
Theological Doctrine Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"God was so rich in mercy that he decided to love us not to where we were but for what he wanted us to be."
"Mary is the mother of Jesus, and Jesus is God, therefore she's the mother of God."
"We're not saved by good works. Good works cannot save you, we are saved by grace."
"The Bible can't be mistaken, the book of daniel is not just another historical source that we can critique based on other historical sources but it is the inspired infallible inerrant word of god"
"The Son is begotten in order that the Spirit might rest in Him."
"No one is going to tell you that it's the better option. The only option: outside the church there is no salvation."
"It is Christ alone... the only way to be saved."
"God is all-knowing, God is all-powerful, evil exists, God willed evil to exist."
"God really allows man to have free choices that God does not want us to make."
"Works are not the cause of salvation; works are the evidence of salvation."
"Believers are born again when they believe, and for a Christian to lose salvation, he would have to be unregenerated."
"The purpose of Jesus coming to Earth was the restoration of a kingdom."
"We are saved by faith alone and that fruit or good works is just the inevitable result of true saving faith."
"God cannot by his very nature be subjected to being whipped and hurt."
"Jesus is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of His nature."
"Theosis teaches the absolute necessity of the Incarnation."
"Even if we didn't sin, the Incarnation still would have had to happen for Humanity to be divinized."
"Denying the creation order means denying a fundamental part of Christianity."
"There is one mediator between God and man, and that is the man Christ Jesus."
"There is therefore no condemnation in Jesus Christ."
"Dominion of the earth is the birthright of Adam, bestowed upon him from the beginning."
"God ain't never become flesh, God made flesh and got in that flesh."
"For he, God the Father, made God the Son, who knew no sin, to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Jesus." - 2 Corinthians 5:21
"Without the shedding of blood, there's no remission of sin."
"Jesus didn't just die so that we can live. Jesus became the curse for us."
"Charity does not get you into a state of justification. Charity flows from the state of justification."
"It is clear the revelation is the angels are to serve us."
"God does act through secondary agents like even people and objects. Listen: relics."
"God's mercy is so great; he doesn't want anyone to perish according to His word."
"Jesus Christ's sacrifice is the only way to eradicate sin and appease God's wrath."
"The doctrine of Our Lady's co-Redemption doesn't put her on the same level as Christ."
"If God's purpose does not prevail, God ceases to be God."
"It's Christ's action exterior to you alone that saves."
"True faith will no more fail to produce good works than the sun can cease to give light."
"Nothing but His righteousness can entitle us to one of the blessings of the covenant of grace."
"The same one that died on our cross to forgive sins is the one that releases healing to his people today."
"Eucharistic miracles focus on the supernatural breaking into the natural order."
"People don't go to hell for sin Jesus already paid for that they go to hell for unbelief."
"The Incarnation depended on the yes of Mary, the Mother of God."
"The great sin of the angels was a sin of pride, a love of self to the point of contempt of God."
"The Council of Nicaea established the doctrine that the father and the son were consubstantial, having the same undivided substance or essence."
"Jesus is both God and human um and they most people have a kind of a fuzzy idea about it how it works but they do think that he was a pre-existent Divine being who was born through the Virgin Mary."
"Salvation is God's free gift to the believer given to him for Christ's sake."
"The reality is that from the realm of the spirit, eternal life has been credited to you."
"Christ expresses the truth and does God's work from within normal humanity."
"Jesus was God's plan from the very beginning."
"The doctrine of penal substitution states that God gave himself in the person of his son to suffer instead of us, the death punishment, and curse due to fallen humanity as the penalty for our sin."
"God's power can do anything power can do but we don't mean God can violate the laws of logic."
"Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth just as it is in heaven."
"God's word says that God gave people up to depraved Minds, you know, he hand them over to Brave minds and they worshiped the creature rather than the Creator."
"They know me as the unborn, not begotten, the supreme lord of the worlds." - Bhagavad Gita
"God is not constrained by the sacraments of the Catholic Church but rather God has deemed that this is the ordinary means by which he wants to express his forgiving love to his people."
"Salvation comes to us completely apart from works and purely by the grace of God."
"The Incarnation is not does not involve an admixture of anything. It does not involve anything that causes the divine to change. God took on human flesh."
"Justification by faith doctrine gives us a higher view of God's justice, so we really care about justice in the world."
"Our free choice to follow him or not follow him, he knows what we're gonna do but he's not forcing us to do it."
"There's only one way to God, there's only one way to heaven."
"For by grace through faith, not of works, lest anyone should boast. If you can work your way to heaven, you'd get up to heaven and boast to everybody, 'Look what I did!' But you get there totally because of Christ."
"Satan is the ruler of this world system, not the world itself, but the sin that has corrupted the world."
"It is this paradoxical set of affirmations that eventually led to a doctrine of the Trinity."
"God has determined every single event in the history of the earth."
"He exists before all things, and by him all things hold together."
"Salvation will come by grace through faith."
"The cosmic scope of Christ's incarnation... recapitulates everything that Adam lost in his fall."
"The wages of sin is death, that's what we deserve, but Jesus took that for us."
"Justification is an act of God's grace, a judicial declaration acquitting the sinner of guilt and delivering him from all condemnation."
"The Messiah has no sin, he was born without a sin nature, doesn't have a father."
"Christians refer to Jesus as both fully human and fully God."
"By one sacrifice he has made us perfect forever."
"...the grace of God and forgiveness and reconciling sinners to a holy God, that's good news. We get reconciled to God and then we, you know, Jesus' righteousness covers us and it's just a beautiful doctrine..."
"Justification by faith alone is the doctrine on which the church stands or falls."
"God's word of election for humanity is the one man Jesus Christ, the last Adam, who includes the entire Adamic race."
"All things were made through him and without him not one thing was made."
"Grace will achieve its intended result when it meets with an appropriate response of the human will."