
Theoretical Concepts Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Could an underground city have remained a secret for all this time?"
"Alternate timelines, or parallel universes are never, ever identical."
"Maybe escaping this other king maybe like hiding outside of space and time because that's not inside space and time right so maybe it was this whole time."
"It's manipulating reality at a very fundamental level."
"Identity, non-contradiction, excluded middle. Logic is true even in the absence of anything."
"An advanced civilization would be indistinguishable from magic."
"I think eventually we're looking at a multiverse reset."
"Time is not fixed or a constant; it varies with mass, acceleration, and gravity."
"When you can warp reality itself, it lets you change the rules of the game."
"The modern information age would require another idea, one that would finally pin down the nature of information and its relationship to the order and disorder of the universe."
"While we can still use Newtonian mechanics in our day-to-day lives, Einstein's revolutionary notion of gravity is required to understand the universe."
"The crux of the game is constants and variables."
"People still wonder about this idea over 20 years after its formulation."
"To be absolutely sovereign means to have infinite absolute copies of oneself."
"Paradoxes are nothing more than thought experiments, they cannot occur in reality."
"For an infinitesimally small amount of time, the time measured by the observer will be infinite."
"Morphic resonance: a process where similar things resonate with subsequent similar things."
"I could design a universe that does not suffer heat death."
"It's like a cosmic civil disobedience we need to do but instead of storming the gates area 51 where you're just gonna get blown up."
"Perhaps aliens could use math in an attempt to communicate with human beings on Earth."
"Could time travel be the ultimate weapon in the hands of humanity?"
"Humans as you point out are Universal quantum computers."
"Physical power is inclusive, unbounded, and systemically exogenous, unlike abstract power."
"There is no lights reference frame and therefore in special relativity you cannot look at things from light's perspective"
"The main problem I see with a neutron star slingshot is by the time we had all the technology involved to make it work, we wouldn't need to even attempt it."
"Time travel all the time happens constantly."
"Perhaps humans are linked in some kind of neural way that we don't necessarily understand."
"Think of it as a calculus... for calculating probabilities."
"Time doesn't want to run the same everywhere."
"Math has an unreasonable utility in the universe since we just invented it out of our heads."
"It's really interesting that in classical formalisms about RL you have a notion of an explore-exploit trade-off built in..."
"It’s about time we discussed an obscure concept in physics that may be more fundamental than energy and entropy and perhaps time itself. Ready? Action."
"In the end, if other universes exist and they run parallel to ours, then there really is no idea too wild or crazy."
"It was also thought to be hopelessly hypothetical, something that was theoretically sound, but nothing that any modern human could ever hope to build."
"Things just don't scale the way you might want them to otherwise it would make for very easy nesting doll Universe all the way down and all the way up."
"Complexity is this slightly slippery middle ground between order on the one hand and disorder on the other hand."
"Everything is just connected through the fractal nature of resonance."
"And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the butterfly effect: when a small and seemingly insignificant occurrence has rippling effects through time leading to some consequential event, sometimes long after the initial event."
"We physicists take the Multiverse idea very seriously."
"Two-dimensional worlds should be able to have curls in them."
"...the vacuum energy... tells you that something's probably not making sense."
"Singularities are uncertain and open to interpretation."
"It's certainly the right notion for the purposes of algebraic topology."
"The inside of a black hole, if you time reverse it, is a white hole."
"The concept of the spin is to reach infinity."
"Time could move both forward and backward."
"Physics work in both directions in time."
"That sound frequencies can open portals, a concept that intrigued the team."
"The origin of the singularity must come from taking the size of the system, the volume of this piece of iron, essentially to infinity."
"The implicate mode, using David Bohm’s terminology, doesn’t have any constructions in it, as it were, until something happens in the explicate mode."
"These are fascinating times in mathematics: chaos, fractals, dynamics."