
Gender Politics Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"Any objections on behalf of cisgendered or biological girls will be treated as bigoted, will be treated as you're somehow anti-trans, as opposed to these are complex issues and they require thoughtful debate and discussion."
"If every nation on earth was run by women, you would see a significant improvement across the board."
"The religious right is wanting to enact legislation that has the effect of making women slaves to their biology."
"It's understanding that it's real and do you think that the patriarchy is oppressive? Absolutely oppressive to everybody."
"What is the ideological purpose of policing gender and sexuality when the historical conditions are so different?"
"I deserve to be included. I'm a Starbucks customer. Hang the American flag. You listen to me and you listen to me clearly."
"We are seeing an attack on our children and especially on our girls you just banned this kind of gender treatment and again you're called a monster for it."
"Gender ideology has made everyone, men and women, miserable."
"Women on the left are more on board with being erased than the men are."
"Sticks and stones may break my bones but there will always be something to offend a feminist."
"The joke's on you you know they're never going to come out and speak out for you because it's boys club."
"Why can just anyone appropriate Womanhood? Why is Womanhood as a caricature acceptable?"
"The left is basically saying that if you don't believe all women, then you're a bad person. They don't believe all women. No one should believe all women because women are not inherently more credible than men." - Ben Shapiro
"What's wrong with not identifying within the traditional male-female binary? Nothing, other than the fact that your identity is a symptom of delusion."
"If your character is overpowered and you're a female, you're only overpowered because of SJW abuse."
"Black women are electable. It proves that women are electable."
"Obsession with gender neutrality is pretty disgusting."
"TERFs use 'biological sex' to lay claim to some special relationship to material reality."
"For all the problems that they see with the oppression of brown people, they're pretty quick to get rid of a woman of color."
"White supremacy will be strengthened not weakened by women's suffrage."
"Climate change is a white problem, a capitalist problem, and a toxic male problem."
"How did a cisgender woman become a go-to source for Turf groups and other people on trans people?"
"I believe we can actually win this. We can defeat gender ideology, I really believe that."
"A woman on the Supreme Court and feminists were mad about it."
"First impressions matter when you even title this video mockingly I'll be it but you titled this video you know it's cuz women and sjw's well that is inextricably linked to the marketing because that is how people see this game."
"A male politician like me has nothing to offer in that decision."
"Republicans like Ron Johnson have been smearing women workers who haven't been able to go back to the workplace as a result of not being able to afford childcare."
"It's all about controlling women, they'll deny it over and over and over again but actions speak louder than words."
"It's patriarchal politics as usual because the very definition of patriarchy's is controlling reproduction."
"The unfortunate thing is people are still gonna probably accuse me of being sexist for pointing out this overt kind of political and ideological leaning in Captain Marvel."
"Dave Chappelle apparently came out and said he was a Turf himself he defended JK Rowling"
"It's not about helping women, it's about erasing the differences between genders."
"Women step up and we have this huge #metoo movement and then cancel culture has followed that and then we get our rights taken away and then abortion is turned over."
"Is it because these are white men mainly... that they did not take it seriously?" - Michelle Martin
"My concern with some of the dogma that we have in the left... is that self-iding for gender is something that we've all agreed is pretty cool and based."
"Our side, the conservative side, can play such a huge role in that and making sure that women know that they don't have to be these horrible leftist pro-abortion activists."
"There's no general conspiracy against men but there is a conspiracy against certain classes of men."
"Is it sexist to vote for Hillary Clinton because she's a woman? According to... the answer's no."
"Dismissing those who want to think gender into account is turning your back on the basic democratic principle."
"Voting for Clinton because she's a woman seems to be a good reason to vote for a candidate as any."
"The reality is we are now living in an age of hyper-gynocentrism and I think 2020 will be the decade where facts and logic will be dismissed outright if they are offensive in some way."
"The gender binary is a colonial object forced upon cultures by colonization."
"The emergence of gendered politics... where men and women are seen as two separate and opposed voting blocs."
"There's no feminist agenda, what it's about is ending the decades of agenda against women."
"How are the women on the Left going to react when a loved one who happens to be male has their life ruined because they believed the woman over a lack of evidence?"
"Republicans are losing support among female voters." - Ana Kasparian
"I think sometimes one of the more interesting takeaways too is that millennial women didn't feel the need to support her because they feel like they would eventually see a woman president in their lifetime."
"It's all just for show and honestly I blame AOC and Katie Porter and all of the other women in Congress who do amazing jobs of actually trapping people asking questions that they can't provide good answers for."
"JK Rowling expressed some opinions on her twitter account about trans people that were quite controversial."
"This idea that gender is fluid and it's whatever you call yourself on a random day is not a popular concept within the country."
"I think men should be going on a strike in general like remember how girls did the sex strike where they're like we're not gonna have sex and you're like pretty good yeah that's gonna work."
"Turf ideology hides itself in feminist language."
"A black woman should not feel beholden to black men under the guise of advancing the race."
"99% of men who are pro-choice hold that view so that random swipe rights are more likely to hook up so they won't be on the hook for child support."
"The men's Rights Movement really got going when as women began to make gains and some men have felt threatened by the opportunities that have been opened up to women."
"The only way out is through, and if you ever want to restore a sensible country again where we don't need to be litigating gender politics on beer cans, you're going to have to make companies pay the consequences."
"This election will end up being decided by women who have watched Donald Trump."
"She's going to trigger the hell out of the old patriarchy."
"To me, it's more about education, give more information and then let people make their own decision."
"Governments put men on the line for women's terrible decisions."
"Conservative women at the forefront of this movement to stop the ERA."
"Do you personally believe that women are being erased?"
"More women in Congress, more competing and winning in Republican districts."
"This is what it's all about and this is what it's always been about - the control of bodies, the exchange of women, and the violent enforcement of a hierarchy of genders."
"It is imperative that you give your money to women."
"We rule the world but let men think they run it."
"Womanism has turned our society into a bit of a battle of the sexes, I'm not on their side or anything, I'm just pointing out that we're currently in a sort of us against them mentality."
"The One Ring, more than anything else, is a concrete symbol of the authoritarian nature of patriarchy."
"I thought a woman could win. He disagreed." - Elizabeth Warren
"There's definitely an entire political party that is trying very hard to stick us back into our traditional gender roles."
"They want to farm us, they want to get rid of sex recognition because our rights as menstruators are not protected without sex."
"We will not give you our words, we will not give you our bodies, we will not give you our spaces."
"Emasculate all men: The agenda to tear down masculinity."
"Red pill started as a reaction to feminism in the 19th century."
"Gender fluidity is problematic on so many levels."
"It's like a power of white male egos at fight right now."
"Amen to amen and women, how we let them make praying a micro aggression instead of asking God for the strength to keep winning."
"I don't understand why we're legislating women's reproductive systems, and let's be honest, it's mostly men."
"It's not about the science, not about the real world, it's about diversity and inclusion at women's expense."
"Men are making choices for us women about birth control, abortion, healthcare, everything and we can't even have a say on it because they won't even hear us."
"White supremacy, it's white, that's white male supremacy, period. That's how it acts, that's how it's supposed to be."
"There's been a backlash to redefine what sex is."
"That's patriarchy we don't need that kind of patriarchy."
"What I cannot abide are the number of male politicians for whom it is nothing but cynical politics."
"Stop subsidizing a man's expenses in a patriarchy."
"If women ruled the world, it would be a better place."
"It's not fair to cisgender women who may train and practice as hard as they want but are never going to be able to compete with a trans woman."
"The left will constantly tell you that they're cheering for women, but at every turn, they'll remind you that they feel women are incapable of making their own decisions."
"Congress member Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez deserves respect. Congressmember Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez deserves a real apology now."
"The days of bullying women you disagree with...are over."
"What do you make of the fact that even now at the Olympic level, we're seeing the decimation of women's sports through an ideology that appears to have no regard for human nature or the differences in human nature?"
"If the MCU still had a story, we might still have good female characters. The MCU no longer has a story, and so we have fashionable gender politics."
"This film is not gonna make much of a difference in regards to Japan's gender politics. It's not gonna send it cascading decades into the past."
"If your understanding of power is not rigorous, then it's really easy to rely on conservative ideas about gender."
"Romans would have hated even the idea of a powerful woman."
"It's useful to stress that my adoption of the gender critical position is a recent development relative to how long I've been interested in politics."
"I believe in gender abolition. I believe in gender equality."
"I am a dissident of the sex-gender system. I am the multiplicity of the cosmos trapped in a binary political and epistemological system, shouting in front of you."