
Legal Terms Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"The term for this, by the way, is stealthing... it's sexual assault. It's pretty unambiguously sexual assault."
"Seditious conspiracy is a very serious charge."
"Injunctive relief and other equitable relief is really just a general prayer for relief."
"I'd like to see some sort of clause put into her plea agreement where she can't write a book and make money off of this though."
"Qualified immunity shuts the courthouse doors to people with valid constitutional claims."
"A mistrial just means something bad happened during the trial."
"This is gross negligence. It's not just negligence, it's gross extreme negligence."
"Among other things, the agreement requires that any and all disputes, claims, or controversies of any kind or nature whatsoever between Miss Herman and Mr. Woods are to be resolved by confidential binding arbitration."
"An assault is a threat of unwanted or offensive touching."
"Legal definition of some words so that Brands could stop getting away with greenwashing."
"I'm gonna refer you again to the four corners of charging and I charge Ament."
"Guilty until proven innocent and Beyond reasonable doubts are court terms."
"Malice, a conscious intentional wrongdoing of a civil civil wrong."
"It's a circumstantial case, but that doesn't mean it's weak."
"There is more than circumstantial evidence now... evidence that is not circumstantial."
"You just have to have probable cause, but that would be the difference between a person of interest."
"Shows how much punitive damages can actually be."
"This shows intent, premeditation, and knowledge."
"That is the legal definition of sexual assault."
"I'm not going to use the term justice, I'm going to use the term accountability."
"One can maybe make such a mistake once, one cannot make such a mistake four five six times. That's called mens rea, meaning intentionality."
"A non-disparagement clause doesn't prevent you from saying that everything was fine."
"The opposite of guilty is not innocent. It is not guilty. People don't get found innocent, they get found not guilty."
"This wasn't a conflict, this wasn't an altercation gone bad. This person right here attempted first degree murder."
"Words of conveyance outline how you take title."
"No contract, no case. The jurisdiction that these people operate in is contractual in nature."
"Character evidence or bad character evidence refers to using past behaviors or past traits of a person to prove a propensity to act in a certain way in the future."
"All of those are involuntary except quit claim deeds. That is a voluntary way that you can convey property."
"You must have all three: the offer, the acceptance, and the consideration."
"Implied contracts are legally enforceable obligations that arise from actions, conduct, or circumstances."
"She denied murder and instead admitted manslaughter by reason of diminished responsibility."
"No fault simply means that you don't have to prove fault in order to get a divorce."
"Dissolution of marriage is just a formal way to say divorce."
"The terms permanent and stationary and maximum medical improvement were created as artificial cutoff points in workers comp cases."
"Watch out for a dying declaration. It's using the one testifying in court as the person who heard the last words of the dead person."
"Incoterms are drafted at a high level of abstraction to apply universally, from bulk cargo to a single container of goods."
"Nominal damages are like, 'Okay, you're at fault, pay me like a dollar.'"
"Grandfather clause: allows an existing use to continue even if it's now non-conforming."
"Fee simple absolute is the highest form of land ownership which includes the full and complete bundle of property rights."
"A bilateral contract is an agreement between two or more parties."
"When contracting parties have signed a contract and both parties have done all they promised to do, it is called an executed contract."
"These are two different things, aren't they? Insubordination and ineffectiveness."
"Our supplier must make sure they have contractual clauses which bind their subcontractor by the same terms which we have bound them by."
"Reasonable suspicion is a lower standard than probable cause and happens when officers have specific and articulable facts which indicate that a crime has been, is being, or is about to be committed."
"A court order or subpoena are not the same."
"A condition is a term which is so important that a breach of the condition really removes all of the benefit from the contract."
"If you die with a will, you're dying testate."
"The term jury comes from the word 'juror' which means oath."
"An executed contract is one that's actually been completed."
"The distinction between contractual terms and mere representations is of crucial importance."
"Define the disclaimers, the limitation of liabilities, who the parties to the agreement are."
"A lease is a fixed agreement, whereas rent is a month-to-month agreement."
"Fee simple absolute ownership is the ownership completely without restrictions."
"Voluntarily, knowingly, intelligently."
"Equitable doesn't always mean equal; the court might decide to award either spouse from zero percent to a hundred percent of the asset."
"Time is of the essence basically means that the contract contemplates a punctual performance."
"Can you explain what an amicus brief is in terms of a five-year-old might get?"