
User Interface Design Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"Recognition over recall simply means that to recognize something with your sight is easy, but remembering something from memory is hard."
"So GeometryReader is just a View... It always accepts the space offered to it."
"So our CardView fits itself then in that nice aspect ratio space."
"CardView we built out of a ZStack with RoundedRectangle, Texts, we're building this thing. It takes all the space that's offered to it, and there's no reason it shouldn't, but it should really be adapting itself to whatever space was offered."
"Hover over these buttons, they look super nice."
"The UI on this thing has such attention to detail that you just don't see in products these days."
"The edit World screen has now got that clean fresh revamped menu UI stuff."
"We're going to be toggling the existence of the form hidden class between the login and the sign up form depending on what the user selected."
"Let's just keep it D for now to delete the text."
"Mini Metro’s UI needs to be simple so things don’t become too overwhelming as it gets more hectic as you gain new train lines and stations."
"Just providing better feedback on user interface."
"Chunking has been applied to computer interfaces for things like drop-down menu items and menu bars with buttons."
"Learn how to build your app's user interface - the screen that the user sees."
"The player is always right in the middle of the window."
"It's such a clean interface, very simple to read and understand."
"When you hover, it's going to work. Beauty. Beautiful."
"Make all of your buttons incredibly consistent."
"Automatically adjust text color based on background brightness."
"We no longer blindly stumble in video game layout menus; we proudly explore."
"We've made some updates and we're going to be going deep into the code to showing you exactly how we created this amazing intern manager with both purchase and sales transaction and adding inventory with a few clicks."
"It's smooth, the rounded corners, pop-up animations, subtle gradients, and little movements of the icons when you click on them, it's all pretty nice to look at and to use."
"I decided to pursue user interface design as a career and now I'm working as a product designer in one of the biggest organizations in the country with a pay that's almost 300 percent more than what I was getting paid as a mechanical engineer."
"You can change the background to match your logo."
"I just wanted to make it so it could be reusable and we could embed it anywhere with custom color, custom text, and a custom function when it's clicked."
"Start looking into Adobe XD. It's an amazing tool for building interfaces and websites... really fast, really cool, very easy to use."
"Let's continue on with background color. Alright, so we have border-radius 50% to make it a circle, and then margin-right will be 10 pixels. Let's save that."
"The next big thing is when we actually picked one, we want to have a little bottom sheet pop out."
"You can use drop-down lists to reduce errors with entering data."
"Spawning just doesn't feel brilliant right now and we've also got to talk about the UI I don't mind the in-game UI at all that doesn't really bother me but the front end menus and stuff are really not that easy to navigate..."
"For the love of God can we get rid of these stupid bars and just show ping numbers."
"When making a leveling UI we basically want a UI that does the job without taking up too much space while ideally having a cohesive visual style and good UX."
"Designing natural interactions is really as simple as designing things to be done in the way you would do them in the real world."
"Let's set a transition on the opacity property."
"The goals behind this were to have it be artist friendly, intuitive, and for all controls to have an immediate use."
"CarPlay does look good here it's big it's bold it's using the entire display the icons actually are kind of almost ridiculously large but that's okay."
"I kind of like that with the no HUD thing, feels all like cinematic and [__]."
"No menus, no deep editing, so there's no option paralysis."
"An ability to collect all of your daily rewards when you've unlocked them rather than having to click you know seven times per day to collect them all."
"Tabs at the bottom, click around to different pages."
"The more intuitive controls, the more control you get in the viewport in context with the pose, the feedback, the ghosting, you always know where you are in reference."
"All right, it's giving me squigglies and if I hover over this it's going to tell me property text is missing."
"The Fallout 3 HUD overhauls Fallout 4's HUD to be more similar to what we had in Fallout 3."
"I think a compass like Skyrim's compass or Fallout's compass they were quite elegant."
"The controls that you have to press without looking at them, they do need to be intuitive and large enough."
"We've designed a revolutionary user experience that centers around hovering."
"User interface should be simplified and accessible."
"I'm a big fan of the UI design in this game. It's extremely crisp and clean with a lot of sharp lines and beautiful iconography."
"ColorFlow redesigns the Music app based on album art."
"It's coming from the ad window but now we want to send it to the main window."
"There's a full system-wide dark and light mode now, with a dynamic wallpaper that changes color based on the time of day."
"While I celebrate the fact that this particular Linux distribution has a great way of packaging all of the settings that you need into one settings panel I would give the same praise for the most part to Windows 11."
"He got rid of light mode, dark mode only, he reverted on that because people with dyslexia would lose a substantial portion of their user base."
"Our goal was to create a HUD that strips down all unnecessary aspects and simply gives the user the information that they need without distracting the user from the in-game action."
"Material U tries to take that idea of imperfection and character and build on it with widgets."
"Rename all your layers as you build the Widget accordingly so you can easily manage everything."
"User interface design is hard, and the only way to do it that I know is to do it over and over again because nobody is smart enough to figure out beforehand whether what is really going to work and what isn't."
"And in fact, there you go, it’s worked. And I think I haven’t even added in a stop for him, so I can probably walk. Yep, I can walk off the engine screen and I won’t be able to come back because he’s just falling off."
"People who have accessibility needs... you would actually be doing them a service by spelling out the screen name."
"Build beautiful and intuitive user interfaces with ease."
"We have successfully customized our user interface to include our new field, which is the school field."
"It allows them to easily build a pixel-perfect front-end user interface and connect to the cloud backend using a virtual interface."
"The goal of this UI is to show you how you can use the local GPT API to build your own applications."
"It's important to create a user-friendly login page that not only allows users to log in but also to create an account if they don't have one."
"The plan was to make kind of a trading view like a system where we have a user interface that has a chart and some indicators."
"We wanted the Expression Builder to be fast, discoverable, intuitive, and consistent."
"It's very easy to target very specific elements and make them do specific things."
"On hover, you see the text color and the icon color is becoming green."
"We're writing XAML all day, enabling us to build and construct our user interfaces and get really complex."
"One of the most important things you can do in user interface design is provide excellent feedback about where the system is and where the user is in a larger interaction flow."
"This is where we're going to create our forms using a sort of drag and drop type of software."
"You're going to be surprised how easy it is to build something like this with Material UI."
"Polaris is really neat. I've really enjoyed using it, very easy to get a good looking UI up quickly."
"They did a major overhaul to the design of the user interface."
"This text field does not specify input type or hint."
"Display flex and then align items to center as well as justify content to center."
"One of my favorite moves is to add an apply button to a multiple values drop down."
"It looks much nicer with its blurred background, and it really makes this modal pop-up stand out even more."
"So Bootstrap comes in extremely handy to create responsive user interfaces."
"Swift UI is amazing and really revolutionizing the way we're going to create user interfaces in Xcode."
"I think it is going to revolutionize the way we're creating user interfaces."
"We want our gestures to transition seamlessly into animations; we want them to feel like one continuous motion."