
Cultural Shifts Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"Comic Sans is going to make a comeback. People despise it so much that eventually it's going to be loved."
"Long gone are the days where a man would stand at the front of a woman's house playing a love song on a boombox."
"The giant slab of pure animal protein thing is kind of a historical aberration."
"I want to emphasize how radical the societal shift has been in the last 20 years."
"Cancel culture is no longer cancelled culture, it's just accountability."
"Desserts were a treat, now breakfast cereal is a dessert."
"Maybe generation Lit it's gonna become generation grit."
"Society grew tired of the hysteria and how could they not."
"The 20-year rule: trends go from popular to despised to popular again."
"People stopped freaking out about it so much...youth culture became a bit more bouncy."
"Read the room: BBLs may not be praised in the near future."
"The reality is that conformist woke ideology is taking over institutions."
"Out with the old, in with the new. New religions are likely to emerge."
"I think the pendulum is eventually going to swing back to where people are going to start looking for more conservative things in the future."
"Teaching modern women like myself how to be more traditional."
"The rise of the anti-beauty guru... I don't think it's a coincidence those were at the same time."
"This movie gets at the cultural shift when nerds became cool."
"Cancel culture is more generational. Grown folks don't really do that."
"It's the feminization of constructs like gender and stuff so you're right the pendulum is now on the female side and eventually I'll go back down right it starts with David Bowie wearing makeup and women's clothing."
"Picked Bob J Peck... allowing himself to be Mao Mao by woke employees."
"Do I believe that Rockstar Games is getting woke? It's way too early to tell."
"Until we can find a way to make money off of masculinity again at a global scale, we're not going to see it shift."
"Some will rise so others can fall so others can rise this is the changing of the guards out with the old media and with the new."
"A woman's worst enemy is another woman. Queen girl is out, mob wife era is in."
"The American superhero is going to fade away. It's unfortunate because I feel like we're living through the darkest times I've seen."
"It's funny that the edgy h3h3 wasn't really getting canceled and now this one is like getting canceled, crazy how things move."
"Suddenly it's all about Jesus, not that long ago it was all about Trump."
"This is like 15 years ago it might have been like wow that's a groundbreaking you know idea but like now it's just like oh fire girl in the water guy."
"The bag, the logo even can become a symbol of an entirely different era."
"Nobody has the rights or special privilege to any place or people or series."
"Mitchell's relationship with smoking reflects the shifting attitudes..."
"Once upon a time dabs were cool, but now they're not cool anymore."
"The workforce and our understanding of it has come a long way since Santa was popularized."
"Years ago Tupac had a song called 'Only God Can Judge Me,' but today that's changed to 'Only the woke can judge you' if you let them because we've gone from..."
"We are entering a period because people are beginning to awaken."
"There's no putting the genie back in the bottle now."
"Tomorrowland is like a time capsule... the ironic thing about the Tomorrowland Vibe now is that it's dated..."
"Rock wasn't dead by any means back then but I would say that by that point rap was kind of the default soundtrack for young cool people."
"You know, the game got so disrespectful, you know what I mean?"
"A very winnable fight for Seoul as soon as they initiate with that crucial EMP."
"We just moved the Mason-Dixon line clear up to Canada."
"Courage is required. You have to speak up, tell people what you think when you say it, when in those moments when it matters."
"It just doesn't seem like the interest is there anymore."
"The new American Dream is sourdough starters, finding a dog in Animal Crossing."
"The tradition of election cake kind of faded away."
"It's so weird that the right is trying to be cool now and they haven't caught on that marijuana is super cool like that's what's so weird."
"If you ever wondered why the hype ain’t what it used to be...now you know!"
"The 70s is where this really all kicks off because you know you have the 50s and 60s which was like a sort of Western Golden Age."
"The stereotypes got inverted at some point there, I'm not sure how that happened."
"When is Fat going to be the new r word or the new other f word?"
"The era of wokism came and went very quick. The world is becoming far more traditionalist, far more nationalist, far more popular."
"The 60s was a strange time... you don't really see that much... in any other time."
"Superstars are based off moments that last. Nothing lasts more than two days now."
"We're shedding our foundation, so one of them is going to go is Christianity."
"I think now after the shows that have come since the Thrones, I mean like you know, you get some left of center sci-fi and superhero stuff, I think this would probably, yeah, it would work better now than it did 15 years ago to the general plan."
"It's really ironic that something that was a symbol of so much weight physically and mentally back in elementary and middle school is now a fashion statement."
"If you like the '60s, you are going to love the '90s."
"Physical media is just another thing that Millennials have killed right next to dress codes and answering the phone."
"That's like the alt-right, all these people were talking about the alt-right and then they just stopped using that name."
"I think it's going to happen, I think the only places you gotta really be concerned about are the, uh, what you would think the LAs and the New Yorks."
"I love how each generation is a little bit the opposite of the next one, you know what I mean? Like gen Z was [ __ ] on us Millennials and now gen Alpha will [ __ ] on gen Z and then gen beta will do, I know what, I think we're in for a ride, we are in for ride."
"This is how new metal became pop."
"It's like, is there anything real left in our society? And I think when there's something real, people tend to move towards it."
"There's been a major shift in intellectual life."
"I want to say 15 years ago, I remember watching the evening news, and he was like flash, Rome has begun exorcism course."
"I think that a majority of men would agree when you look at the depiction of women in the 1940s and 50s, it is very different and more appealing than women in the 2000s and twenties or even to thousands and tens."
"Dolls faded away, replaced by glitter text quotes and other fads, but they didn't go away forever."
"We've gone through so many phases in the last, let's take 50 years since The Beatles. That must've been the biggest change."
"Tell the truth, sure the '80s was cool back then, so why do we hate the kids now for dancing?"
"The overall opinion on fashion has just changed so much."
"Evangelical movement sort of cleaved off from Protestantism, opposed to the mainline churches, and they resisted, I think, secularization in the short term. They capitulate in the long term."
"Why does everyone care about it now? Like, it felt like no one gave a [__] and then the Olympics happened."
"And so in this post-post-modern world, or wherever we are now, I would say that as a grand generalization, that the content of stories are not the quality that they were in the 50 golden years from the 1920’s to the 1970’s on stage, page and screen, every where in the world."
"Because of Harvey Weinstein, #metoo, times up, and Oscar so white, it was a power vacuum that was filled by people who were willing to hit that gas pedal."
"Uranus-Neptune conjunction in the early nineties was connected to the changes in culture."
"I don't think those kind of characters would work these days, and I'm not saying that they should."
"It's very tough, I think, for kids today growing up. Many of them will have gay friends. It's much tougher for them to hold the biblical line on Christianity than it was for people of our generation."
"Now that it's not like that and it is so in our face, it is so in the forefront, it's sex sex sex sex everywhere is sex and porn stars are walking and like Marc Jacobs and or I think Alexander Wang just like it's a completely different world we live in."
"I think there has been this sense that you know one day somehow or other the guitar just will die out because there'll be a generation of people that just won't get it."
"Once upon a time, you could run a dude out there. Once upon a time, you could tell a dude all that. That's dead."
"Donna was truly unique at a time when there was a scramble among Studios to sign the next bombshell or sex symbol."
"I don't know why that wasn't a theme in like the 50s, maybe people were just more optimistic back then."
"A time of change, cultural shifts, and another revolution in school lunch menus."
"Cultural purges can be terrible, but usually it's more of a Hegelian experience where things go a little too far one way and there's a pushback."