
Narrative Satisfaction Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"This game has a wonderfully structured story that imparts a real sense of loss and introspection, and left me feeling completely satisfied."
"It didn't matter. He had become complete as a character."
"A satisfying journey with an amazing ending... stuck with me since I saw it."
"Few things are as narratively satisfying as watching the downfall of a bigot. I love you Jason."
"It wasn't the death we were expecting, but it was wonderfully satisfying nonetheless."
"Sometimes everyone just needs that happy ending."
"I just can't express how good this ending is; it's perfect."
"True / Canon endings only otherwise you just have a bunch of optional bad endings."
"Theon's sacrifice provides redemption for one of the show's most complicated and long-suffering characters."
"Littlefinger's death provides an incredibly satisfying ending for this often despicable man."
"If this story gives us great well-drawn characters and tells us a great story within this world, I can accept that."
"It's concise but jam-packed full of lore and world-building while still being its own self-contained story that's incredibly satisfying."
"There's something very gratifying about watching a mean girl get their comeuppance."
"What makes Elizabeth Bennet a strong female character? What makes this whole story so satisfying and unforgettable? Why does everyone love Mr. Darcy? There's a scientific explanation behind that."
"Stories are meant to have an ending, and this one had a really good one."
"They took a character who was already good but they made him better and gave him a satisfying story with a satisfying ending."
"It's an incomplete story it's a crime against good writing that what they did here which is also frustrating."
"This is one of those franchises that really does end on a satisfying high note."
"You are seeing an alternate timeline which hopefully can deliver a lot of the catharsis you as a fan desire."
"Her character deserved to live... they earned what she ultimately got to have in the end."
"Everything pays off, every character has clear motivations."
"It was so emotional for me to know that Hermione was going to be okay."
"Hell yeah, good ending. Karma somewhat restored."
"They actually went in and did what they were supposed to do and that is give a satisfying conclusion to many years of storytelling and characters."
"This is a solid payoff I really like it with the doctor erased and the universe inexplicably restored."
"It's a happy ending like a storybook ending."
"Obsessed with this book, incredible conclusion, chef's kiss 10 out of 10 please read this series."
"The ending really makes it worth it, honestly."
"What a satisfying ending to that story, right?"
"It's not just a consolation prize, it's a fairy tale ending."
"Reusing an element that has already been established will always be more satisfying than introducing a brand new one."
"I think it's one of the best conclusions to anything I've ever seen."
"I just really loved this story. I was hooked in until the very end."
"Leave you wondering what is happening to the hero and still needing a conclusion to the main story but with dead reckoning there's a satisfying ending."
"Sixth ending was amazing, how satisfying and beautiful was that ending."
"The story part of this game was pretty satisfying."
"I love it! The last thing he did before he went to school was go see his parents. That's a great ending right there."
"With all of that in mind, we have to agree with a loss of steam and declare the death of Zirin Blitz as the most satisfying death in anime."
"Surprises like this work best when it makes the audience say to themselves, 'oh of course it all makes sense.'"
"I've seen how this movie ends and I like the ending. If I didn't like the ending, I wouldn't be talking to you from this background."
"it's certainly going to be one of the most satisfying moments of series for a character who has all his life basically suffered and suffered and suffered"
"I just want to do something that's satisfying in a narrative sense."
"Praise be, we have a third act that actually works, that actually pleased me."
"There's a satisfying payoff at the end of the book."
"It's pretty impressive, J.K. Rowling often times just doesn't dedicate very much time to her endings of her books, and yet I still feel pretty good about them most of the time."
"It's such a perfectly measured conclusion to an excellent story."
"I did actually enjoy the last chapter which is essentially like a letter."
"The ending was so good and so surprising... it was just a really good ending."