
Magnificence Quotes

There are 251 quotes

"Inside you, just like Kryon says, is your magnificence. It's not coming from outside of you; it's being generated within you."
"Spectacle, oh so glorious, gorgeous, gigantic spectacle."
"Congratulations on order, the royal wedding was a magnificent affair."
"The cousins of our little house cats are some of nature's most magnificent predators."
"If I'm gonna create something unlimited I better feel unlimited. If I'm gonna do something magnificent, I have to become magnificent."
"A love connection that defies explanations, it's just so magnificent."
"The Immortal Phoenix rises from the ashes and is reborn to magnificence."
"Valyria was the most magnificent city that ever was, one whose like has never been duplicated."
"You don't get called Magnificent without doing something pretty impressive."
"An amazing gem, a time of luxury, grand designs, and unparalleled splendor."
"That is magnificent right there, absolutely spectacular."
"That bridge... was the essence of Paris and it still is, it's one of the most magnificent spots anywhere in the world."
"Henry VII made a great statement about how magnificent his new Palace is."
"The terra cotta army, considered the Eighth Wonder of the ancient world, is startling evidence of ancient Chinese magnificence and grandeur."
"The decor in the Palace of the Sun was unlike anything Alvarax had ever seen."
"The color of this is absolutely magnificent."
"Man is a wonderful creature selling himself short. He is capable of magnificence and is satisfied with mediocrity."
"The world is not just stuff but the world also is stuff and the stuff is pretty magnificent."
"There's something about your energy that's beautiful, healing, and magnificent."
"As a gardener I know that if I give my plants the right conditions they will be magnificent."
"I mean, look at that thing. God, it's magnificent."
"...Edward saw himself as something like a nursery Monarch, magnificent and jolly, caring and helpful."
"...there is no topping this, I cannot see the potential for another bull weevil to top the magnificence that is the Ronald McDonald weevil."
"It's magnificent. It's not the most time efficient thing you'll ever do, but it's wonderful."
"It really makes this puppet seem larger than life."
"It's rumored to be one of the largest single piece glass expanses out there in the industry and it is truly magnificent."
"Have you ever seen something quite so magnificent?"
"Well now, that's the way fine animals were meant to be seen. Running free, nothing touching them except the Sun and God's Own clean air. Magnificent."
"Just try not to be too shocked at my magnificence, I guess."
"We are divine, magnificent expressions of life."
"It's so wonderful to be back here again in all this magnificence."
"It's magnificent frankly, it is lovely."
"It was absolutely magnificent when that aircraft flew the first time."
"Generally a magnificent city, and that's just day one."
"Your wings are genuinely pure. You're regenerative, oozing magnificence."
"Everything's bigger in Walt Disney World. I mean, just look at how epic Main Street is!"
"It is simply magnificent and I cannot wait to show you the interior, the design, the features, the location is what set this home apart."
"There is a kind of magnificent love that's possible in each person. There really is."
"The proportions of the dome would have rendered it not magnificent but ridiculous."
"How magnificent we are, how magnificent you are."
"Absolutely magnificent, you just don't save them."
"The special effects are magnificent, making the film much more realistic and animalistic."
"This is going to be a magnificent two-armed salute."
"Just magnificent... take a look at that."
"It was the most magnificent thing."
"The scale of it is incredible. I mean, there's no place like it. It's totally worth visiting."
"Glory is something that's marvelous, something that's miraculous. Just think about the contexts that you have used the word glory in."
"Killer whales to me are one of the most magnificent animals on the planet."
"...the sheer complexity of the information now on offer was absolutely magnificent."
"The presentation of these cars is absolutely magnificent."
"Something wonderful is happening, something beautiful is taking place, something magnificent is occurring."
"The first time looking down and taking in the sheer scale of it remains the most magnificent sensation I have ever experienced"
"The pitch looked quite magnificent just like a block of concrete with a shine on it."
"...so it's a great, great interesting thing that we forget the magnificence of existence and the magnificence of the awareness of existence."
"Big enough to be splendid without being oppressively so."
"She's pretty magnificent and really something to see."
"This Magnificent marine mammal's body can grow up to 100 feet long."
"The decorations of Alexander the Great and Macedonian Warriors even the lions in the main Square are genuinely magnificent and exceptionally Epic."
"Look how magnificent this work is, Edmund Layton. These were, and Iran said this, the greatest artistic epochs in the history of the world."
"wow look at how magnificent absolutely heaven on Earth"
"As I look around y'all it's just it's so magnificent it's so grand to me."
"What God is saying in this particular text is that this: I don't always come to you in magnificent, glorious, dramatic."
"The ocean is just alive and is just showing you how magnificent it really can be."
"It's just magnificent, absolutely magnificent."
"Whales are the largest animals on Earth. They are magnificent creatures that live in the ocean."
"The tomb of St W thei is just a magnificent thing to see."
"No single work of God is magnificent enough to fully express His worthiness of praise; each silently points to His infinite perfection."
"I'm ready for magnificence in my life."
"What a magnificent structure that bridge is!"
"There is something absolutely magnificent in that futility."
"The cricket has been absolutely magnificent."
"For some, it represents a magnificent artifact going back 350 years."
"It is utterly and totally magnificent."
"Their palaces are nothing short of magnificent."
"That's magnificent, just absolutely magnificent."
"It's has been a magnificent game today, absolutely magnificent."
"It's something that I cherish; it's magnificent in so many ways."
"The whole appearance of the magnificent animal breathes power and gives the impression that the animal's fearless."
"Never one so magnificent, it stood before me."
"You have a magnificent Savior who made a magnificent sacrifice."
"That is quite simply magnificent."
"I'm almost tempted to celebrate because that is absolutely magnificent."
"We are all born with the spark of magnificence."
"We're involved in something that is magnificent, and we don't have eyes to see it because we're trapped in this."
"We're part of something so much bigger, so magnificent."
"It was a building created to magnify the greatness of James and his Stuart dynasty."
"Oh how truly magnificent, isn't it?"
"They certainly look magnificent, don't they?"
"Your aura is just absolutely magnificent, to be honest, because of your loving capacity."
"The human mind is an incredible thing; it can conceive of the magnificence of the heavens and the intricacies of the basic components of matter."
"Jesus is so magnificent, and that's why forever and ever we will be praising Him."
"It's just glorious, absolutely glorious. This is awesome."
"This truly is magnificent; I've never seen anything like it."
"The moment one gives close attention to anything, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself."
"We are truly a magnificent nation."
"The idea of channeling the surplus into something magnificent has always cropped up over and over again."
"This is just magnificent, he's just magnificent."
"They had produced one of the world's truly magnificent and unique planes."
"This massive beautiful statue is just simply incredible."
"It's the mystery that he leaves you with and that is irresolveable and magnificent."
"It's just overwhelming, awe-inspiring."
"Being completely polished, this thing just looks absolutely magnificent."
"It's just magnificent, it's just magnificent."
"There's something so magnificent about you that you can scarcely even believe how brilliant you are."
"When they work together, it's magnificent."
"The kingdom of earth is magnificent, and so is the reign of Christ."
"Dragons are always magnificent, even battle-scarred dragons."
"It's a magnificent hole, isn't it?"
"Everything is asking you to reveal your magnificence, no exceptions."
"The cities of Yi Ti are more magnificent than anywhere in Westeros."
"It's going to lead you towards something absolutely magnificent."
"The growth is utilized in a magnificent way."
"The grandeur of a space like this."
"New Zealand truly is magnificent."
"You get to catch a little bit of that Olympic Peninsula spirit and take it with you wherever you go because it truly is something magnificent."
"It's truly, truly, truly magnificent."
"It's a lovely throne, it's magnificent, I love it."
"The palaces were a matter of pride for each land, and each was magnificent, although none could begin to compare to the confessor's palace."
"...the temple as it was renovated by Herod was quite a bit more magnificent."
"It is quite magnificent, I've got to say."
"The experience... was absolutely magnificent."
"Got to visit a magnificent collection, part of the Magnificent collection."
"You are a magnificent being, intricately woven with the threads of limitless potential."
"This thing happens that's bigger than everybody that's a part of it; it just magnifies, it sounds like God, it just sounds amazing."
"This world can be magnificent if we just reach towards wholeness both individually and collectively."
"The effect is always overwhelmingly magnificent, isn't it?"
"You are magnificent, you are the creator of your reality, you have the power."
"The fruit of the Muslim civilization is absolutely amazing, it is absolutely magnificent."
"We were born in this world to be magnificent and to enjoy the gift of our lives."
"This is a very valuable, magnificent piece."
"One thing the creation story teaches us is that God can make something magnificent out of something unorganized."
"It's like one of the great experiences in life, like a truly magnificent experience."
"Oh Lord, this is incredibly magnificent."
"They were magnificent, the level of talent in these shows is incredible."
"It's a magnificent version of that dish."
"Your national costumes are magnificent; you look wonderful."
"The worship belongs to you, Lord. All will see how great is our God."
"It was truly magnificent, we had a really good time."
"You are the most magnificent man I have ever known."
"Subhanallah, meaning how perfect is my Lord, The Magnificent."
"I'm telling you, this movie is magnificent."
"You are great, you are mighty, you are holy, you are excellent, you are magnificent, and I give you glory."
"We are here for something truly magnificent and special."
"Sumptuous, spectacular, and splendiferous."
"The universe is showing to you how magnificent you really are."
"This is truly magnificent, actually."
"It's gonna be so profoundly magnificent that you are gonna feel like the luckiest person ever."
"Honestly, this trip, it's just been magnificent."
"It is a thing of absolutely magnificent beauty."
"We are already perfect, more than enough, and not to mention, spiritually magnificent."
"That is magnificent, that is magnificent, good grief."
"Unbelievable, you know the art, it's truly magnificent."
"What a magnificent Citroën we have here."
"Looking quite magnificent, if you will."
"It's the oldest standing building of Islamic architecture and still to this day one of the most magnificent."
"Princely magnificence in the 16th century was such that you had to not only look splendid but you had to act regal."
"Your life will become magnificent when you get bold and you act boldly through the movement of inspired polite action."
"The views across the sea at the moment are absolutely epic."
"It's magnificent, it's absolutely magnificent."
"It's a properly magnificent piece of engineering."
"Everything is better than okay, it's magnificent."
"It was nothing short of magnificent."
"You have no idea who you are, or who your spirit is, but it's magnificent."
"You cannot put down the magnificence of the human voice."
"Healing is a byproduct of discovering your magnificence."
"Those magnificent arches are unique."
"It's a magnificent sense of community."
"That was a roller coaster of magnificence."
"I love a male lion; it's just one of the most beautiful animals, really magnificent."
"It's like going back in time, it's a time capsule, it's just magnificent."
"These are magnificent beasts, especially a big bull giraffe."
"They are capable of magnificent things."
"God's Christian is the most magnificent specimen in all the universe of God."
"When I saw it for the first time put together, then I could see what everybody was doing, and it was magnificent."
"Chicago skyline is the world's tallest and easily ranks among its most magnificent."
"Isn't that just magnificent? Does he not just look an absolute picture in that golden light?"
"I'm ready to see my true magnificence."
"Polar bears are among the world's most magnificent creatures."
"How amazing is that? That just gives you a clear idea of how stunning this tree is."
"I have never seen anything quite to match the sheer magnificence of Stanley Abbey here in Mora."
"It's magnificent and something that even in this price range I've never seen achieved."
"The last two Sundays have been absolutely magnificent."
"Nature is incredible, it is honestly one of the most magnificent things."
"That is a magnificent specimen of an elephant."
"There is no sound I think that is just as magnificent as a male lion roaring next to us."
"I can come up with nothing as magnificent as the beauty and amplitude of a soul."
"What a magnificent game of rugby league that was."
"The shining sun lighting up them magnificently in order to display the power of the changelings."
"You are a magnificent refraction of the light of God."
"We just had the most magnificent moment with this battler."
"What a magnificent afternoon we find ourselves on."
"Such is my magnificence: I abound in power, brim with wisdom, pause to recognize my name, bow in reverence to my majesty, and express gratitude for my grace."
"It's going to be absolutely magnificent, day-to-day coverage is going to be sensational."
"It was the most magnificent performance I'd ever seen."
"The most magnificent things are worth living for."
"The Anderson Collection at Stanford is magnificent."
"Listen to your heart, isn't it magnificent?"
"You're a big old magnificent, amazing, phenomenal God."
"The golds in here are magnificent."
"Magnificent individuals they are."