
Eye Protection Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"To protect their eyes from the harsh glare of the Sun and snow, the Inuit devised a unique type of snow goggles."
"Sunglasses aren't necessary. Sunglasses are necessary to protect our retina, macula, lens, and cornea."
"Wearing eye protection all your PPE basically."
"Protect your eyes Felix Gray's lenses are specifically designed to filter blue light and eliminate glare from screens."
"These stylish glasses act like a shield against Blue Light which in turn means you'll have less eye strain improved concentration and much better quality of sleep."
"Felix Gray glasses filter out 15 times more blue light so that way you can lessen the strain on your eyes when you're using your everyday technology."
"Sunglasses are a great accessory but they're also super crucial for protecting your eyes from the Sun."
"Wow, what a great reminder to wear eye protection while in the shop!"
"Wear safety glasses, you only have two eyeballs, they're delicate, take care of them."
"Remember the 20/20 rule, moisture chamber glasses or goggles, and sunglasses when you use a humidifier."
"One tip I have is when you run your CRTs keep the contrast turned down into a reasonable level don't make it eye searingly bright that'll help protect the life of the CRT."
"I always wear sunglasses, I have sensitive eyes."
"Definitely not my usual style, but I mean at least I can protect my eyes."
"Do not select the option of 'I'll just close my eyes' or 'I'll look away' or 'I'll look at it'. Take some precautions and really protect your vision."
"...protect your eyes and look cool while you're doing it."
"Blue light blocking glasses for $5.99" - protecting your eyes without breaking the bank
"Poell Johnson patented the eye protector in 1880."
"It's all the Satur eyes for your protection."
"Sunglasses must be worn when you're outdoors... to protect your eyes and the skin around your eyes."
"Sunglasses must be worn outdoors to protect the eyes and skin around the eyes from the damaging effects of the sun, while also preventing squinting."
"In other words darker lenses are not better than a light lighter lighter lenses it's merely the ultraviolet radiation coating on the ones itself that's giving you that that good protection."
"You can damage your eye by looking at the brightness of these lasers."
"Polarized means they cut out 99% of reflected glare."
"Mineral sunscreens tend to not shift so it's perfect to go around your eyes."
"When swinging a hammer, keep a safety zone that's clear of coworkers and always use eye protection."
"Use your sunglasses every time you're going out to protect the skin around your eyes from harmful sun exposure."
"I never used to take eye protection too seriously, as I wear glasses. That changed after getting an eye full of dirty, gritty caustic while in a confined space."
"Hey, if you guys are using a Dremel, don't forget eye protection. Your eyes are important."
"If you view the eclipse without the proper protection, it can severely damage your eyes."
"You should be wearing safety glasses anytime you're over near your resin 3D printer."
"Sunglasses are so important, protect your eyes and just for comfort."
"Long-term exposure to UV light is known to damage our eyes in many ways and can increase the risks of cataracts, the leading cause of blindness."
"Honestly, for us to come out here, we do need some protection for our eyes."
"It's always a good idea to wear eye protection."
"You're going to learn everything you possibly could know about looking at the sun, the solar eclipse, how to do it safely, what could happen if you don't do it safely."
"Always be wearing safety glasses, no matter what you're doing."
"Eye protection is worn if you're working somewhere where things could fly and hit your eye."
"These right here are blue light glasses which help with the light that comes from the screens."
"Felix Gray glasses filter out 90% of blue light in the most damaging range and eliminate 99% of glare."
"Always first wear your safety glasses."
"Wear your sunglasses and hats to protect you guys."
"Sunglasses to me are not only obviously used for protecting your eyes from the Sun, I think they just finish off an outfit."
"I always wear blue light glasses; they protect your eyes from the harsh blue light that you see when you stare at a screen all day."