
Indignation Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"It disgusts me that they are cheating people out of their goddamn money here and joking about it."
"Nothing is more intoxicating than the certainty of righteous indignation."
"You don't even deserve the respect to have your name spoken."
"Righteous indignation could be and often is a positive."
"He's pissed! He's pissed! How dare you! How dare you!"
"What right does he have to treat a saint like that?"
"That is sick and twisted is what it is."
"This was very painful for me to watch, this scammer just turned into a hyena and is making this disabled 88-year-old lady lie to people and rushing her to get out of the store. Just disgusting."
"She gathered all her strength and stood up. How dare he even say that about her? He didn't even dare enter through the main entrance, the stinking rat!"
"You will be shocked, you'll be stunned, you'll be outraged."
"The nerve of this man, can you believe this guy?"
"It's an absolute insult that's what it is."
"I'm fully in favor of the angry atheists who are indignant about the Injustice and the Damage that is done."
"it's just rude like you know you get like oh you got it y'all be like [ __ ] [ __ ] you it's like how dare you the audacity like what's wrong with you bro"
"...what makes me still indignant about it is that no one has investigated the original wrong - the lowballing during the crisis."
"To all the Mr. Mirandas in the world and the man who smeared my innocence, I have no respect for people like you."
"How dare this half-white man break my back?"
"This is unacceptable you shouldn't be treated this way."
"They're being slapped in the face with the reality that a lot of people want to pretend isn't there. That's why Dave reacted the way he did. He was indignant."
"That's the most disrespectful thing that's ever happened to me."
"There are people who have a very valid point and they are tired, they are frustrated, and they are righteously indignant at this point."
"No one lies as much as the indignant do."
"I was so filled with indignation that I almost walked out of the door at that point."
"I'm not a serpent," said Alice indignantly. "Serpent!" screamed the pigeon.
"Well, this offer is laughable. It's an insult. Frankly, it is insulting."
"It's wrong, I mean my God, the injustice of it all."
"It filled Naruto full of righteous indignation towards gato."
"I find that unbelievable k i find that unbelievable that you have the audacity to say I hope the next kid will turn out all right how dare you blame your children for the way that they are when all they want to do is to please and to be accepted."
"Are you Traer? How dare you! That's rude!"
"I was really enraged by that decision."
"He simply did not have words to express his indignation."
"How dare you!" Anne exclaimed, outraged.
"How dare you tell me what I do not want to hear, how dare you."
"The absolute entitlement of that sort of attitude makes me...it's just I think it's disgusting."
"Finally, a man after my own heart. Charging 20 cents is absolutely deplorable for tomato sauce. It absolutely makes me sick and I feel ill right now just thinking about it. I've got PTSD from thinking about people charging extra for f***ing sauce."
"This is unacceptable, not to mention absolutely ridiculous."
"Am I the only one around here who gives a [ __ ] about the role?"
"But they had every right to be angry, they had every right to be indignant."
"Who does she think she is to treat other people like that, to go and tell producers to inform people that you don't want this person sitting at that table, and you are so high and mighty that you can just make that happen?"
"The confusion and indignation of someone intruding in our space like that never happens."
"They took the porch! That's a personal because you ain't making money from that. You ain't taking that to a pawn shop."
"Don't put no [ __ ] photo of me choking my son on no damn flyer."
"Spoiled? What the [ __ ] is wrong with people?"
"Ten cents is like, come on, you think I am, dude?"
"Oh God, he likes it! 24 years I went without this. Why did nobody tell me? How dare you?"
"The most interesting characteristic of a true Dublin man is his capacity for indignation a Dublin man would rather be indignant than happy."
"How dare you throw stones at a dog!" yelled the little girl in a fury. "I'll... I'll tell the police!"
"It's one thing to speak ill of oneself, but to say such words about her own son, Daniel, it made her tremble with anger."
"I want you to get mad. You've got to say, 'I'm a human being, God damn it! My life has value!'"
"Even non-intellectuals still have their powers as human beings, the power of observation, of thought, and of righteous indignation."
"It just irked the crap out of me that people would make derogatory comments about Working Class People because they were talking about my grandparents."
"That is not a damn hot pocket, that is an injustice to call that a Hot Pocket or even anything close to it, those are freaking delicious."
"This is an insult to women in general."
"The fact that people don't even know that history, much less honor that history, is a source of great anger and resentment on the part of our people."
"Righteous indignation is the only sort to have, isn't it?"
"Life is hard enough with a disability; how dare you?"
"Why do all men think it's so easy to grab a woman without her consent and demand something from her?" Marta clenched her fists.
"How dare you call me an old woman! Call me Miss Mom!"
"How dare he look down on my profession?"
"How dare he mock a man no we and how dare he say these things about homosexuality."
"You are not a toy. How dare someone treat you like a toy."
"When someone acts as though a child-free person's time and life is not as valuable or meaningful as someone else who has a child, it infuriates me."
"You don't deserve her, people. What the hell is wrong with you?"
"How dare you! People can choose whoever they want to date."
"How dare people keep other people from having this kind of experience in their life."
"How dare you treat someone's daughter like this?"
"This is simply outrageous," an exhausted yet strangely content voice answered.
"Of course, I know how to make fried ice cream. I'm a certified chef. How dare you even judge me!"
"Duck called me a galloping sausage!" spluttered Gordon.
"Of course she would, I thought indignant. She's one of the nicest people I know."
"I am forced to be indignant about it. I cannot get used to it. I must resist it."
"Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise."
"He has laid the body of Jonathan Swift, Doctor of Sacred Theology, Dean of this Cathedral Church, whose fierce indignation can no longer injure the heart."
"I've never been so insulted since I came out of my mother's womb."
"First of all, how dare you. Second of all, how dare you."
"I have a right to express myself and be upset because that was an insinuation."
"Happy holidays, if no one has said that to you at all during the season, how dare they!"
"Harry would be furious if he saw the way that some people treated Ron Weasley."
"You've got no [__] right to play goddamn commercials during my time."