
Gaming Terminology Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"It was the first game ever to use the term 'new game plus'—you know, the one that's become a staple in all modern day RPGs."
"Spell weakness 3, that's the win condition for our run."
"This map that we're looking at is called der Shatan which means the shadow."
"I think we should first define the term casual gaming."
"Big Navi really is way more fun to say though."
"Explosive barrels have become a fundamental phrase in the language of games."
"Yakking in a game is one thing, but yaking on someone is just a whole nother level."
"If I want to use that evil word that games critics are not allowed to use, it's fun."
"Are they brainstorm locked? Oh, they're brainstorm locked."
"The SMG 11 has been nicknamed the pocket sniper."
"Does it matter what Minecraft themselves call a biome?"
"First strike means that you're doing damage before regular combat damage is assigned."
"Mob aggro is kind of shorthand for their aggression and it means that a mob is targeting you and plans to attack you in some way or another."
"Hard Bargain: buying and selling prices at vendors are much better."
"Renown is essentially your Fame in Diablo 4, it's kind of like being exalted in World of Warcraft."
"Power creep is a real thing, and we're definitely in the thick of it."
"This run is what's called a mix, which is very common in Kirby games."
"Righteous Fury is the critical hit equivalent, now we have our taunting scream."
"It's like, what the hell is simulated gambling? It makes no sense."
"Lovely confirm and the armor break and this time we cash out, we spend it."
"Thankfully I've got an ace up my sleeve, turns out the life on scythe is once again the MVP of the run."
"I think that roguelite is a great term that can be used alongside other more traditional genres like say RPG or platformer to give an accurate description of what a game actually is."
"When you hear most people talking about grinding out power level, they are referring to their gear number overall."
"This is the rect OPFOR which is clearly some sort of AR-15 styled kind of variant from the rekt people."
"Chances are, if you’re improving at Smash, your knowledge of terms will follow."
"Read: To know what your opponent is going to do is known as reading someone."
"Free: When a tournament or player is extremely easy to beat."
"I'll get one rare just to open it. Rare kind of trash. Oh, never mind, I got a dope steering wheel, let's go!"
"So i think if we want mass adoption we have to stop calling it to someone who's in normal gaming it needs to be collectible game items we can't call them nfts to the traditional gamer."
"Kilo kilo is a d-class, you guys already know."
"Deep into a game and [] [] on him for it is like is that the like thing you have to go to of everything."
"Draven two at three-five, that is some donkey nonsense."
"Three inhibitors down, that is a death sentence."
"This card is cracked... this card is incredible."
"Rocket Shields are going to come in clutch for that."
"This looks so much better than I thought, there's a double hit though."
"A rage quit is a win, so that's always good."
"We in the business call that 'mechanical depth'."
"I have always just referred to role-playing as D&D."
"They're not loot boxes, they are surprise mechanics," and she also said, "nobody buys that [ __ ]."
"It's not a player pack, it's just a normal rare gold player pack. My bad."
"I saw nova 6 and Moab, so wait, we have a Moab from Modern Warfare 3. I'm not following it."
"Winning the neutral refers to landing a successful hit or punishing the enemy for a failed attempt to do so."
"Blood angels ranked at 47% they may have access to things like librarian dreadnoughts teleporting gladiators around."
"They're sort of like the middle volume Main and tags or end bosses."
"Graphics do not mean resolution, they do not mean picture clarity."
"Tanking: it's way more complicated than just sitting around and dinking around."
"Gouge in general, annoying with its sets, definitely a ranker high."
"Immerse and align give an extra punchy feel to the weapons fired."
"You literally already cheated. Stop saying cheats, bro. It's kits."
"I learned what OP means from being on Game Grumps: Overpowered."