
Political Intrigue Quotes

There are 148 quotes

"Final Fantasy Tactics had a very strong story that has become revered owing to its compelling characters, political intrigue, and its significant dose of betrayal."
"Who's actually behind all of this? It's really Joe Biden."
"If she goes back to Spain then an army can launch behind her with Charles's fleet she can come in depose her father become queen and take England back to Rome arguably."
"German doctors say their examination show Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny was likely poisoned."
"Catherine of Aragon is one of the most curious figures in English political history."
"I mean you're more expert in this and I, this to me has all the markings of an intelligence operation designed to capture the son of the then Vice President and hopefully to extend that to the family."
"When the president says one thing and his former national security adviser says the opposite, this is a matter of interest to the American people."
"This was a covert operation to take down...the most dangerous man in America."
"Paradise Lost, a story about the mascara long before Wonder Woman was born in a Game of Thrones style political Intrigue thing."
"He witnessed Donald Trump ask a foreign leader to dirty up Joe Biden’s son and Joe Biden a potential political rival."
"Kennedy's assassination, a conspiracy at the highest levels of government."
"Impel Down is a hell of a sick arc. I mean, it also introduced us to the political structures. I mean, until now, we're used to the wacky stuff on islands, but this was actually man-made, you know?"
"Is Hunter Biden effectively a Chinese operative?"
"This is Xi Jinping and he has managed to double or triple cross his own boss his own Mentor who put him in that place."
"Speculation over one of history's most famous political assassinations."
"Is it possible that the grand jury is looking at more than Stormy Daniels?"
"If there had been express collusion, it wouldn't look any different from what actually happened."
"While I was briefing President Trump, Kerry was briefing Zarif on intelligence that related to Israeli operations."
"What kind of world are we living in if... a president orders his Seal Team to assassinate a political rival and resigns for example before an impeachment not a criminal act?"
"While seeing a powerful figure navigate a complex political landscape is something we’ve seen executed quite well in another recent show, I’m excited to see this play out going forward with Miriel in a different way."
"The cover-up is helping the perps in this Russia Obama gate scandal."
"Russia's involvement in this coup is quite subtle but it is there."
"Operation Erso, the New Republic’s great offensive, would occur simultaneously with a coup attempt in the Sith Eternal."
"They've been caught, and the truth will be revealed step by step." - Lin Wood
"Maven's ties with the Empire and Thalmor hint at her extensive network of influence."
"Learning that Melania Trump had told her husband midway through you know that woman is lying don't you we thought that was interesting."
"The mystery of who would want to attack a 66-year-old former political aide deepened when CCTV footage from the days prior to Jack's death surfaced."
"Viewing all other people as pawns and servants leads to a tyrannical, dictator-like state, and ironically pushes people to consider turning on him, most notably Claire."
"I never asked about Joe Biden, I was told about Joe Biden."
"Queen Amidala calls for a vote of no confidence in Chancellor valorum's leadership probably not everyone's favorite scene but certainly mine because despite a million opinions to the contrary I love the politics scenes in the Star Wars prequels."
"The whole thing is here, even the Lannisters are a part of it."
"Starting from 2012 Kim jong-nam supposedly wrote a letter to his brother asking to spare his life."
"They're aware of them because it was climate scientists who discovered these things."
"The second book has really cracked open the world in terms of the politics."
"There's talk about Tarkin and not trusting him."
"Bustani reveals new details of how he was targeted when he stood in the way of the Iraq war."
"Absolutely astonishing truth about the Fusion GPS dossier scandal."
"In June 2016, former British intelligence officer aptly named action hero Christopher Steele is hired."
"South American history is riddled with intrigue in terms of kickbacks and BS."
"The UFO threat becomes the crucial aspect, it's the Deep State's Ultimate Weapon."
"We as human beings are obsessed with the politics of power."
"The shifting dynamics and power balances in the Dune universe are always fascinating."
"The narratives, the alliances, the betrayals, it's like a real-life drama unfolding."
"We could even see super high-end overclocked 3080s running as fast as a 3090 possibly."
"Hoover's suspicion: CIA planting evidence of an Oswald-Soviet plot."
"He chose Tyrion...but that's not the way the world works."
"And by the way, did we catch them? We caught them. We caught them. We caught them. Watch what happens."
"Important to remember: Pages public, remainder still classified. Plus Cruz."
"He's under protection, he's the key to revealing Russia didn't hack into the server."
"This used to be Lefty stuff. This used to be like, 'oh, you know what the CIA do, they go down to Nicaragua or they go down to Panama,' they're all involved in causing coups."
"Remember when that nordstream pipeline blew up? It's really odd that the Legacy Media are saying Russia blew it up themselves, because Putin, as we've been telling you every day now on the news, is crazy."
"She's definitely undermining Dany at every turn she can."
"Nothing is ever what it seems in the Middle East... that's why I love Middle Eastern politics."
"Does anyone else find it strange that Kaia, who's effectively second in command of the governing body of Monstat, has a lot of really sketchy connections?"
"This Russian collusion is real. The players connected to Russians, notably Deripaska, are all players that targeted Trump, not the Trump team."
"It was all too easy to sow chaos and discord within your squabbling houses."
"He's the most dangerous man that I think exists in the empire."
"Your brother is sleeping with a woman who potentially might be a spy right now, right this instant, and Robert's like, 'No, he's not.'"
"When you actually go all the way back when you actually understand how this started and how many different plots were pursued thwarted warned about and then desperately double down upon that goes to the criminal intent."
"I think there is more at play here. It's very clear that there is a hidden plot, a coup that is being built up."
"Perhaps when the people of Westeros discover that Littlefinger was a driving force behind the state's sinister now, he too will be publicly made an example on."
"Cutthroat, that's what the game is, dude. All the Lords of Westeros are cutthroats. It's all who can backstab and kill the most people, that's what he says, you kill."
"Anyone who's capable of masterminding a coup or even an assassination it's the same guy."
"Saul was at his most dangerous...trying to divide the kingdom."
"Ned Stark still cements himself as being a great character. His honorable demeanor is perfectly contrasted against the corrupt and slimy members of the small council."
"The Popish Plot: There was just one issue with the Popish Plot – it had all been invented by one man."
"It's a good balance of real life, real kind of political intrigue, and the medieval days with that kind of setting, but just enough magic."
"It was a plot, a counterintelligence plot, conceived in Washington and played out by Ukraine, UK, Australia, Italy... They all cooperated to frame President Trump."
"Turley weaves A Narrative of intrigue and Corruption laying bare the shocking truth behind the latest allegations against Hunter Biden leaving us questioning the very fabric of our democracy."
"I'm on the edge of my seat to find out how this little piece of political theatre plays out."
"Life within the government of the Imperium is therefore rife with internal politics and backstabbing."
"New files regarding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy have been released."
"Final Fantasy 12 had a more realistic political intrigue plot."
"Despite the binding effect of the valderi, they sought to destabilize and undermine the camarilla," revealing the depths of their defiance.
"Once he stole a copy of the documents he traveled north to DC where he made a stop at the Soviet embassy."
"What are we looking at I mean was this really sabotage from the highest levels against our country from the highest levels of the last administration and before against our country to release this information."
"Remember, remember the fifth of November, the gunpowder treason and plot." - V
"It's like, yeah, no coup, but here is the way we get to a coup." - John
"The controversial coups in Guatemala and Iran orchestrated by Dulles."
"What if you could be a fly on the wall of some of the most top secret conversations and actions of a president or a vice president?"
"After being caught trying to defect, Chapman's life was basically in the hands of the government, who could have easily put him in prison, so Chapman agreed to become a government informant."
"Things are happening. It would make a world of sense if a fake FISA application now."
"There are deep-seated occultists in Washington DC committed to an ancient scheme."
"There are a handful of people who know the most about the inner workings of what went on in Trump's world from March of 2016 till the end."
"You are scared the Northern lords will read it. They wouldn’t think much of Lady Sansa if they knew how she did Cersei's bidding."
"There was a team of 18 FBI agents secretly meeting with prosecutors during the persecution of Lula."
"Jared Kushner had at least three previously undisclosed contacts with the Russian ambassador."
"From a News Junkie standpoint, this has been the most fascinating Saga to follow over the past year."
"The key to the Seth Rich mystery really does rest with Julian Assange."
"In November 1568, Nobunaga triumphantly entered Kyoto, expelled the Miyoshi clan that had up to that point controlled the Shogunate, and installed Yoshiaki as the 15th Ashikaga shogun."
"She sends him a letter and says, 'I'm interested.' He goes, 'What are you thinking?' And she goes, 'Why don't we get married and then I just turn the city over to you?'"
"Just picture it now, the former president revealed to be a scroll upon his death 12 years after his presidency."
"So there are indeed hints that maybe she is working for the Tyrells, but she doesn't have to be. She could just be somebody who's trying to create or trying to get power for her own sake."
"I really like political intrigue. I have some questions about decisions certain characters make and where it's going to lead to. Great discussion, excited for that."
"They are getting rid of the Boltons, putting the Starks back in power, and getting rid of the Boltons."
"If lord connington and his pet dragon can somehow take out one of the great strongholds of the realm, the realm would have to take them seriously."
"The objective is clear: erode the council's ability to govern and protect, thereby nurturing the seeds of rebellion among its subjects."
"...this level of political intrigue expanding the world expanding what we're doing here is to me it's the perfect level of sanderson and I just enjoyed every moment of it."
"The royal family was now in turmoil it appeared to the world that the king had killed his nephews and seized the throne."
"A red wedding 2.0 could bring the Twins back into Tully-Stark control."
"I loved the Game of Thrones-style political intrigue in here with the castles and houses but mixed with DC characters."
"Cymbeline's country and government has been hijacked by forces that are maybe even smarter than he is."
"This is actually such a good fantasy series, it's not really talked about that much on Booktube, but if you like some very political intrigue-style fantasy, I think you would really enjoy them."
"There's so much political maneuvering in Riastes that I struggle to imagine they just get absorbed by Nazarick."
"I love the political maneuverings. That's my favorite thing in fantasy."
"I really love the slow burn of kind of understanding Fitz and getting to know Fitz and his life and all the political elements of it. I love political court maneuverings, drama, like I love that in a fantasy."
"'Dune Messiah' explores an intricate web of political and religious power, family, addiction, identity, and the repercussions of difficult choices."
"She's so political and so interesting."
"When the queen proclaims one king, the hand proclaims another, whose peace do the gold cloaks protect? The man who pays them."
"She's not the bad Empress, she's a really good person and the actual politics at the time is completely different from what is recorded."
"This series opens up with the emperor dying and all of the characters we follow in this book are his children."
"We've plenty of time to get rid of Stannis. And if Joffrey seems likely to cause problems when he comes into his throne, we simply reveal his little secret and seat Lord Renly there instead."
"He's literally doing the Littlefinger, Lord Varys thing."
"Power is a shadow on the wall. It's a mummer's trick."
"The objective of the Manchurian Candidate is to basically rig the system enough to where you basically have put a sleeper agent in the White House."
"Her life was a fascinating blend of political intrigue, romance, and the struggle for power in the ancient world."
"The small folk may have been cheering, but was that over winning a war or was it over Balon being named heir?"
"I want the political intrigue of the kings and what they're up to."
"I just feel like these two characters in this sort of very intense political mystery of trying to locate this missing girl is like the ultimate combination."
"This is more than a matter of feud between myself and Tasayo, my Lord Iliando. The Empire has been plunged into change, and it is up to you and me and others like us to decide whether the result is good or ill."
"As the echoes of civil strife fade into memory, Joshua finds himself in the company of Emperor Caesar Von Britain, the stalwart guardian of the Avalon Empire."
"The Queen's Thief novels are full of political machinations of nations, political intrigue, combat, sneaking around, spying, everything that makes a gripping fantasy novel the best."
"A Desolation Called Peace... very strong sci-fi political intrigue."
"Littlefinger rose to power on lies, duplicity, and double-crossing; his downfall will be brought about by truth, honesty, and loyalty."
"The whole reason we overthrew House Targaryen was to end the murder of children."
"Politics gives way to survival, bickering becomes fighting, and intrigue makes the leap to assassination."
"Prince Dane was his father, and Lyrope his mother. Oak is the reason Matic backed Balkan, the reason he wanted Dane dead, and now he's the key to the crown."
"The world building was good, the politics were interesting, and I like the family dynamics mostly."
"I guess Margaery becomes Joffrey's new fiancée and she's really good at the political game in manipulating people."
"The political maneuvering, the family moments in this book are just some of my favorite scenes ever."
"Will you seek political allies or rely upon military might, economic strength or subtle intrigues, a council seat or a sharpened blade? The cards are dealt, the choice is yours."
"Justinian had Vitalian assassinated shortly after he returned to Byzantium."
"It's a paranoia thriller with a lot of political aspects to it."
"All these people who have maintained a careful balance of power this whole time, keeping an eye on each other, are gradually beginning to fight each other."
"It's so interesting, the politics of this land are so complicated."
"The friendship aspect and political intrigue went to a peak in the last 50 pages, and I really enjoyed it."