
Logging Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"The append-only file (AOF) persistence logs every write operation received by the server."
"Clearly, trees are very important; if forests vanish because of logging or other activities, the impacts on the environment will be great."
"We got our log trailer, so this is the start to making some serious money."
"Transform your logging with Loki – from individual containers to entire clusters."
"Logging is actually one of the most dangerous jobs in the whole of the country."
"Logging is around 38 times more dangerous than the average American job."
"Access transparency provides you with logs that capture the actions that Google personnel take when accessing your content for troubleshooting."
"This big timber behind me, it's never been logged."
"Logging: one of the most dangerous jobs in the world."
"Logging in your mind, mental logging."
"It is now much easier to test my service since the logger dependency can easily be mocked out or stopped."
"When you're doing this drill, make sure you log any shots that you struggle with."
"Redirecting both regular messages and errors to text files can be handy for capturing outputs."
"If you don't raise your hand, you've never written a single line of code that logs anything, and that's scary."
"You should know at least one logger."
"The pioneer logger, immortalized in the figure of Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox, ranged the vast American wilderness."
"Spring Security is just awesome and it's logging it gives you lots of really helpful information to understand the flow."
"Logging is one of the riskiest jobs in North America and accounts for more deaths than any other profession on the continent."
"There's something about logging that gets in your blood. It's kinda like you have sawdust or you have just the wood chips in your veins that you just yearn for it, you just need it."
"When you're creating logs, you're not necessarily creating the logs because there's a specific issue you want to fix; it's mostly because you have built a more complex software system and you want to log when some events happen."
"Now we're going to check the logs and see that everything is running."
"Managing forests through logging creates jobs and benefits the land."
"Logs provide insights into service operations, ensuring smooth functioning."
"...make sure that you're using proper systems to work with the logs you have. Properly set up thresholds and get notified when bad things happen."
"...log all failed attempts of all denied access. Make sure that you're using proper systems to work with the logs you have. Properly set up thresholds and get notified when bad things happen."
"Extended events also give you access to many more events within SQL Server that can be traced and logged, and many more options in terms of filtering those events down to only the ones that you want."
"Serilog is a third-party library for enabling logging in Net Core applications."
"Honestly, if all you do for the first week, even the first month of the new year, is just practice your daily logging, I promise you will be more productive, you will be more focused and present."
"The best answer to avoid an event log list world is log collection and forwarding."
"Remember that with the `IDiagnosticContext` you can add additional information that you might need to analyze your logs properly."
"It's not enough to write strings on the console because you cannot analyze them properly."
"It will automatically create a stopwatch and log the timing to the log."
"Hooks are really useful for something like measuring performance and error logging."
"If you're running Fastify or any other application, you want to have polarized logs or human-friendly logs when you're developing things."
"If you really want to have a great career, do what I did: log everything."
"SQLite has a write ahead logging mode which I'd highly recommend."
"The log itself is everything you need to provide this."
"It's actually a log; it actually records the activity in your cloud environment."
"The /var directory logs the system's heartbeat, recording every event and change."
"Using overloaded operators, we're using an expression to log rather than a statement."
"So now if we send off a request, we should see in the logs we get the data here, which is what mostly we will be concerned with, the actual data for this consumer."
"You can also use sidecar containers for logs and have persistent data volumes."
"Loguru is a library which aims to bring enjoyable logging in Python."
"What Frida Trace does is log functions and method invocations at runtime that we can specify."
"Thank you very much for watching and I hope this video will help you to create this type of logging."
"Logging begins with penetrating the vast wilderness where few men have gone before."
"It was on New Year’s eve of the year 1858, in the depth of the forest, in the Ross timber camp, at the head of the Gatineau River."
"Using console.error specifically for errors... makes it a lot easier to filter through logs in the end."
"If something goes wrong, you want to have a log statement, a track, a trace of those logs of what actually happened."
"I think that they serve a really good purpose, especially for the kind of logging that I do."
"These were pretty incredible operations up here; they logged this whole area by rail."
"Structured event logging is so much more than just writing a message to a file."
"Serilog is an easy-to-configure and easy-to-use logging system that you can plug into a .NET Core project within minutes."
"The machine can satisfy your imagination because it has a very huge pair of pincers which help to pick up hundreds of logs at the same time."
"Once the log is cut, the automated system moves them to the dividing chamber, helping to optimize the production process."
"This is where you log all of the movements of every dollar that impact the balances of your account."
"This is our chance to show what the future can look like for our loggers, to help them get there by showing them the newest technologies and the newest innovations in logging."
"That's the value of tracing; it's a special form of logging."
"You need log files; make sure that you turn log files on."
"My first insert I refer to as my annual book and this houses long-term information such as my monthly calendars where I do my future logging."
"Take notes and have a notebook, log your miles and log what service you did with the date."
"The log event in the state machine replication approach is actually a very nice, beautiful, descriptive, self-contained event."
"See how we can have this traceability and reproducibility with logging all these steps."
"Create a centralized syslog server that all the systems in your hybrid cloud log to, so that you have a centralized point so that you can do correlations."
"There's nothing inherently wrong with using print debugging in small programs, but once you get into larger programs... you definitely want to have some type of persistent log."
"The logger command... lets you just write things into your system log."
"Logging is the most important thing when you're troubleshooting."
"Every single request that comes to your load balancer gets logged to an access log and delivered to S3."
"The smart contract is actually going to be updating the world state and then each time the world state is updated, that will be logged into the blockchain as well."
"Perhaps maybe the biggest benefit of using the Wazoo agent is that we're able to collect logs from our endpoints."
"For every line, we're going to get the text of the line, print it to standard output, and then send it to the logger."
"If logging one of the lines fails, it's okay, just continue, keep going with your life."
"If the request was successful... console log 'success'."
"The thing that printed debugging is really good at is it provides you a log of what happened."
"Everything that happens during boot should be logged, nothing should be lost anymore."
"Leave a trace. By default, all admin changes to the cloud are audit logged."
"Creating that activity allows us to log phone calls and other things like that to it."
"Keeping an observing log is important; it's really cool to go back and see what kind of objects I have observed."
"Wandb.log is the API we're going to use to log everything else like the loss."
"Instead of just dumping everything they do into logs, they need to start architecting their applications so that they have metric endpoints."
"Loggers that worked in the bush could be sure of two things: dangerous job conditions and back-breaking work."
"Long ago, the mighty virgin forests echoed with the sharp crack of the axe."
"The logging industry began in the 19th century with much of the harvesting restricted to white pine, which was abundant, accessible, and very versatile."
"The only way to really know what your machine learning models are doing is to log what went in and what came out."
"We try to be as unopinionated as possible about this. All we know is that you want to log stuff, and we want to show it to you."
"Logcat is a very useful tool; it maintains a buffer in the kernel and just reads it when you do a logcat on it."
"A topic represents a stream of records, a distributed immutable append-only partitioned commit log."
"Your logs will talk to you; they will tell you if you're actually meeting your P time goal or not."
"I am shipping the logs using the CloudWatch logs agent to CloudWatch."
"Logging is a very dangerous job, it actually has a very high mortality rate for incidents and injuries."
"What's neat about our software is that we have the ability to log as exceptions."
"Kafka scaled so well, it's a very nice way to have a central log of everything that happened in your system."
"Logging is written the right way; it logs to standard error by default because it's ultimately an informational thing."
"Logging is your friend, your bestest friend ever."
"We want to log the time when the process started and when the process ended."