
Cultural Symbol Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"The sound of the Kōnsha bells echoes the impermanence of all things."
"Diamond's contributions to the art world have left a lasting impact."
"This gun, to me, is synonymous with Texas." - Mei
"A symbol of power and prestige: the stone tablet erected in Melaka."
"Robin Hood isn't a person, he's an ideal, an idol of warmth with which for hundreds of years people have used to huddle around when the world feels cold."
"Take off your shoes, America. This is our burning bush."
"This is America, this America's Motorhome right here."
"Japanese swords were respected and encountered in various historical conflicts, becoming a symbol of many things."
"This is a good flag. It's the pan-African colors, with a star in them at all. So it's good."
"The rainbow flag had become a common decoration in many overtly gay spaces by this point but to me that always made it a little bit intimidating."
"The Hayabusa armor isn't just armor, it's a symbol of ancient warrior tradition."
"China's nail houses: a powerful symbol of resistance that keeps popping up."
"The symbol comes from the Vedic texts and it's called the Swastika, denoting well-being or prosperity."
"The Colosseum is a symbol that represents Italy."
"The Golden Gate Bridge in the USA: an iconic symbol defying critics and praised for its art deco design and trademark red color."
"The Punisher a brutal vigilante introduced in 1974 spider-man comic who also starred in 2017 Netflix series has become an emblem for some cops and soldiers."
"Beverly Hills isn't just a city, it's a symbol for a lifestyle or even a state of mind."
"Neon is the ultimate symbol of the 20th century."
"Baseball games become a symbol of defiance, proof that life goes on in spite of climate change, so the bleachers at Fenway Park are still packed."
"It's not a party without red Solo cups in the States."
"The AR-15 is America's rifle, and we've become accustomed to those controls."
"Tokyo Disney wasn't just a financial success, it was a symbol."
"The Taj Mahal: an everlasting symbol of eternal love."
"The scent of pumpkin spice lattes is in the air again and that can only mean one thing: it's Halloween season."
"The iconic and monumental cover of Sergeant Pepper's is probably the most famous in the history of music."
"Unlike figures like Hercules who became popular as characters, Aphrodite is beloved in pop culture more as a symbol or an idea."
"The rainbow talks about prosperity, it's the prophecy of the Rainbow Warriors coming into life."
"This hat is of course the iconic one belonging to none other than Indiana Jones."
"St. Nicholas is almost always accompanied by a figure that can be interpreted as a tamed devil."
"If paper cups were the symbol of a modern throwaway culture, then KeepCup became the symbol of a new enlightened way of living sans unnecessary waste."
"It's a lovely soft gilding to it, this is a little R hat or Buddhist monk."
"The tree of life stands as a resilient symbol amidst the arid desert landscape of Bahrain."
"Each of these solar champions becomes emblematic of their respective cultures... Heracles emerges as a quintessential Greek hero."
"I definitely like Santa and you know what he represents in culture with giving and good cheer and joy and service to others."
"The canoe is currently undergoing a transformation from being primarily a practical subsistence tool into becoming a symbol of identity and meaning for the modern Marshallese world."
"Sikh turban actually represents a crown, and it's like a lighthouse where, wherever we try to go in the world, we try to spread positivity."
"Sweet tea is the epitome of south."
"That's it, that's Bangkok. You want one meal to symbolize this city, it's this."
"The most recognizable piece... represents harmony and fortune."
"It has always been a symbol of Uji, appearing in works of literature and art."
"The vampire myth continues to endure as a powerful cultural symbol."
"Kali became a symbol of Indian independence and culture that was rooted in tantric tradition."
"That stick is the symbol for the roots of this native American game; it's the medicine game to promote health and strength."
"I think I might have discovered a drink that speaks for the whole nation: my home brew."
"The Unofficial national animal though, or at least a common national symbol, would technically be the legendary mythical barcelos rooster."
"Many international magazines or international media are considering BTS as the very cultural symbol of the new generation."
"The Thunderbird is often associated with thunderstorms and regarded as a carrier of immense power."
"They are still perhaps more now than in recent centuries a potent symbol of Scotland's identity and its sense of self-determination."
"This is a classic symbol of Kushite kingship."
"In my eyes, it is an honor that you wear an Agiel."
"Look at this, guys, isn't this unbelievable? There's a Celtic cross that is more beautiful than most I've seen."
"Using a native New Mexican symbol for the sun on your flag is perfect."
"Superman represents what people should aspire to because people on Earth will come to look at him as the iconic hero."
"Ferrari is viewed as an important Italian cultural symbol."
"The Alamo truly is the beating heart of the great state of Texas."
"It's the sun in native art, okay, very cool. I like that connection to New Mexico's history."
"Like the Eiffel Tower, I'm globally recognized."
"Cherry blossom, also known as sakura in Japanese, is the national flower of Japan."
"It's a huge deal. The Confederate flag has been synonymous with NASCAR for as long as I've known."
"The kukri is a cultural icon for the people of Nepal."
"The mustache has been for centuries not just a fashion fad, but also a caste sign and a symbol of religious purity."
"The hamsa is the symbol of Mon State."
"The Irish love the power on. You see, it's more than a musical instrument to the Irish as well; it's kind of like a victory symbol."
"The Jade Seal of the Kingdom, in the hearts of all people, is a symbol of the Mandate of Heaven."
"The bronze urns, as tall as a human being, symbolizing the power of the Nguyen Dynasty, survived the centuries safely."