
Everyday Objects Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"The idea of 'reloading' everything in a comedic sketch, from water coolers to cameras, showcases how creativity can turn mundane actions into humor."
"You know, I don't envy chairs. They stand around all day, thinking, 'Oh, great, here comes another butt.'"
"There's truly very little that brings me more joy than my rice cooker when it sings."
"Now we can see those look like lego pieces again."
"One of the most useful of these features is the little hole on the metal hook."
"A lemon squeezer is the true Phoenix. When the old one proves utterly useless, a new one rises from its aluminum."
"The phallic qualities of any particular fruit they might be eating."
"It's not a severed finger, it's a glass beaker. Haha, boring."
"Crust gives me sort of like more structure, right you know? It gives me a little bit more like something to latch on to."
"It's a man-made thing, the chair you're sitting on, sir."
"This is why they call them hangers and not placers."
"One of those [Flush King] is very, very handy."
"It's the toaster. Think about it. You're electrocuted. That's the terror."
"That made me think about that seeing that paracord there."
"It's more than just a handsome decoration; it's also, as a matter of fact, a button."
"Blender, Mixer. I don't know, they're all kitchen utensils!"
"Okay, you guys see this? This is a Nerf dart."
"Everyday objects are home to mystic forces or dimensional gateways that might mean a new telekinetic power hidden inside a carousel horse."
"That is day twelve, the ceramic perfume bottle. I don't know what this is supposed to be for, I guess it's like a paperweight or something."
"What can a pen do for you really other than write something? But look, look swag down in your pocket. I mean, that's literally what it was. It's a status thing."
"This is a secret no one's allowed to know about... those are bottle openers."
"There's tremendous social utility in describing what a chair is."
"Wow, I always thought there was like maybe one motor for the back of the chair."
"A bellows is used to start a fire, and Jack has a fireplace."
"It's hard to believe that one of the most amazing and unexplained things on earth is a small coin that you might just pass by if you saw it laying on the street."
"A yield sign... seems like the simplest thing in the world to us."
"Why are you drinking out of that thing, which is a small blender?"
"What's the purpose of sponges? I can't put it down, I don't know."
"Finding the horror in something common that we interact with every day, a mirror as common as mirrors are they had always creeped him out."
"A pillow like a watch or a phone can be a work of art."
"Never underestimate the humble plate glass door."
"Many cups and mugs have little grooves on the bottom on purpose."
"There are many things we see every day that have specific uses we are completely unaware of."
"The allure of numismatics, where everyday objects can hold extraordinary value."
"This is the straw that's used to drink the beverages."
"...the sheets that you have on your bed...it's one of those things you don't notice you have something."
"...every zipper pull every handle every putting it on every getting your laptop in and out..."
"Look at this! I'm seriously the head of this spoon is like as big as the palm of my hand."
"There seems to be nothing more mundane and regular than a tube of toothpaste but you wouldn't think so if you cut open a tube that contains several colors."
"Appreciate the existence of everyday objects and think of the work and people involved in creating them."
"It's crazy to see how creative people are, even with a lunch box in the mix."
"What does a granite countertop, a sheet of glass, and this table all have in common? Well, they're all surfaces we consider flat."
"I love thinking of unique ways to use typical items."
"Sometimes a banana is just a banana."
"We've been obsessed with taking common everyday objects from everybody's household and making them fly."
"All around us are objects that we certainly take for granted."
"I mean technically, I guess you could fidget with anything if you really think about it."
"I defy anybody to say they haven't got at least half a dozen of these quick pens around in their drawer."
"We pay tribute to toasters everywhere."