"The school is setting new rules for next year."
"A 40% reduction in bullying incidents... by comparison, US state laws meant to reduce bullying had an on average decrease of 8%."
"The second rule is that teachers also need to come to school that day."
"All school rules lifted... there won't be rules today."
"Grange Hill will not tolerate bullying in any shape or form."