
Tactical Use Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"Newcastle's tactical is actually incredible at providing a relief in open areas."
"Just being able to one-hit kill with - strike would be more than strong enough for this card to be worth a slot and to be her best but with the other perk this card is just insane and you need to be running it."
"Martyrdom seems like it'll be really useful in Dom and Hardpoint."
"The shotgun is extremely powerful and great for clearing enemies."
"This is a cool weapon that allows agents to impale targets and stick them to walls and vehicles."
"This is different, this isn't time travel, this is time used for combat."
"Skump picking up those streaks are so huge because he can use him off this rotation."
"It's a very nice fight for New York, blizzard's such a good ultimate right there."
"If you’re going to share the information about the cooldown timer, this system can even be used as a warning."
"We got a lot more of this stuff than we expected. It turns out that 'we're going to use it to blow up some heretics' is a pretty persuasive argument."
"The G28 marksman engages targets that either couldn't be tackled with other handheld weapons or only by expending large amounts of ammunition."
"These defensive mortars are so effective because that splash helps clean up the princesses and the dark islands that you have a difficult time getting to."
"Gunner feat: niche, depends on the presence of firearms in your campaign setting."
"To have that capability independent of GPS, imagine the tactical applications of something like that."
"Those who enjoy burst spamming with her... I will include some generic DPS-based bows that still maintain solid base attack for her elemental skill."
"I like the fact that the Night King used his powers to protect his troops."
"A customizable knife for any mission, designed by an experienced outdoor enthusiast."
"Trench barrel is a double-edged sword of a perk."
"The ultimate objective of bows is to disable an enemy."
"Suppressors remain a useful part of any civilian or military shooter's toolkit."
"It's designed to use that massive heavy cannon to just annihilate anything in front of it."
"The tower is acting as cover for you to get away."
"Nappa definitely got a lot, cybers are much more useful in neutral."
"Popping that down on like 10 to 20 units can really increase your damage output."
"These are crazy weapons for weapon effectiveness in 40k."
"I think the 6.8 is a great all-around tactical carbine cartridge. It's excellent."
"Gene's ability to displace brawlers for a goal opportunity or isolate them for the ultimate result of a 3v2 is really powerful."
"Radio waves: S tier for socialist revolutions."
"Make the most of your magic powers. Those special techniques will be the key to victory."
"Armors, arsenals, and accelerators pair really well."
"Magnus uses what he got as a counter-offering."
"Stone of grank deals Big Boy Poise for big boys... I'm actually not kidding if you aim it right you can just snipe [__] with this."
"A takedown is nothing more than a positional change. What do you do with that position?"
"Vigilance Wing has tremendous damage output."
"Smoke Screen is designed to be very versatile and capable of making space in a number of situations, be it pushing into the enemy team or covering your own hasty retreat."
"The R301 has also been being used more and more in the pro scene because it's an absolute laser."
"How good was Fortress actually? Well, it's used in its first four generations is symbolic of and a testament to the power of entry hazards."
"The German Leopard twos will become destroyers in the hands of the Ukrainian Army."
"That absolutely beautiful poison spell that single-handedly might have got BTR this MVP."
"Rocket Shields are going to come in clutch for that."
"Shield can be used as a reaction to increase your armor class by five."
"The box is a very important tool in our Arsenal."
"You've got to be very calculated when you use the ultimate because otherwise you're gonna find yourself getting into trouble."
"That tornado trap right there, like what he said, grabbing all those loons, tightening them up into a big group, but the free spell and the warden's ability made sure every loon was free to go on and finish cleaning this base out."
"That smoke grenade gives you some cover while you plant the bomb."
"Utilize these gargoyles in trash bags that are tough or against bosses is going to make a big difference."
"Despite the improvised nature of the mark and its many faults, it was nonetheless responsible for allowing many of the loyalist legions to continue their fight against the hated traitors during the heresy."
"He's not just a great farmer but also a heavy offensive support writer who has huge burst damage potential since his entire skillset buffs his damage and his charisma skill lasts for three turns."
"If you present your handgun and you use your white light to identify someone, you then just escalated the use of force legally."
"It's less of a frag grenade and it's much more of a area-denial and you can maybe push a defender off of position with it rather than using it as a frag."
"Use molotovs strategically to control enemy movements."
"A launch pad late-game can be extremely useful... defensively offensively."
"I think it's good enough to be a go-to war pistol."
"There is a smart way to use protego if the enemy whose spell you are shielding yourself from has their own Shield up."
"The vector becomes a formidable nine millimeter PDW optimized for covert carry, vehicle operations, and confined spaces."
"Clever uses of Crazy Diamond being used to reform the bottle."
"The compensator in particular and also the cheek pad are fundamental if you're going to be using it in full auto."
"Topsy-Turvy: swap a minion's attack and health. I think someone's gonna find a way to use it."
"Utilize map features for tactical advantage."
"There's a lot of really good uses for this and I really like this ability."
"Drones used by the Ukrainian Army have acquired a lot of popularity."
"Kamikaze drones can reach Russian tanks, armored personnel carriers, and infantry in the most inaccessible places."
"This right here, the dc15 Blaster, it's a new Mythic and it's good from medium to long range."
"Law can do a lot of really cool trickery stuff with his devil fruits."
"The control they had on top the use of the herald to open up the map even more and make it harder for Caps to roam was just a flawless early game."
"Wraith: still amazing and incredible but not an instant must-have pick."
"Cold Steel ultimate hunter, hard use EDC blade, maybe a tactical blade."
"You can pull a trick from your bag to use on an ally or an enemy."
"I knew it was a good stealth weapon but I never knew it was this good."
"It's a free command point reroll. It's better than a command promo why. It's unrestricted you can do it for anything."
"You better believe if the tables were turned, Mitch McConnell would blow up the filibuster in half a second."
"Legendary pet Katana: grants invincibility during one turn."
"I've weaponized your fish. I'm gonna use your fish against you."
"I can't say enough about getting card draw throughout the game."
"Occupation is a typical concentration tactic... it works only in short terms of time... should be used to put the pressure on a limited number of the people..."
"The 14, especially if you're in an LE role and you have 14s issued to you, you guys should be using them for multiple things."