
Psychological Traits Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Vulnerable narcissism is characterized by having a lot of shame, hypersensitivity to criticism, and resentfulness."
"Psychopaths are never childish, unlike the narcissist, but he behaves like a child."
"It's not uncommon when we see high levels of intelligence that it seems to come at a cost in terms of one's ability to socialize."
"Most pathological liars are almost always sociopaths."
"She’s getting more and more over-the-top and indulgent with each kill as she continues to let her psychopathic tendencies take over."
"I saw some traits, but not the full-blown disorder."
"She has important narcissistic and sociopathic traits."
"Sociopath or a psychopath or narcissist is going to want to mirror."
"The psychopath will do everything to deny what is."
"Narcissistic people view others as objects for their gratification."
"They lack empathy, they are callous, they are detached."
"What sets champions apart from the rest of the world is that they are mentally wired differently."
"A common characteristic of people with eating disorders is that they're so hard on themselves."
"There's no better camouflage for someone who's truly dark than compassion."
"Covert narcissists do share very common behaviors that will end up exposing their true nature."
"The idea of neurotic computers is not uncommon."
"Empathy is the lack of empathy, in fact, it's the number one commonality among Mass murderers and School shooters."
"He blames everyone and everything else for his problems."
"With a psychopath I would argue that emotion is like being colorblind for them."
"It's classic behavior of a malignant narcissist."
"Pathologically narcissistic people are always in survival mode."
"Type AB is seen to be either one of two personalities, either you're a rational genius or a total nut job."
"Authoritarians have a very submissive personality type."
"It's widely known that one of the most common characteristics among serial killers is to have a strong interest in torturing and killing animals at an early age."
"In a consumer capitalism society, narcissism and psychopathy become a more logical way of conducting yourself."
"Narcissists don't want to enter into your hurt. They're just thinking, 'How can I make you love me?'"
"People want interesting characters. Like, that's all there is. And someone being kind of [ __ ] up is interesting."
"The narcissist perceives submissiveness and compliance as the ideal traits in an intimate partner, as it allows him to convert her into an enemy, a demon, a persecutory object."
"What does this fight tell us about the characters? That graves is a total nutter and also that bond isn't actually a complete sociopath."
"Resilient people are more adaptable, they have more cognitive flexibility."
"The disciples obsession with revenge drives her to commit reprehensible sins but unlike most Psychopaths her face gives nothing away."
"The dark triad members have callousness in common, which is at the core and foundation of all three components."
"Violence and aggression were his default settings."
"Openness to experience is probably the biggest single personality variable when it comes to being a funny guy."
"Narcissism is a whole constellation of symptoms: lack of empathy, entitlement, chronic validation seeking, grandiosity."
"A sociopath never explains, never apologizes, just never blinks."
"The first sign of an empath is that you can take on the emotions and even thoughts of the people around you."
"If you come across someone who is your twin flame, that person, in all likelihood, is a narcissist or a psychopath."
"Humility and confidence are not enemies, they are best friends."
"That little smirk, that little glimmer of, 'I'm better than you. I really am God. I'm not only the devil, I am God, as well.'"
"The inability to regulate stress, frustration, or disappointment is a key element of the narcissistic personality."
"Entitlement: Rules don't apply to narcissists, but they should to others."
"The covert borderline loves children, unlike narcissists who detest them."
"Perfectionism is a survival mechanism."
"Empathy isn't an all or nothing trait; individuals can vary in their empathic abilities."
"Different people have different dispositional attributes, personality traits, different degrees of mental heuristics or biases."