
Motivational Speech Quotes

There are 826 quotes

"I genuinely have just had a better life, a better outlook, I feel so much better every single day, and I want that for all of you."
"We're in the thick of the battle, don't let the enemy win," says Amanda.
"Courage is always stronger than fear, and when you are fighting for common values, you shouldn't be afraid of the enemy, because the enemy retreats when he fears force."
"We'll fight together and we will win together. We're going to win this."
"My message... channel those feelings in a constructive direction."
"Just go out there and enjoy the process and the awesome thing is we live in the 21st century."
"You have to love yourself and do this for yourself, girl."
"I'm really excited about being here. I'm very touched that you're here."
"Let this be the moment we find within ourselves the will to turn back the tide of climate Devastation looking at you."
"When you get knocked down get up well it's time for America to get up together."
"You've got to fight for the right to partake."
"A seismic shift: after a campaign that was devoid of vision, the winner's speech was full of it."
"I'm actually about to run through a brick wall right now."
"Think of it like a video game like up leveling everything that happened is here to support you cheering you on you are freaking awesome."
"Are you tired of feeling like a soggy sack of potatoes?"
"Determination is power, and I like that. But let's flip it around. Together, we are determined to power everything with actual power. How does that sound?"
"You seize the moment. Carpe diem. Seize the moment. Carpe momentum to make real reform."
"Determination is power, but let's flip it around: Together, we are determined to power everything!"
"Type one if you believe that you are here for a purpose and you are going to learn something from the words that come out of these news stories today."
"Nothing can break my mind, Sam. I'm bulletproof."
"I promise you this, you're not gonna inspire this room to rally and turn this into Silicon Valley. You need to execute."
"Don't give up. You know, that's one thing I said at that lunch that you weren't at when I was when I lost my [__]."
"It's go time, my friends! It is go time, my friends."
"We will get through this and we will get through this together."
"Gotta be in a fight to win the fight, let's go!"
"There is an ability within me that is greater than Zaria, greater than Nigeria."
"What's that career Journey what's that career story that you can actually inspire others."
"We won't stop. We know that y'all won't stop. We won't stop together."
"What am I on? I’m on my bike, busting my ass six hours a day. What are you on?"
"All you do is say, 'Feel so good to be alive, baby!' Can I get a hello there? It's a beautiful day we're out here. Whoa, Infinite Waters too high, diving deep once again. Stay well, stay healthy."
"You're going to accomplish everything... you're going to end up a multi-millionaire with that alone." - Ken Coleman
"Freedom is not free, and you don't want to sit back and not do anything and expect to be free by sitting on your couch flipping the remote. That [expletive] ain't popping. You gotta get off your ass."
"I don't want your hope, I want you to panic."
"The real danger is that you take no action at all, the real danger is that you listen to this video and then you go on and you say that was nice that was profound that was inspiring and the next day you do nothing at all."
"Freedom is on the march, my friends. Good night, and God bless America."
"Welcome to today's show. It's time to fight back, to wake up, and to begin an uprising."
"Can't you see that I'm in the middle of a pep talk?"
"We're just getting started, this ain't even chapter one, it's the introduction."
"Your words are binding, speaking it into existence."
"Actions speak louder than words. You can tell me you want a million bucks but you ain't willing to roll up your sleeves and go work for it."
"It's never ever ever never never ever been easier to become a millionaire."
"I welcome the haters. If I can turn my haters into millionaires, I can teach anybody."
"She proved to us that our dreams were possible, while telling us that the problems we complained about were valid, and we had every right to be angry."
"You maintain it and when people say oh I'm too old to do that I said that's the first thing you said that will stop whatever it was you were doing because you just told yourself I can't do it I'm too old."
"Capitalism didn't pan out for you, brother. Hey, just pick yourself up by your bootstraps."
"If we win this, you all get your independence back, and you get to be the short King in the north."
"The only thing that we have to fear is fear itself."
"Until next time stay safe stay secure stay contained stay protected and stay wow."
"It's more blessed to give than to receive, ladies and gentlemen."
"We're a white pill show, we're not a black pill show like there are, there's always hope God is in control."
"But I'm here to say you better find another way, and I did it." - Callie Muscle
"We have to do something. We can make a difference again. The world needs us now more than ever. Are you with me?"
"16's most important moment in the series as the character who gave Gohan a speech trying to get the boy to understand that even if he does not want to fight in this case he must fight in order to protect the world."
"Let's make a religion out of coming out of poverty."
"We've beaten them before. And that means we can do it again."
"I see big things in you. So what do you think? You ready to make the best decision of your life?"
"If you aim at nothing, you'll hit it every time."
"You are wonderful, amazing, great, all of you."
"We can do anything when we do it together. I believe we're on the road, I promise you."
"It's a noble nation, stand up for your country."
"Our destiny lies not in surrender but in conquest, not in retreat but in relentless advance, not in failure but in victory."
"You are capable of greatness in your profession and more importantly in your quality of self."
"Stars make fights, man. If you want to take my words, take it."
"You'll be famous before you be rich, and that's a powerful statement."
"We're having an impact and so when it comes to, hey, should we continue doing these videos and these conversations, absolutely yes, it's working."
"We are holding the line, like I said, divided we fall, united we conquer."
"If you are hungry, you are singly focused. Keep thine eyes single, and my whole body will be full of light of understanding."
"Drink your water, put your feet in the grass, and kick some ass. Let's get it."
"I know it feels like you're losing right now but God told me to tell you you anointed to win."
"You have the power, you have the passion. What are you going to do about it?"
"There is not a single thing we cannot do, so folks let's remember who in God's name we are."
"Anything you want in this space, you can have, but it's behind you. The thing stopping you is you."
"America's best days are ahead of it." - Michael B Moore
"I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore. The tides are starting to turn."
"Not everybody can, everybody's gonna do everything, nobody's gonna walk to the top of the hill."
"It's an amazing thing. It really gave me new faith and renewed energy in the American spirit."
"If you want to do this, I'm here to tell you that you can (beep) do it."
"If you don't believe in yourself, no one else will."
"Black lives matter is a mandate from the people. It's time, pay us what you owe us. Our black skin is not a crime, it is the beautiful robe of nation builders." - Ayanna Pressley
"You're going to be very successful and celebrated for what you do."
"You matter and you can never hear that enough."
"If those words don't make you excited, then I don't know what will."
"It's how you get to 14-0, baby. Bring them all on."
"Michael Jordan said you miss a hundred percent of the chances you don't take."
"Tonight will be a different story, some teams or a lot of teams want to relish beating the Leafs." - Wayne Simmons
"It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done."
"You absolutely can do this, you absolutely can do this."
"Spartans, ready your breakfast and eat hearty, for tonight we die in hell."
"We're gonna become guppy one slap at a time."
"I just wanted that to encourage you too, that you never know what conversation you have or what post on social media or what act of courage or boldness you do that may plant a seed in someone's mind that could change their mind on abortion."
"We need to have this fighting spirit. I mean, we're supposed to be the Church Militant for a reason."
"They said Sky's The Limit. Oh they told you [__] the sky's the limit then they turn around and tell you it's footsteps on the moon."
"We may not have your talent, we may not be the best at making perfumes, but we will never leave a friend behind, Rose."
"Pride, taking pride in what you do where you from and who you are pride on three."
"A rallying cry for teamwork and unity." - Highlighting the importance of collaboration and cohesion in achieving success.
"We're here for positive energy, you know, because it could always be worse."
"There is a happy ending for you all right. You are upon it. Don't give up, don't give in, don't feel sad, don't feel down."
"There's no substitute for victory." - Michael Knowles
"I wanted to be a voice for my younger self, everything I say now, I wish I'd known when I was younger."
"Wouldn't it be nice to get that swagger back in your step?"
"You are doing something great. You are the heroes of our time."
"The heavens have granted us our chance; let's give this everything we have."
"Have y'all ever heard of Herm Edwards? We play to win the game."
"You are more valuable than you can ever imagine."
"You can defeat me, but you can never defeat The Power of Love."
"You don't know, you can assume like, okay, you know what, it's effort-based, yeah, you know what I'm saying, you can't just sit down like, you know what, like in five years, like I'm gonna be a millionaire, okay, how? Like, what's the plan?"
"With God's help, we can and will resolve the problems which now confront us."
"Hope can exist in the middle of the fire. Hope can exist when I'm under Fire. Hope can keep going and I can keep moving because hope is on the way."
"Follow me. Keep on following me. Don't quit. Don't give up. Don't give out. Keep following me."
"The first y'all be last and the last shall be first."
"If you want to have power, you gotta deal with pain."
"It's the time to talk about the now, not last season."
"Your words, thoughts, and actions create your reality. The three go together deep divers like the cat down the road and I."
"We are strong and we are ready to get through this."
"We are about to change this planet, my friends."
"Stop letting rich people gaslight you into believing you're not wealthy because you don't work hard."
"Don't let anybody tell you slavery was a long time ago. Girl, you got opportunities."
"Take the word 'no' out of your damn vocabulary."
"The longer we engage with them... the more we tend to like them."
"Let's come together, time for us to wake up... More than anything, now let's come together."
"It's hard to win the playoff game, better yet, a Super Bowl. Okay, so if he didn't have a honeymoon season, I mean, things went right for him from the time the regular season got there."
"I don't tell God about my problems, I tell my problems about my God."
"Thank you, never stop. Anime War is without a doubt my favorite anime."
"If we just gave people the kinds of incentives that they used to have... we just gotta rocket it, it's all pent up right now ready to go."
"Love each other care about each other be charitable people this guy loves you a lot from the heart I mean it with all I got we we are a team we're a family all right."
"He draws a line in the sand and makes his famous speech."
"I'm pumped up today because I want to encourage you guys to take bold aggressive action now."
"To his beloved country he offered his 'blood, toil, tears and sweat.'"
"Just know we're going through this thing called life together, never in it by yourself. Let's get it."
"Listen to me, if you work for it, if you willing to put in that sweat, that blood, and those tears, baby I'm telling you, you can have what you want, be what you want, do what you want."
"It would set fire to the hearts of the rebels and inspire them to fight."
"Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties and so bear ourselves that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth lasts for a thousand years, men will still say this was their finest hour." - Winston Churchill
"If you hear about someone being harmed on the other side of the planet, you want to help them. And that's good." - Caleb Maupin
"I told y'all, dude been building. He been waiting to get a whooping. He been waiting to get a good old-fashioned hiding, as Tyson Fury would say."
"Just gotta believe in yourself, you know? You gotta just say stuff like this: 'I will not die at the start.' 'I will not die at the start.' And then boom, get a shotgun at the start. I will not die, I will kill the enemy. It's gonna happen."
"Let me tell you boo boo, this is a reminder that you are sexy, you are amazing."
"You're the light of the world and the salt of the earth, so go out there and be salty. Good night everyone, God bless."
"Let's have a record-breaking year, shall we?"
"Shut the [__] up and please stop telling me you can't do it, you can do it."
"Just because you came from nothing doesn't mean that you can't be something." - Daughter of fallen pastor from Charleston church shooting
"Some of you who may die, but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make."
"You're working to make the world a better place." - Sarah, FBI agent
"You gotta get over this, people. Stop complaining and get off your fat asses and do something."
"We need transformation, not just information." - John Bevere
"we are winning and maybe it doesn't feel like it in your theater of the war but I'm telling you right now we're winning"
"Nobody's perfect. Rome was not built overnight."
"Turn the city the [__] up, man. Straight up, you feel what I'm saying? You know, for a million dollars worth of game, man, you always got a family over here."
"You are all stars. You are all super [] stars. You are all the greatest beings on the [] planet. You just have to make the right decision."
"You finna win so big that I'm talking about so big so big so big baby, right? Eye ready baby in the by the name of Jesus you finna win so big baby that it's gonna break records in your family that they don't never ever be broken baby."
"Stay creative, stay lit, stay doing what you're doing brother. I love you to death, I love you to life."
"And that's why the title of today's message is 'To Hell With Hesitation.'"
"Humanity's gonna make it one thousand percent."
"If you're not interested in space travel and what are you why what are you thinking I think we should go driver."
"I just want to tell everybody that feels like they've hit their lowest low that feels completely broken that feels like nothing is going to ever get better that it will."
"We're here to change the club's situation. No more embarrassments, guys. No more freaking embarrassments. We are taking Barcelona to the very top."
"It's time for us to shine our lights brighter than ever before."
"People succeed. I don't... it's not about, you know, anything else. I want people to actually kick some ass. It is, uh, it's a big deal." - Mitch
"This is how huge I'm getting these people. I changed their fucking lives."
"This is the time, this is top three, come on."
"I want to put Norwalk on the [__] map so bad, then do it, it's already on the map."
"Don't trip over the pebbles; diamonds are coming next."
"Who the [__] do you think you are, man? We're all going to grow, we're all going to get better."
"So if I can do these things, I know that you can too."
"Nothing wrong with saying we must and we can do better as a nation."
"It's not about us right now, okay? It's not about us, it's about you."
"It's all about the choices that we make." - Chris Freyr
"The idea and thought of like oh I'm gonna go out and like have this confidence and swag right it's probably gonna be seem like you're talking about hey let's get from here to Mars."
"No more excuses. I say this year we become accountable to our goals. Let's do this."
"Stop making excuses. Do it, just go and do it."
"What are the things that you are most afraid of? What have you not done because I guarantee you everything you've done to this point has prepared you for this?"
"Creativity doesn't come from just no, the thing is um yeah, you're right."
"You're going to succeed. You are. You just are."
"Your words have impact and import and exhortation."
"We can do this, people, we can do this! Take the environment into account when you vote."
"Spam up the straps in the chat if you believe we can come back first play right there are ready 16 is 20."
"You deserve higher pay. You deserve long-term health care. And above all, you deserve freedom. Support each other. I am not your enemy. I am your advocate who selfishly wants to knock out a few of you to make some big bank." - Jake Paul
"Anything is possible, and I'm talking about not just people in Hollywood, but I want to reach to that little village in Poland."
"Just because something has never been done doesn't mean it's not possible. It just hasn't been done yet."
"You know I've said this before that the only way that we're going to get out of the Abyss is to climb back up the slippery slope." - Sarah Gonzalez
"Let's Dance, let's go, come on Romeo, holy moly!"
"For every problem, the problem itself presents an opportunity that dwarfs the problem."
"There is no Victory without a fight. Don't ever give up."
"I want you to look at my eyes. I guarantee you we're going to end fossil fuel."
"Black is beautiful, black is excellence. Let's get it back to that."
"I hope your seat belt is buckled because you're going to go for a ride and become the best legendary you've ever seen."
"If it's unimaginable, you just aren't being ambitious enough."
"Build castles with your words, don't dig graves."
"If you can't stand for us, get out of the way, you're a waste of space."
"We can do better. We can absolutely do better."
"So if that's not inspiration, I don't know what is."
"If you're home and miserable, that's one, not to be right."
"With your help, your love, and your prayers, we will make America great again."
"Everybody here in this audience can do their miracle."
"That's what I'm talking about, there it is, that's it son, that's what I'm talking about."
"The world doesn't revolve around you, you have to use your gifts and talents for the betterment of society." - Mia Love
"They will fulfill their destiny, they will do everything you call them to do."
"We kind of really gotta shoot for the moon here."
"I got no mama gonna get seen video, get up Jordan."
"We have to win the future." - Competitive motivation
"Think about it, positive thought, positive bomb."