
Independent Research Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"If you're interested in any of these, I encourage you to do your own research."
"Science rarely proceeds in simple logical steps; discoveries may be made simultaneously by scientists working independently."
"You shouldn't trust anyone that's selling you anything. Always do your own research."
"People say don't do your own research, the media comes out don't do your own research, it's like what? That's crazy."
"People better wake up and do some research on their own instead of buying what comes across on the screen."
"It's mad to me that we're not even really encouraged to do our own research."
"One such independent thinker was Carl Olof Jonsson, a Witness who decided to look into biblical chronology."
"Most importantly do homework do not be influenced by me him or anybody else do your homework."
"Do your own research is deposing a lot of their narratives real fast."
"Just do your own research and see what happens because when right now I'm listening to people talk."
"That's the whole thing about the channel too is never listen to me i present something i'll give you the links you chase it down if it resonates with you in your telescopic view or your microscopic view whatever great if it doesn't then move on."
"Investigate the subject for yourself and ask questions."
"So investigate the subject for yourself and ask questions."
"I'm not gonna take your word for it, I'm gonna go look into this [] myself and develop an opinion. That's like, that's what the [] it is, bro. You don't run [__]."
"Don't just tell what people say to you on this stuff, look it up yourself."
"Kira independently learned everything about the fruit and its effects by investigating the baseball pitcher."
"Always do your own research and don't just invest in cryptocurrencies based on anyone's opinion."
"Take from what you will or leave it but make sure you look into every single thing you can when it comes to any topic that directly affects your health or your life."
"Please do your own research. These are just my thoughts, ideas, and opinions."
"My brother bought shares because he did his own research."
"You can't trick everyone into remaining ignorant and not doing research."
"You ain't gotta believe me, heavy research it yourself."
"I'm not sitting here to change the mind I'm just presenting the microbiology or the immunology and you can then read it for yourself."
"Sometimes there are hidden gems. Pay attention, do your own research, or follow me."
"Trust no one to do your own research and discover the truth for yourself."
"Fast radio bursts would be a completely independent probe of this very diffused gas which other probes cannot reach."
"Eli who was a mechanic with two kids who used they them pronouns was inspired to work as an independent researcher to get justice for Michelle and her family."
"Take everything that I say with an absolute grain of salt. Do your own research."
"Definitely look into it on your own and figure out what's really going on."
"This one was definitely an insane one and has so many in-depth crazy theories."
"Do your own research, keep listening, keep learning, keep reading your Bible."
"Do your own research, when you do you'll never believe what you've been taught."
"The more people actually get engaged and really do their own studies and really do their own research and not just say that I did my own research because that's what Trump told me to say."
"Don't take my word for it, do your own homework, come to your own conclusions, read, read, read, and investigate."
"Always do your own research, always do your own diligence."
"Develop your own plan, do your own research."
"Do your own research. Do your own homework, y'all. Please, please."
"Don't take anybody's word for anything, always do your own research."
"Be careful who you follow, do your own research."
"Do your own homework. Don't take my word for it. Research yourself. This is far too important." - Glenn Beck
"Take the journey to research numbers for yourself."
"You don't confront Authority, just go to the library or go on the web and start researching."
"In order for you to understand more about China you're going to want to seek independent advice, independent sources of information."
"We always tell our people to do their own research."
"I wished I had done all of my own research for every single country I was going to."
"Do your own research. The only thing that I can tell you or show you is what I'm going to be doing."
"People need to do their own research... it's not about people for me, it's about ideas and concepts."
"Don't believe the media, just whatever they say. Don't believe me, don't believe any media. Do your own research."
"I think the main thing that people need to really get behind is discernment and do your own research."
"Do your own research, look this stuff up for yourself."
"Do your own research. Critical thinking is so important."
"Don't believe what you see on the media of dude like do some research and don't think that he's guilty because you hear all of these names that people are saying about him."
"It's just about as always literally just doing your own uh research."
"Ultimately it's up to the individual trader to make their own decisions based on their own research and analysis."
"We highly recommend that you go do your own research."
"Don't accept secondhand reports, go validate for yourself."
"Conducting personal research without relying on others holds great significance because it is their duty as magicians."
"Do your own research at the end of the day to come to your own conclusion."