
Water Safety Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"Water or floods is the biggest danger to life, more than wind. I mean, winds bad, but water is a force to be reckoned with. There's no doubt about it."
"Plastic content could become the norm in all the world's water supplies and we don't yet know what impact that will have on the health of animals, plants, and ourselves."
"You could have died if I'd, you've ever had to drink that water."
"Clean water technologies are the most important."
"Access to clean, safe drinking water is fundamental to protecting all people regardless of zip code or how much money they have in their pockets."
"Clean and healthy drinking water and safe and effective stormwater and wastewater infrastructure is necessary for every thriving community."
"It would be a good idea to filter drinking water anyway, right? I don't assume that we're going to have many issues with it."
"We want to clean the water so that folks can recover and our love the levels and everyone's blood can start to go down and the risk of health effects will diminish and eventually go away."
"If caught on a riptide, conserve your strength by floating rather than swimming against the current."
"Survival tip: drop excessive weight in water to stay afloat."
"When 11 year old Gitanjali Rao saw her parents testing the water in her home, she was appalled."
"This misleading thing that, oh well, they're changing most of the pipes, have been changed."
"These holes let water in, but are too small for dirt, microplastics, and parasites to get through."
"The state of Michigan will be charging its ex-governor Rick Snyder in the Flint water probe."
"This is about water... we want to completely eliminate all lead service lines and pipes. There's 10 million Americans today who get their water through lead pipes even though we know that the safe level of lead in water is zero."
"Surely if it tastes clean and pleasant, then it's good. If it tastes kinda chloriny and disgusting, then it's bad."
"Never ever ever drink water out of a stream Creek Reservoir I don't care how clean you think it is Giardia is prevalent throughout North America it will make you so sick it's ridiculous so don't do it."
"Dirty water pumped into your city's fresh water system is bad on every level."
"You don't want poop in your water, so keep your poop outta your water, you're gonna have a great time."
"So now it's okay, you buy your bottled water, but before you drink your bottled water, you need to boil."
"Contact lenses are a lifesaver, but avoid wearing them in water to prevent infections."
"The focus of all of our activity has been on the hull and on the blisters to get the whole watertight."
"I legitimately had a canteen they said had water in it. I never took it out of the plastic bag."
"Don't be afraid of drinking your water from your tap."
"Water purification tablets: I think I can find something to put water in, but I got to be able to purify it."
"Would you rather have diarrhea today or cancer tomorrow? Drinking tap water exposes you to chemicals that may ultimately cause cancer over your lifetime."
"The hackers then increased the amount of sodium hydroxide being distributed into the water supply."
"If they would have kept their nasty ass out of that water, none of this [__] would have been done."
"We've doubled human life expectancy in the last hundred years by cleaning up the water supply."
"The most dangerous part about this body of water is the fact that it is so unassuming."
"Personal water filters take the hassle out of drinking and will keep you safe and satiated."
"You kept telling us that we can drink this water."
"Bottled water is not routinely tested by most governments, and its production has a substantial environmental impact."
"Public water systems are the number one source of toxins."
"Testing your stored water: better safe than sorry."
"Make sure that you have a good water filter... your water filter can save your life."
"In this city, most of my Airbnbs I have not drunk the tap water."
"If crap hits the fan and that's all I have, is that pool water, and there's a little bit of algicide in there, I would do it."
"If water is the only option however, then studies about bridge jump survivors indicate that a feet-first entry offers the most survivable outcome."
"This video goes to show that no matter who you are, you absolutely need to ensure that when spending time in any body of water... It's imperative that either precautions are taken or that you know how to swim on your own."
"Just because water looks clean doesn't mean it is."
"I hope that's not terrible. What's way more dangerous than most people think? Water currents."
"A baby or toddler can drown in as little as an inch of water."
"Transite pipe can be depended on to safeguard the quality of the water it carries."
"Water can be very dangerous, not just for drowning, but for its physical properties alone."
"... but continuing to raise awareness for water safety and teaching kids to be water safe. I think it's something that has always been a passion of mine."
"Safety is such a big issue in the water."
"The purpose of disinfection is to inactivate microorganisms in water, especially pathogenic, disease-causing organisms."
"If your boat is sinking, you are more likely to survive the longer you stay out of water."
"With a life jacket on, you haven't actually got to do anything; instantly the life jacket will inflate as you hit the water."
"At least 45 percent of America's tap water contains what are known as forever chemicals."
"The study estimates that at least one type of PFAS of those that were monitored could be present in nearly half of the tap water in the U.S."
"You don't know the day you're gonna get plopped in the water and you have to survive."
"Never get too close to the water if you haven't got an adult with you."
"Whenever you go paddling, make sure you never turn your back to the sea."
"Her brother died because, like a billion other people around the world, her family doesn't have access to safe water."
"Drinking river water is typically a bad idea since untreated water can make you sick."
"The rules of Part 2, when boats meet, are the kind of defensive rules that you use on the water to avoid collisions."
"The password tonight is fun. Have fun in the water, it's a great summer sport, but it can be dangerous, so please remember the common sense safety rules of the water."
"Just be thankful that you're living in a country where you actually have clean and safe drinking water accessible on your tap."
"Remember, you should never jump into a pool unless a grown-up is with you."
"Acting as the tip of the iceberg for getting the lead out of our water systems."
"Rule number one of sailing is keep the water out of the boat."
"A good filtering water bottle is going to help you remove both biological and chemical contaminants from any water that you're able to find."
"Don't ignore the flags and the kind of warnings about where you should swim and not swim."
"The air gap is a physical separation between potable and non-potable service."
"The stainless steel resists corrosion and it has very low nickel content, which makes this a plus for drinking water."
"That is clean, safe, sterile drinking water."
"Between 1995 and 2005, 28 children drowned in ornamental ponds, so best cover it, fence it, or fill it in."
"Maintaining safe drinking water supplies, protecting watersheds, and filtering water before you drink it is the ultimate way of controlling this."
"The World Health Organization estimates that about 840,200,000 people die every year from diarrhea due to unsafe drinking water."
"Everybody on the water and in the boat need to have a lifejacket on that is Coast Guard approved and that fits appropriately."
"Water leak detection definitely is very, very important."
"Have fun, be safe, and always, always, always please watch those kids around water."
"Lead levels in Benton Harbor's drinking water have dropped to below the federal action level for the first time since 2018."
"The new water process has passed more than 150,000 scientific tests and its qualification as ultra clean, safe drinking water."
"So it all depends on which hazards are of particular concern to you, given the areas where you will be sourcing water."
"It sounds like a wave struck them, and they ended up going into some deeper water and getting into problems."
"Total trihalomethanes... could create cancer-causing compounds."
"If you had that flotation device, if you took the right avenues initially when you entered that water, you've removed yourself from danger."
"Contamination of water sources is detrimental to humans because of the spread of waterborne diseases such as cholera."
"Things turn bad when people dive or swim in water contaminated with the amoeba."
"Just because the water looks clear doesn't mean it doesn't have things floating around in it."
"They're advising not to swim, surf, or go in the water due to high levels of bacteria."
"And so it is a great way, an inexpensive way for us to determine the safety, microbiological safety of water that we drink."
"The Clean Water Act... regulates the discharge of pollutants in bodies of water."
"This disease unfortunately affects poor communities especially in remote areas of the world that do not have water that is safe to drink."
"Let's just do without arsenic in the water, shall we?"