
Educational Insight Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"The starting insight of algebraic number theory is, instead of looking at a single number, look at the set of all multiples of that number at the same time."
"Slavery was the main cause of the Civil War."
"Hopefully, this discussion of these approaches gives you a sense of how we can use deep learning to not only learn patterns and data but to use this information in a rich way to achieve generative modeling."
"Just because you're book smart doesn't mean you're not life smart."
"Did any of you hear anything about planets in the text? Nope."
"There are lessons to be learned from Einstein."
"Science is not a set of facts and dictums, it's a method, it's a process."
"The more you learn in music, the more you realize how fundamental everything kind of goes back to..." - Discovering underlying principles in music.
"The interesting part is when we now have these fundamental building blocks, like an array, with which we can solve problems."
"Extraordinarily instructive with regard to confirmation bias."
"Understanding related psychotic disorders: Capgras syndrome, folie à deux, and more."
"15% of what we know today is likely to be relevant in five years."
"That's one of the fun things about being a physicist is you can think about analogies to stop your learning in physics and math geometry Etc."
"Vietnamese people are hardworking... hardworking is the number one quality of Vietnamese students." - Mr. Witten Chi Hill
"Now we know how Espresso works and we know how it's a great tool to do test-driven development."
"Even the small details matter in understanding the Gospel."
"Utterly stellar and inspiring. As a games designer, hearing what cues Bubsy is using to navigate the environment without sight has been so informative."
"Dynamic programming: A magical guessing game with practical applications in solving complex problems efficiently."
"There's so many new nurses or students that are getting into nursing right now that have no idea what their future might look like."
"Books like 'The Railway Journey' help us draw parallels between the past and the present."
"We should all be able to agree that both internment camps and concentration camps were both bad – but one of them was clearly worse."
"How does this impact all of us myself, you, Professor Hunter, all of us in the United States?"
"Knowledge can only be achieved when you learn it from someone, not from yourself."
"I understand why it feels wrong, but the actual amount of evidence for evolution may exceed any other Theory."
"It startled me to realize that this is not simply a study in Old Testament ancient history."
"Adding the inputs is the same as multiplying the outputs"
"Comparing and contrasting these two works forced me to digest what they have to offer." - Comparison
"Everyone who succeeds learns deep learning in a different way but everyone who fails fails in the same way they give up."
"This course challenged me to see how the formula for entropy which is essentially hammered into you as an undergraduate actually extremely natural."
"The story of the discovery of the Platypus teaches much that is relevant to the nature of scientific evidence."
"Through the centuries, the Jews have endured terrible persecution, and you know that we've all read it, we've studied it, they've gone through a lot."
"Americans think about the wars their own country has fought in, they often think of just the big ones: World War two, Vietnam, the Civil War... But there's so much more."
"History stretches back a really, really, really long time."
"I honestly think it has the potential to change the way you look at numbers."
"The only way you know that you know something is the way in which you can explain it to somebody else."
"He's seen through the problem, he's understood at a very deep level, and so he can explain it."
"It's often more important to know how to think about a problem rather than exactly how to solve this particular problem."
"There's nothing about the lesson that requires me accepting that this is portraying true events."
"An anecdote is just a brief story or tale. It tells us something important about the subject matter at hand."
"History is history, and you can't change it."
"A lot of times you only have to see things once for it to stick."
"Understanding America's involvement in wars provides depth to the nation's military past."
"But what do we actually know about this vast and mysterious continent?"
"I want to talk about failure. I want to talk about why things go wrong. Because you can learn as much, if not more from your failures, your non-starts, your hesitations, as you can from your successes."
"College education: may not be the best, but it's an eye-opening experience."
"Science changes and updates based on evidence. That's a beautiful thing."
"It's just like they say in school, you can be book smart but not street smart."
"Remember, that lever there is forcing those spikes to go up and down."
"You don't need it, you don't need it. Did you know a belly button is just a scar? Did you know that?"
"So basically, overall in this document, it's a little long it's a lot of legal law school as Christopher sort of said, can you sort of run us down what this new information sort of the summary for us if you will."
"A check can be such an effective method in endgames, right? You don't even have to understand exactly what the check does."
"Realize the simplicity with which I have done this question."
"English language and literature really did combine something from all other areas."
"This is what we call an underfit river, meaning that the canyon itself is made by something much bigger and much different than the creek that now runs through it."
"The trick to learning more and having more success is finding the right way to frame the learning process."
"If you guys are like me, you're probably a little bit, if not totally, a visual learner."
"The truth is we're all fantastic learners, and we all have an innate thirst for knowledge from infancy."
"I hope this video gave you some insight into Emory as a school from a student's perspective."
"History can give us a guide to these overview patterns."
"A really great teacher just knows what's going on in that classroom."
"You're going to have to appreciate the apparent dip of the various units; apparent dip is incredibly important in geotechnics."
"It's a great point about what we're doing when thinking about learning a language."
"Music directly correlates to mathematics."