
Nutritional Value Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"Eating a hard-boiled egg fills you up rather than grabbing a bowl of chips and gorging, because eggs have that filling effect and one egg's only about 75 calories."
"Red bell peppers: the crown jewel of superfoods for protecting Kidney Health."
"Not all plant foods are created equal. So if you're going to eat the rainbow, you will pay a price."
"Camel meat is an extremely diverse and nutritious food source."
"Grains are actually rich sources of fiber, B vitamins, antioxidants, and trace minerals."
"This vegetable pasta soup is extremely nutrient-rich."
"Milk, in fact, is pretty magical. Milk is the first thing that we drink when we're born. It literally keeps us alive."
"A calorie is not the same as any other calorie."
"Wow! That's delicious... It's like tangerine orange together married, and it's one of the highest vitamin C fruits on the planet."
"If you make her something this delicious, this nutritious, and this beautiful for that brunch, she's gonna be extremely proud."
"Perhaps nothing is more nutrient-rich than what we're about to experience next."
"Potatoes are surprisingly nutritious. They're a good source of vitamin C as well as B complex vitamins."
"Food is medicine and quality matters, and then it's not just calories, it's information, and it literally can upgrade or downgrade your biology with every bite."
"Meat is by far the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet."
"Beans: packed with essential nutrients and versatility in the kitchen, a must-have during shortages."
"Almonds are a powerhouse of nutrients, making them an excellent choice for breakfast."
"Spinach is a powerhouse of nutrients, making it an excellent choice for breakfast."
"Whole grain bread is a nutritious option for breakfast that offers numerous health benefits."
"Sweet potatoes are a versatile and nutritious addition to your breakfast routine."
"Quinoa is great because it's rich in fiber and protein."
"These things keep you full throughout the day, packed with protein and fiber."
"These low-cost meals are also super tasty, obviously I'm a chef, I want my food to taste good, be nutritious and just nourishing for the body."
"The liver slides out and they eat the liver because it's obviously the fattiest most nutritionist part of the animal."
"Extra fat tastes better, helps you achieve satiety, and keeps you full for longer. Butter, especially grass-fed butter, is full of vitamins and minerals."
"No chemicals, no bad stuff, just healthy carbs, proteins, vitamins, minerals, probiotics, and everything you can dream of."
"Cabbage is cheap and full of vitamins, especially vitamin C."
"This is a great alternative to other protein bars that have a lot of sugar and other unhealthy ingredients."
"Raw food isn't always the healthiest form of food."
"They're extremely high in protein and as a member of the shrimp family they don't burrow so they'll be perfect for this Pond."
"Popcorn: lots of antioxidants and fiber, one hundred percent a whole grain."
"Nuts: lots of good healthy fats and protein."
"Eggs are up the chain, then. Eggs are really highly ranking here."
"Your food is only as healthy as the soil it grows on."
"Our body is fluid. It reacts to food. Food is more than just energy. It's cultural, it's delicious, it's joy."
"The flavor of the food comes from the phytochemicals in the food."
"What's the purpose of food? It should be for nutrients or to fuel the engine."
"They have amazing anti-inflammatory properties and are full of essential antioxidants."
"It's fermented so it's loaded with probiotics and is a powerhouse nutritious superfood."
"Beans are protein powerhouses, packed with it minus all the saturated fat and cholesterol that you get in animal products."
"Leafy green and dark leafy green juice is probably some of the most nutritious and healing juices on the planet."
"Dandelions are perhaps one of the most underappreciated weeds out there. They're loaded with all kinds of good stuff for us and they actually make for a really tasty smoothie green."
"All grasses are edible. It might not be the tastiest meal you ever had, but it will sustain you and nourish you."
"Wild mustard is insanely nutritious. In fact, my friend and fellow forager John Kahless believes that wild mustard is the number-one most nutritious plant out there."
"Eat nutrient-dense foods as often as possible."
"Meat is very nutrient dense... very healthy."
"Liver is the most nutrient-dense superfood on the planet."
"Eggs: versatile and nutritious, essential for brain health."
"Salmon: rich in omega-3s for heart and brain health."
"The main thing is to have some nutritional value."
"Shellfish is one of the highest quality proteins that you can get."
"Focusing on foods that are the least processed foods you can eat is better."
"From weight loss to joint strength, olive oil is the elixir you didn't know you needed."
"That's a healthy, high-fiber, high-protein bowl of food that's going to make you feel happy when you eat it up."
"The macros are great and they taste great too."
"This has to be one of my all-time favorite meatless meals just because it really is filling, it has quite a bit of protein in it, and we really did not miss the meat in this meal."
"Raw cheese is some of the most nutritious cheese that you can obtain."
"Berries such as blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries distinguish themselves in the realm of health-centric foods due to their remarkable phytochemical composition."
"I like to actually have food that has nutrients in it so it holds me over till my next big meals but also keeps me full and nourished."
"Home-cooked meals are denser versions of anything you'll find in most commercial shops."
"Artichoke hearts are still one of the highest vegetables in antioxidant compounds, which is actually insane to me."
"Bok choy is clearly super nutritious but like I said in the beginning I swear it's underutilized."
"The vegetables want to be eaten. That's why they're here. They're delicious, they're nutritious, and they deserve to be eaten!"
"Just one handful, you get about 25 percent of your daily value."
"Alimentum is some good stuff, it produces a good amount of energy."
"Turnip greens hold the real nutritional treasure, significantly slowing down kidney function decline."
"Frozen produce may be healthier than fresh, retaining more nutrients."
"Chaga, arguably the most nutrient-dense superfood on the planet."
"The positive health benefits of consuming almonds and chia and olives and things like that far supersede the negative impact."
"Cherries and pomegranates: one of the most powerful antioxidants out there."
"Bison—lean, grass-fed, better omega-3 profile, good for muscle preservation, brain, and heart health."
"The seeds of cannabis can be used as a food base ground into a high-protein flour or used to produce an excellent edible oil rich in protein."
"This fish is a good source of protein and fat and fat is what you need in a survival situation."
"In fact, it's one of the best foods you can eat."
"Hemp seeds: the highest essential fatty acid of any food available."
"As a preservative, the salt was added, but most importantly, it was full of protein."
"And it's packed with vitamins, like A and C, which we love topically on our skin because they're potent forms of antioxidants."
"But don't throw it out, it's very rich in vitamins and minerals and it can be used in place of pretty much any recipe where water is called for."
"I would consider red meat to be one of the single greatest Health Foods in our human diet."
"Avocado is the world's healthiest fruit. It's a fact of life for us."
"Lamb's quarter is a nutrient accumulator."
"What I love about this is first of all it tastes good also zero grams of sugar 13 to 14 grams of protein that's huge."
"The crunchiness, the taste of it, it's high in iron and fiber."
"Having peanut butter in the house is great for a multitude of things. It's a great protein, it's a great fat, it's a great caloric intake."
"...plants will become less nutritious because of that what we think is happening in those situations..."
"Those yellow mesquite pods are super rich in nutrients, carbohydrates, proteins."
"Fresh juice probably one of the healthiest things you guys can drink."
"Rice Krispies aren't just puffs of air, full of complex carbohydrate and have vitamin D which helps build teeth and bones."
"Carrots, especially the purple ones, have some extra added benefits; they have things like far carnot in there, the purple ones have anthocyanins, these are anti-cancer and health-promoting compounds."
"It's called the miracle fruit, this has so many antioxidants."
"The antioxidant potential of one cup of kale is equal to 800 milligrams of vitamin C and 1100 units of vitamin E."
"This blend of dates and milk produces energy to the mind to think well and takes away toxins out of the body."
"Whether you're growing grapes for their ornamental value, their nutritional value, rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, so many health benefits, or maybe just to add a touch of the exotic to your garden or your allotment, anyway, get into grape growing."
"These leaves when dried, I've read that they're about 25 percent protein which is quite unheard of for a leaf."
"Cheese stored and traveled much easier than milk, it's also a source of protein and calcium, improving the health of ancient societies."
"Potatoes are such a great source of vitamin C, potassium, resistance starch, fiber."
"The powers of various foods, both those natural to them and those resulting from human skill."
"The great thing about Mediterranean food is it's very varied, so actually you take an intake of most of the major vitamins and elements."
"Powerhouse of antioxidants removes toxins from the blood."
"Grass-fed beef tends to be lower in fat in general and therefore lower in saturated fat and have more omega-3 fatty acids."
"Fruit is actually a food that our body digests the best."
"The nutrients that we get in animal products are bioidentical to what we crave in terms of our biology and our own bodies."
"Crazy amount of vitamins and nutrients, it's just really good for you."
"If mango was now a healing fruit, it may actually be very helpful for the body."
"Fruit and vegetables are packed full of nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants."
"Eggs are one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet, so I really, really want to have them in my diet."
"Dehydrating food is a great way to preserve food while saving the protein and calories as well as retaining the sugar content, fiber content, and vitamin content."
"Vegetarian food is very important, it has a lot of color, because that indicates more vegetables, more vitamins."
"Eggs are perfect foods. Everything you need for life is inside of here."
"Appliances that allow you to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables because simply those are the best foods on the entire planet."
"This machine makes the highest nutritional quality compared to other juicers out there."
"Every bite brings with it a world of benefits; dive into that green goodness."
"Eggs have an almost perfect score... because of all the foods, it's got the best balance of essential amino acids in it."
"Raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, gooseberries, boysenberries... these are chock-full packed full of antioxidants."
"The protein and fat content in eggs actually does really increase satiety."