
Variables Quotes

There are 385 quotes

"A variable is a container for a value, which can be various types."
"Basically, a variable is a way to give a name to a value."
"One of the most important things you can do... is to limit as many outside variables as you possibly can."
"We use variables, like any other programming language would use variables. We can store values inside variables and then we can use those values at a later point in time."
"A variable is a container that can store a value, and then a pointer instead of storing a value itself it is going to store an address of a variable."
"So there's a lot of flexibility with variables."
"Introducing one new variable affects everything else potentially."
"Variables for the most part are immutable, meaning that once the value is assigned it cannot be changed."
"The only variable when it comes to car testing should be the car."
"Variables are essentially a way of storing data."
"We're letting you know there's other variables than just everything is a demon."
"It's impossible to know when there's unknown variables always at play."
"This code is going to create three variables and these variables are the colors that I want to use in my application."
"If I can simplify all of the variables down to two, that might make me feel safe."
"A variable is essentially a container where we can store different pieces of information."
"That's really why variables are useful."
"For this demonstration, we want to eliminate all outside variables and really isolate the three core elements of the Stanford Prison Experiment."
"Based on whatever the extension is, we get a different color."
"Pointer variables are strongly typed."
"It's all temperature-wise things here, so mess with the temperature a little bit, you get a different result."
"Regression analysis helps us understand the relationship between two variables and the strength of that relationship."
"Category theory tells you that if you're interested in the variables, you're also interested in the kinds of things those variables are."
"Fe is something I'm not that good at. Dealing with people, thoughts, and ideas in my head are fine, but when people come up, it's too many variables."
"Correlational studies allow researchers to predict the relationship between two variables."
"Hidden variables, this is one of the things that is like fundamental in engineering systems and physical systems."
"Variables are just used to store data."
"The first rule is a variable, so in lambda calculus, you can define a value called a variable."
"Eliminating the variables, control the variables."
"Life in all its unpredictability is a dance of variables."
"Just keep chasing the variables that we know actually make you happy."
"So, now that we have q, we need to compare it to k."
"Variable is different in computer science from a mathematical variable."
"Try to write a program that swaps the values of X and Y."
"Val X I'm creating an immutable variable."
"Grip strength isn't a reliable measure. It's influenced by hand size and training, and can be artificially inflated."
"Pointers are variables that store the memory address of another variable. They point to the location of data in memory."
"These are all variables over which you have control that you can determine may or may not affect the quality quantity of your sleep."
"There are so many variables that go into the value of an item: things like supply, demand, condition, and you learn how to account for these variables only by doing."
"In this lesson, we learned about variables, which are a way to save values and use them. Later, we learned how to reassign a variable."
"There isn't just one right way to do this. There are a lot of variables involved here."
"You can store literally anything that you want within variables."
"Throughout this course, we're going to create lots of variables and you'll become really comfortable working with variables."
"I believe that all of these are variables that go into the equation that spits out the price that we have today."
"Understanding these variables can be helpful because it's somewhat of an art form."
"All other factors can never be held constant. Something always happens."
"So, now let's declare a variable called XP and then I'm going to show you how to do that."
"Now, follow this example and create another variable to keep track of health and start it at 100."
"...it's either get every single one of the many variables right every single day or substitute those variables with human knowledge."
"...no answer can be considered definitive, and many are the variables that would come into play."
"There's so many variables like we could see the table on the top of our screen versus this table."
"Pass by reference allows us to make a function that can actually modify multiple variables at once."
"That's the power of environment variables."
"Variables allow us to do it in a much easier, more readable way."
"Variables can be used on any of your screens and you can store lots of different data types in here."
"It's not the value, 'cause normally variables are used as values."
"I think that's one of the beautiful things about film photography: all the variables that we can use—developers, films, and, you know, if you can really nail yourself down to one film, one developer, one camera, one lens, and really master it, you can go a long way with it."
"The fundamental thing about a plot isn't so much whether it's a histogram or a frequency polygon or a scatter plot but rather what variables are being communicated in which ways."
"Judging skateboarding is so hard because there are so many variables to take into account."
"What makes that sound? What are the variables that contribute to that sound?"
"And then, what's really cool, right? Then be like, 'Oh yeah, actually, there's context variables, so please change those to be context variables.'"
"Menace provided a simple example of machine learning and how altering variables could affect the outcome."
"When you want your string to contain dynamic information, or if you want your string to contain variables, you need to use double quotes."
"I'm going to talk about including other variables in your expected goals model."
"There's no reason that we have to stop at just two input variables; we could have three or more independent variables and everything would still work the same."
"...should not use the coordinate variables x and y as your parameters..."
"If you're a person that really feels like you know, to be to prepare, fail to prepare no exactly you know that thing when people talk about preparation and how important that is um I think it all goes out the window because there's so many variables."
"Use a variable to store form data."
"If you look at cost of freight, energy, those are all things that increase, high variable costs, even labor is variable as lots of employees are unionized, the biggest cost has become OCC."
"If you have good insight to your problem, pick good variables for yourself."
"...the statistics of each player, wind conditions, and turf affect the outcome of each individual play."
"There are different types of scope we can have for our variables."
"When I output the contents of a variable, it doesn't change the contents of the variable. We're simply taking a copy of what's in the variable and then displaying it on the screen."
"The number of variables you have, that's the number of equations you're going to need."
"We need to optimize around those three variables."
"Any improvement of a process has a few prerequisites. To improve a process, the key process output variables (KPV) and key process input variables (KPI) should first be measured."
"Colors are properties we constantly have to use, and referencing them through variables makes our lives a million times easier."
"When you see those variables and you're trying to use them in your application, you might encounter issues."
"constants are alternatives to variables everything we said before also applies to constants except you can't change its value once it's created."
"Unpacking: assign variables from collections."
"Multiple assignment or variable swap: assign multiple variables in one line."
"You might have a modifier on this one, you might have a modifier on this one, you might have a modifier on all these things."
"Regression analysis helps in understanding if there is statistical relevance between Y and X."
"We have only a few independent parameters instead of hundreds."
"We can strip away the variables if we don't want to, the VAR operations."
"If you're trading being influenced by those variables, you're going to lose money."
"The last thing I want to say about variables and outputs is there is an argument called description and it's not there by accident."
"And I keep saying X, you can put anything you like in there. It's a placeholder for a variable. You can have A, B, Z, whatever you want."
"Top tips of optimizing your code: avoid using Global variables when possible or where you really don't need to."
"Default environmental variables in Jenkins include job name, node name, workspace, build URL, and Jenkins URL."
"To build a model, there should be a relationship between the target variable and independent variables."
"These are kind of the main variables of extraction."
"The domain represents the X values... the range represents the possible Y values that the function can have."
"Object variables are declared with object types instead of data types."
"We could do it with two just two variables."
"How do you coarse grain, how do you like combine different variables into a smaller number of variables so that you still get a predictive theory right like what is the information you can ignore and still be Markovian in the sense that the state now predicts the state next?"
"Understanding global and local variables is crucial for effective program design."
"Global variables and local variables have distinct scopes and usage."
"If you want to create a variable that is accessed inside multiple functions then you have to make the variable Global scoped."
"Declare variables as descriptive as possible."
"Keep the variable names as descriptive as possible."
"Inside the for Loop, if you're using any variable, that has to be as simple as possible. There I don't mind if you're using I or X or Y J K."
"We learned about variables, we learned what is a variable, why variables are required, how to use variables, and in that, we have learned about the naming Convention of variable."
"We learned about the scope of variables, that is global scoped and local scoped."
"We have learned about some good practices."
"Only an object may have a value for the instance variables."
"Variables can be taken in a couple of different ways you can either grab that information from a user input or you can gather it from another source."
"An important concept or aspect of the study usually what they don't know is which group of participants is the control group in which group is the experimental group."
"But let's take a closer look at where you can find out how to add these variables and many more to your Trello board."
"Triple bam! In summary, the expected values for discrete and continuous variables are very similar. The only two differences are one, we replace the sum with the integral, and two, we replace the probability with the likelihood."
"The output voltage is a function of two variables: one is how fast we turn the rotor and the other is how much field current we put in."
"You'd be surprised at how many variables you can eliminate and get some really good predictable sound."
"All variables in old school basic were global."
"Programs should be made from the ground up by starting with a list of the important variables and a firm understanding of how they work together."
"You can actually store some variables in here."
"Correlation analysis helps us understand the relationships between different variables in our data."
"Environment variables should be stored in the environment."
"It's tough though, that's a lot of variables that need to go your way."
"I think people launching tons of variables at one time is probably what causes a lot of issues."
"I just wanted to show you three or actually a bit more examples of how you can use variables and connect them to variants to make everything a lot more exciting."
"Variables are mutable by default, that means values can change as long as the data type is the same."
"Variables are effectively like a data feed."
"First thing you want to do is you want to isolate the term that has the variable."
"What you want to start by getting both of those terms with the variable on the same side of the equation."
"What makes a polom a polinomial is we have a variable or variables but namely we have to pay attention to the exponent on the uh those uh particular variables okay so what the exponent can be is basically a whole number zero and positive integers."
"Pass by value copies the value of a variable, while pass by reference stores a reference to the variable's memory address."
"So what is a variable? A variable is essentially something which stores a value throughout your code."
"The trick for any level of analysis is to find the effective variable... that contains all the information from below required to generate all the behavior of interest above."
"A variable does not have to be empirically normally distributed in order for the normal error model to be useful statistically."
"...keep this perspective in mind, what values can it take? Can take values which range from zero to D minus one."
"All like terms have matching variables: x and x, x2 and x2, xy and xy, a2b and a2b."
"So, when I see 'what', I want to pop in a variable."
"...variables where we'd expect numbers and numbers where we'd expect variables but remember that algebra is your friend."
"Modeling a set of variables allows us to interpret dependency connections that provide additional context or early warning signals for future conditions."
"This is how you create a variable: spam is the variable name and it's set to equal the string 'hello'."
"I'm happy with my testing methodology, but please know that there are a lot of variables here."
"Manufacturing is about controlling variables."
"When we think about image optimization, we can break down the different user-controlled variables into a few basic categories."
"Both threads share the same global namespace in your code, so if you define a variable outside of any function or class, it will then be available to both threads."
"Undefined represents a lack of existence and it's what the JavaScript engine sets variables to initially."
"We see positive assortment around variables like age, political preference, religious beliefs, education, intelligence, values, and personality traits."
"You can inspect the local variables of a function whenever you are jumping into it, so that's a pretty cool thing."
"This is going to be a great example of a nominal or categorical variable."
"We're going to set a global memory location that we're going to call temperature."
"The more variables that you put into your model that are pertinent to that model, the more accurate your model is going to be."
"The mediation did happen, having this full picture of all three variables at once is important."
"If you're going to declare a variable, you can use 'let' for stuff that will change, or 'const' for stuff that will never change."
"Covariance and correlation both describe the relationship between numerical variables."
"Design tokens are a little bit like coding and code variables where you would store a value in a variable."
"Just remember, an array is basically like having multiple variables in one variable."
"Shooting 135 yards with a bow is like shooting a thousand yards with a 338 Lapua; there's a lot of variables, and you have to be conscious of them."
"A pointer is a variable, and as such, you can change what it refers to and reassign to it."
"Initialization is not assignment!"
"Variables are containers, they allow us to maintain and keep track of the data and the values in our programs a lot better."
"A variable is like a container; it can hold different things like an int or a double, or even an object like a string. However, it can only hold one value at a time."
"We have to break our training down into four variables: volume, intensity, frequency, and duration."
"It's very crucial that you're only testing one variable at a time."
"The actual capacity of the network is a function of many variables."
"We're really getting heavy-duty into the use of variables in algebra."
"It's understanding that what underpins that goal is a collection of variables."
"You need to know which direction to change your variables that reduces the loss between what your model predicted and what the truth is."
"It's basically taking functions and putting them on the same level as normal variables."
"And so we're super excited to actually show off variables today, which is exactly that; it's a common foundation to build all of these things."
"Our goal with leveraging variables was to use them in a way that allowed us to reduce the complexity of our design system structure."
"With all the awesome new powers we're afforded with variables, we've been able to significantly reduce the number of libraries that make up our design system."
"Whenever anybody creates a design file, we want them to be using the semantic layer of our variables."
"It takes really having a strong observation of what you're working with on a daily basis, studying it really, and understanding all the variables surrounding it."
"Sometimes the introduction of a new variable, however insignificant, can be the catalyst of huge change."
"Variables and Storyline are like a brain, they're like a little memory where you can store information that you want to remember throughout your course."
"You can just play around with all the different variables."
"The variable that we are going to be looking at to control this is, of course, the Y variable."
"The amount of unknown that you have is typically going to be the amount of variables that we need to use."
"Instead of states, we want to describe the animation we want by variables."
"A few different variables can make big differences in how a shotgun performs, especially with buckshot."
"...there are unobserved or latent variables like knowledge and the features of the test or instrument or assessor or judge that influence the scoring."
"There'll always be some solution if there's no free variables."
"Algebra is simply a tool, and the main concept of algebra is that we use variables, things like X, Y, and Z, to represent unknown values."
"That's what an identity is, it's something that's true regardless of what you put in for the variables."
"You can change variables... and it becomes convex. People in practice have discovered these changes of variables for using for other reasons."
"That's the beauty of it, you can just add in a few variables and predict what's going to happen."
"Making up your mind on things with only a short listen and without playing with multiple variables can often lead you down the wrong path."
"Property wrappers are about creating variables that connect things together so that only one place has the actual truth."
"Once you figure in this independent variable, your ability to manifest becomes much more effective."
"Mediators are mechanisms, moderators change or moderate the influence of one variable on another."
"A hypothesis is a tentative statement about the relationship between two or more variables."
"An independent variable is a variable that we think is affecting another variable."
"The dependent variable is the effect or the variable that we think is being affected by another variable."
"Let's start by setting the table. In most analyses, at least investing in finance, the way we do analysis is we have a bunch of variables that we care about and an output variable that we're trying to explain."
"Qualitative variables, also known as categorical or grouping variables, mostly put people into categories."
"...we are not restricted to using manifest variables only; we can expand the model to include latent factors."
"What makes a valid investigation? Three things: your independent variable, your dependent variable, and the control variables."
"A variable is a characteristic or quantity that can be measured, counted, or categorized and is subject to change."
"What's important is to be accurate with these things so that we understand the variable that we're talking about."
"The set command is going to be used for setting a global variable and making it where it works over and over again."
"Variables enable us to remember a value to use later on."
"Consistency has the bigger impact in almost every situation than the variables you're looking at."
"Making bath bombs is tough; there are so many things that can affect your bath bomb batch."
"Variables are named containers for storing data values."
"Let's let our variables represent the number of ounces of each type because that's in fact what the question is asking."
"Anytime in algebra you have two separate variables involved, you need to be thinking about systems of equations."
"You can also use variables; it's really, really powerful."