
Performance Praise Quotes

There are 158 quotes

"Even in the worst reviews of Mank, you're likely to find compliments about Amanda Seyfried's performance as Marion Davies."
"Absolutely brilliant...tierney brilliant, absolutely brilliant."
"Congratulations, excellent performance today once again, well done."
"Incredible display of talent." - It's fantastic, it's incredible.
"Elizabeth Moss really put in a great performance. She basically held this film together."
"21 Savage on Utopia as a whole was absolutely incredible."
"This is right on par with supercars like fruit this to be a GM product than a Corvette like good job Chevy this is very well done."
"His overall acting is amazing and perfectly suits the character at hand."
"Pochettino is a miracle worker, the best coach in world football right now."
"There are no words to describe how well she danced. That girl was everything."
"He does such a great job... counteracts the notion of being a washed-up actor."
"Good job by the guys in the UFC, everybody that fought, really nice PFL, way to start off the season there, a lot of upsets, loved every bit of it."
"Leave the comedy in because when they went for that comedy and whoever's idea was I salute you that guy was amazing."
"When I saw it it was an out-of-body experience I was definitely overwhelmed with joy and I've made sure that I've told them just how amazing they are live they're awesome that's awesome."
"Great voice acting with that near breathless scream."
"Savannah is really good. She carried the show."
"It's been a brilliant performance in the end."
"100% for me is Olivia Colman. Yeah, it's absolutely choice for me too. She was wonderful."
"Give this woman an Oscar right now, her performance was effing outstanding."
"This chorus is incredible dude, baby fits naturally into this [ __ ] oh my god dude he's [ __ ] killing it."
"No words to explain the performance that he had today. That guy's an awesome player, he has the 'it' factor and you can't teach that."
"Arsenal Football Club are just on fire right now my second team my second team are killing it."
"There are some fantastic performances in here for such a small unknown movie and really just sort of an uneasy sense of dread throughout that only escalates."
"We just left them with nothing, bro. So, so good. Incredible, actually."
"Stamp of the week goes to AJ Brown. Congrats on taking your game to new heights!"
"Shazam brought it home all three acts fabulous, gave me tears, gave me laughs, gave me emotions."
"I absolutely would have... Tyrese last night was spot on."
"The mix, that was godlike, get about here, give me that positive bonus!"
"The emotions and the live action... it was epic."
"David Harbour is everyone, perfect. Harbors playing everyone, everyone."
"That was a brilliant drive, he really got the best out of the car."
"Pogba was immense, put some respect in his name."
"That was [expletive] brilliant, that was just so damn good, stupidly good, again. That is impossible, mate!"
"Baldur's Gate 3 is a great game on PC and unlike many PC releases as of late, it does have very few issues."
"They saved it all for the show because he's been fantastic, the show, yes yes."
"That was a great performance, I mean, really."
"Lupita Nyong'o not only deserves this award, but also the Oscars."
"This was the bravest ballsiest most important comedy routine I've ever seen."
"The map is huge and also I just gotta say it's beautiful and it's really smooth."
"The people that did it are amazing and they have to be appreciated."
"Red Bull have done an absolutely fantastic job."
"Maria Bakalova might be the best of the whole bunch. Her standout performance in Borat 2 of all things is rightly celebrated and it was easily the best part of that movie and certainly the most compelling part."
"She was so in control, you know. It was just great. She sort of breathed them out more than she'd done anything else, so it was just amazing. Amazing, so good job, well done, and she was a star."
"That was fantastic, A plus, A plus plus plus plus."
"Hey, f**k you nailed it dude that was perfect."
"Yuri did an absolutely amazing job, he's a [__] star."
"You two, I gotta say it, you killed it with this one."
"It's very easy to be negative, but you know what, when they're doing the right things and they're speaking the right way and when they're getting the right results, it's only right that they get the praise as well."
"Silky smooth football... beautifully done from them."
"Put respect on the name of Malcolm! Put respect on the name of Jimmy Butler!"
"It shifts so smoothly it's almost like almost like a Tesla."
"This is a fantastic execution of the classic hot hatch recipe."
"These kids have gotten so good at performing."
"The engines got even better in that department so that is so so great."
"It's a simple concept that's done extraordinarily well."
"As we go in again our star player our star budget-based just gets a beautiful goal in the back of the net."
"Absolutely spectacular work for Team Liquid."
"I really hope that they consider Oscar Isaac because he is incredible in here."
"This was exceptional it's fabulous creative it's a visual show."
"Awesome leadership right there. There was no one on him as well. It was a good header that does not take away from him."
"This bike is just a phenomenal motorcycle... how do you be mad at that."
"They really are incredible and like you honestly slay the body line."
"You've got to stay consistent with your game plan... I thought Jason did a really nice job today."
"Absolutely love what Desmond does in this film."
"These American trucks were seriously bloody good. Big thumbs up from me."
"That might have been the greatest halftime performance I've ever seen in my life."
"The whole team has come to play. This is fantastic."
"I really feel that this is one of the best road going motorcycles in the world right now and I don't think that's an exaggeration."
"Rashford seems to be playing like a star now, it's crazy."
"The gunplay is probably the best I've ever felt, ever."
"Yo, I just left, right the [__] out of me. W jumper, facts, man. We not missing out here, coach."
"Automatic is such an amazing fucking talent."
"The acting in this game is so spot-on, it's ridiculous."
"Dude your voice is ridiculous thank you especially when you get up into those higher registered you're making me a little emotional man you're you're incredible singer."
"All of the artists have done an amazing job."
"Thank you so very very much to those of you who recommended this incredible, incredible musicianship skills, voice, rapping, everything was on just on the great level."
"This is actual gameplay man holy [ __ ] so smooth."
"I told you all she's slay! She did slay, she understood the assignment."
"Big props there because that was really nice."
"Janasha, your Salma Hayek rendition was absolutely beautiful."
"It is literally all of the car that anyone could ever wish for: practicality, blistering performance, and yet it still flies under the radar when you want it to."
"One incredible match between Randy Orton and Edge."
"He always deserves that respect because the one thing that you can guarantee with Luis Suarez is his work rates. He is always gonna give you 110% every single game."
"The action is fantastic, the rock is charismatic in it."
"He just gives us like he just goes 'have I' like he just and I even he doesn't say like that he says it the best way George sees Scott can say it and he just 100% owns it and it feels so genuine."
"This was the greatest bit of Pro Wrestling this year it was wonderful stuff."
"Maybe even the most badass female performance in the history of cinema."
"You learn very well. You learn fast and you executed that [ __ ] man."
"That was fantastic, I can't even believe it."
"It's incredible that he was even able to deliver to the level that he did, and it's a testament to how strong of a person he was."
"I would like to throw Scarlett Johansson in her. That is one of the most incredible performances as a voice-over."
"Twice really knocked it out of the park with that one."
"Bronson... Tom Hardy's just unbelievable performance."
"This one is absolutely fantastic. They did a truly great job. It's a great engine, it's wonderfully powerful, it's wonderfully potent."
"We absolutely adored this performance, well deserved, well deserved applause."
"In my opinion, Alessandro is gonna be nominated for an Academy Award. He is absolutely spectacular."
"The touring cast was really solid, incredible."
"I love you, oh, I love you, that was so good."
"34 minutes of battery life, which is incredible."
"You proved tonight that you can do it, so [__] well done."
"He's my pal but JLo was awesome and she's still awesome."
"Best freakout ever from Fluttershy... it was just amazing."
"Yeah, that was just center cut and he's feeling it."
"Fred well done. I mean a lot of emotion man."
"What an end to an absolutely insane match holy [ __ ] a crazy performance neck or neck all the way through well-deserved."
"Wow, I love Katherine Han. What a performance."
"Britney at 50 is still better than 99% of the performances out there."
"Turbos are the best thing in the whole world."
"The job [Ten Hag's] doing is unbelievable, absolutely superb."
"He perfectly shows off the character's uncomfortable and awkward interactions with other people."
"It just feels like if I wanted to throw this thing it would respond and react you know it's not sloppy at all."
"Visually the film is stunning, the score leaves you breathless, and the actors consistently give the performances of a lifetime."
"You're doing actually a really insanely good job. This is such a huge asset."
"This handles better than probably anything this size has any right to do."
"Not only did he defeat Kyle with his water attack but his Brilliant performance of controlling the rumor afterward was just so praiseworthy."
"GG's called, Cyber Legacy with a beautiful performance."
"With a tear in my eye, I witnessed one of the greatest Ric Flair performances of all time, a true star-studded classic."
"Bravo! Bravo! Amazing display of skills from both sides."
"Charlotte is capable of putting on fantastic matches. She's quite possibly one of the best in the world, if not the best."
"Hats off to not only Viola Davis but also Claude Commy because killing it they are killing it the girls are killing it."
"Overall I think this is a great semi scale model of the big boy it looks great it sounds great it runs great there's really nothing to dislike about this model at all."
"He's just taking them all day absolutely beautiful that's not luck though."
"He's on the right track hundred percent because that is an unbelievably difficult job that he's doing there."
"Vivica A. Fox is a [__] marvel in this movie."
"A great performance from James Courtney and Jamie Wincup."
"Absolutely faultless under huge pressure."
"The voices for them both are fantastic."
"It's wonderful musicians making wonderful music."
"Well done, that's a great timing role."
"I loved watching this rehearsal; this was amazing."
"It's just ridiculous, the crawl is marvelous, really really good."
"Performance is fantastic, support is fantastic."
"She killed it. I mean, she's just really good."
"When this thing works, it is badass. It is super productive."
"What a ride from the British Rider, that was really sensational stuff."
"Assuming you were fantastic, absolutely fantastic."
"Congratulations on the win, that was an amazing performance."
"The actors are killing it, the writers are killing it, I really truly love this show so so much."
"All I want to say is that Angelina was freaking baller tonight."
"Holy crap she's good, you are so amazing."
"That sounded like a record to me; that was really, really great."
"Great Scott, that was an utterly incredible performance."
"He plays that part so well. He's a really good actor."
"This is a brilliant PA system, it genuinely is."
"She did an amazing job last night and she looks beautiful."
"You've managed this race spectacular, you're P5, just keep doing what you're doing, you're doing perfect."
"She is doing an Oscar-worthy performance."
"I'm so impressed, honestly this is the best I've seen you play."
"Brilliant, stunning, yeah, that was really good."
"Sehun absolutely killed this, his voice sounds amazing."
"That was an amazing performance, good job."
"One of the best shows I've seen at a Merlin park, they do a really good job."