
French Culture Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"Enjoy spending time in the only French-speaking major city in all of North America. It is one of the most unique places."
"Kanye cracked the French code. French never [expletive] with black people before he made it."
"Could France, or the rest of the world, now ever imagine the president living anywhere other than the Elysee?"
"Bernard Arnault was awarded the title of commander of the French Legion of Honour."
"If you want to learn the language of cycling, you should need to learn a little bit of French."
"Reflect on what France means now and then rebuild this monument."
"France has shown its own post-revolutionary culture rooted in the defense of human rights... 'Don't preach to us about protecting racial and sexual minorities,' is the instinctive French response. 'We do it in our sleep.'"
"The French get a slew of other things... let's talk about that really quick."
"The royal knight is honestly its staple... it's the biggest staple of the French military."
"Almost always I would go Guild Hall... it's probably the best landmark for the French hands down."
"France is really a lot about personal connections."
"French culture really emphasizes the importance of food, they focused on a balanced and diverse culinary experience."
"This French team might be the Frenchest team that has ever ever frenched."
"Some people say French women do not get fat, which is not true, but statistically, we are the fittest in Europe."
"They came to France to celebrate their victory in search of the finest champagne, coffee, grapes, breads, and cheeses."
"This effortlessness about them, that I think is so French."
"The French copy no one and no one copies"
"If you're looking for the quintessential French culture, you'll find it in Burgundy."
"French people never eat fast, they eat slowly and they never overeat."
"You might imagine that this rural penchant for eating fat and drinking gallons of red wine is all part of the French love affair with danger."
"But apart from the sailing, the climbing, the wine, the food, the trains, the health service, the football, the freedom, the countryside, and their healthy disregard for the Americans, I can't find a thing."
"French people love having one or two-hour lunch breaks and enjoying their long dinners with family and friends."
"French women try to stay away from full coverage foundations because these look very unnatural on the skin."
"...music, it's called France. Controversial rapper as well, so right, okay, yeah, controversial."
"It's croissants and baguettes and wine and champagne."
"This kind of arched eyebrow, this squint is pure France from the 80s."
"French women just nail that simplicity. It's funny when you step out of your environment and see it differently."
"I love it so much because it's like the typical French vibe."
"Kudos to you, French people. We all left thinking, man, these guys are nice."
"...how she takes the idea of what it means to live the good one to live the good life and how to sort of slow down and really appreciate life the French way."
"French, a four-course meal: salmon with roasted broccoli, soft cheeses, jam, fresh bread, and marzipan."
"The mythology of wine gets delivered to people through media, creating their subjectivity and their ideas about what it is to be French."
"Feel a little bit like a French girl but your way."
"Christ Church are on French literary cycles."
"This, to me, is the absolute essence of stereotypically French sophistication."
"I want to do a video trying French candies."
"...the French are so um, they look at sex in such a brilliant way and it's such a lovely um, their framework around all things pleasurable is seen as such a highly regarded and important part of their culture."
"...the French definitely have are known to have like a more comfortable relationship it seems with with sexuality than than other people so I think that will work in your favor."
"France, it's a nation famous for love, for beauty, renowned for its gastronomy."
"The French take salad very seriously indeed."
"I'm a huge fan of French films and just the way films within France are just able to just break the structure and allow your brain to experience something completely new."
"To be French is to be born into a culture that's elevated food to an art form."
"A day without cheese in France is just inconceivable, it just doesn't happen."
"The French language I will sing it freely; she dances with the wind, she caresses the heart, the French language."
"The French have a wonderful phrase they use about eating cheese, and they call cheese, wine, and bread the Trinity of the table."
"Plan for the rest of the day is to relax a little bit, eat some baguettes."
"We enjoyed a lovely meal and then sat outside drinking wine and smoking cigarettes in true French fashion."
"It's the proper French experience."
"When you order your food and you get your bill, the taxes are already included as is the service, so there is no tipping in France."
"The French style is known for its elegance, its precision."
"Iron Chef French is Hiroyuki Sakai."
"It's definitely a must-see French film for people who like French movies."
"The French have a fantastic design."
"But think how imaginative and creative the French are when they do such beautiful things with practically nothing."
"A picnic, it's a French word. For you peasants who don't speak French, it means a simple light repast taken in the open air."
"The French are famous for their bread."
"That's the French you give life, you don't just give, you give life."
"I'm really excited about how it looks. I absolutely adore it. It's so pretty and it really looks exactly like a traditional French beret."
"All are incredible, all are beautiful, all are très Français, but only one can be truly called an icon."
"The mood of his music in the early '40s intersects with the French ethos of the time."
"It is my heartfelt wish that the friendship and admiration which we all feel for the French people and their glorious traditions may lead us in the near future to the establishment of a lasting entente."
"Online shopping ordeals can't begin to match the joys of strolling through the French brocantes."
"Self-deprecation is exactly the source of French humor."
"The cult of the small sword, i.e., the foil and fencing, was very strong in France."
"Couture was the height of fashion with a legendary group of couturiers designing clothes that became the ultimate export for France to show its fashion dominance."
"Like cafes and coffee and wine, French bread, Paris down the road."
"Food photography is an essential part of a holiday in France."
"For the French elite, La Belle Époque is now remembered as the time when the pursuit of beauty, entertainment, and romance constituted a way of life."
"That's how you know the French go hard with their art."
"The French technique and French influence is one of the greatest across the world."
"French people aren't fake, so you know they'll be blunt with you, and if they don't like you, they might not talk to you, but if they do like you, that means you know that they actually like you, which is really refreshing."
"For a bit of café au lait and a little glace."
"The French were just crazy about Japanese prints."
"I'm really very romanticized about all things French."
"There's no beating French food, magnifique!"
"In France, beautiful girls are natural girls with no makeup, but freckles and blurry hair."
"This marks the end of our Quebec experience, our time in the french-speaking part of Canada, and it's been lovely, it's been amazing."
"A big bucket list for me has been to live in a french-speaking place so that I can reignite the French speaking part of my brain."
"It was classy, it was elegant, it was, as the French say, 'eleganza'."
"Hello darling, do you fancy a croissant?"
"French records... I'm always excited when they become available."
"This is just French Elegance in a bottle."
"It makes me think of like French lavender, like in a country home in France."