
Community Love Quotes

There are 212 quotes

"Myrtle Jean Simmons Brown was 73 years old and... was loved by everyone in her life and loved by her community."
"This is the sort of Christ-like love that I want to feel and I want people to know and understand from the Christian community."
"Y'all are amazing, your generosity, your love, your hype, your everything. I hope that I've been able to capture some of that energy that you all are sending our way."
"I love this community I love the community that I've cultivated I believe that there are plenty of people that have changed their attitudes over the course of the many years that I've been streaming"
"You are a multitude of people that care, that love, that support me to the fullest day today, and I love you guys so so much."
"Let's exchange Vibes this year all positives and know that I absolutely love you guys."
"I love this community, and I never ever in a million years thought that I was going to go from Ohio to Oahu."
"The Lord has placed people in your life that love you."
"Thank you so much for joining me... for listening to my crazy theories crazy information... I love you all."
"We love each and every single one of you, until the next Pokémon Go community event or whenever we feel like going out and catching some Pokémon, alright? Love all you guys, bye everyone!"
"I'm blessed to be able to do what I do on Twitch and YouTube, my viewers, I love you guys equally."
"The hood loves different and they hate different, both of them. They love you more and they hate you more."
"On that note, I think it's a good time to sign off. Remember to pray. We love you guys, God bless."
"Sydney Sutherland will live on in the hearts of all who love her."
"Thank you so much for being here. I really love and appreciate every single one of you guys."
"Our quality of life is immediately so much better and Ember's quality of life is better from you know immediately and in growing up in this town we love this town so I think that was a big deal too."
"It's clear a lot of it comes from a deep place of love held by many."
"I might be biased, but I love us, like I love our community."
"To all the queer and trans youth out there just know that you are so loved and we're going to be with you for every step of this fight. We love you so much."
"There's a selfish aspect that comes from it too, and I'll say this because I love like my people and the people around me."
"Thank you for seven incredible years, we love you."
"If you love classic cars, then Donald loves you."
"It's safe to come out and make the transition. You've got a community who loves you."
"Thank you everyone that's in the stream you guys are amazing and I love you guys so much."
"God, help me walk slowly enough to experience Jesus fully and to love people deeply."
"God, just help us to slow down, to walk with you slowly enough to love you fully, to love people deeply."
"Thank you so much for 200k in the squad, I love you guys and I'm so happy that I can make you guys laugh and smile with my content."
"I'll see y'all on the next one, I love y'all."
"If you're watching this video and you're not subbed with notifications, I don't know what you're doing. Please subscribe and turn on that post notification bell. I love you guys."
"He loved our people, that's what people knew. He loved our people."
"I love the bit Squad, love all you guys, you guys all mean the world to me."
"Thank you guys so much for everything, I love you guys from the bottom of my hearts each and every one of you."
"Portland, you're my [__] heart, we love you."
"Thank you all for stopping by the stream. I love you all."
"We'll see you on the next one. Bye, everyone! Bye-bye, love y'all."
"We love you here at the Lighthouse Church. Nothing you can do about it."
"Freedom is about loving yourself and then loving your kind."
"We need to love on each other and love on our world."
"If you're like us honestly you'll kind of fall in love with the people the dragon Isles it's a massive win."
"I love what I do. I love all of you. I love this industry."
"We were so grateful just for the pouring of love."
"This is my fiancée Jonathan... we love you guys, thanks for all the well wishes, bye."
"And the fact that so many of you left these like heartfelt comments that you know you support me and regardless what I choose to make videos on you're going to keep watching, I honestly teared up reading a lot of those comments man."
"It's Christmas Eve today. Merry Christmas everybody! We love you guys so much."
"I have an obligation to love and protect my brothers and sisters... it's about loving and protecting blackness, it's about upholding blackness."
"Thank you so much for joining, I love you so much, one love superwoman."
"We love you, we appreciate all of the support."
"Womanism is about loving the community, establishing meaningful relations in the flesh, not just about sexual desire."
"Mad love to you all... stay safe, stay healthy, and I will see you next weekend."
"You called them out on their BS and that's that's exactly why they kind of love you."
"He lived alone and was loved by everyone in the community."
"We come on here because we love these people."
"Our movement is built on love, and it is. We love our family, we love our faith, we love our flag, and we love our freedom."
"Love is love call somebody reach out to somebody one conversation one test can change the trajectory of somebody's day of somebody's year of somebody's life please do it we love y'all love is love."
"I'm really really proud and I'm proud of you guys and I hope you all know that and I love you all."
"So much love guys, so much love to you guys."
"He truly is a man with a heart and love for all of God's people."
"We love you guys so much. Baby Elijah says bye AA fam."
"You're feeling loved and cared for by people who really want to be there for you."
"The response is clearly enormous, there is a huge lot of love there."
"Be kind to yourselves and be kind to others, and remember truly that you are loved."
"I just want to hug every single one of you and show you the love that you showed me every single day."
"Everyone and I mean everyone seems to love Overwatch—they love its characters, its variety, its lore."
"Sometimes I just couldn't with that [ __ ] but I did try, you know, just because I had respect and love for the city of San Diego."
"I just want you guys to know thank you so much for being here I freaking love you guys."
"folks we're loving what we do we love this community we love working with you guys and keep going everyone thank you so much"
"I just don't want the community and the game I love to end up any worse."
"When you come here and when you read scripture, you see all the commands from Leviticus that tell us that we have to love our neighbors as we love ourselves."
"Thank you so much for watching we really hope you're staying safe we love you bye."
"Seho Fatso was a beautiful young and ambitious soon-to-be mother, beloved by all of those around her."
"I love everybody in Tennessee. It's not one person in that office or in the stadium that could say they had a problem with me."
"If you're spending a whole lot of time thinking about this you're probably focused on the wrong thing go love your neighbor as yourself."
"Love yourself, love your people, love your woman, love your man, love your child."
"Praying for the Peace of Israel in Jesus name. Love you and LA Marzulli." - Brian
"I love the community so much I love the viewers I love the creators I just think it is such a beautiful community."
"The love of the XRP and Ripple community... we love to see it."
"I love you guys, have a great rest of your day. Peace out."
"Help spread this message and we love you out so much in Jesus Christ name bless today."
"You have a love for people. We love people, and it's genuine that people see it."
"I love you guys, you're so kind to me. Thank you."
"The amount of love and positivity that people have shown us is truly incredible."
"We gotta start loving each other a little bit more."
"Can you love the black community and also support Donald Trump? Is that possible..."
"Yeah you're right it's a bizarre like psychology to spend your time writing negative comments like it's such a yeah but I love my audience in my community so much."
"We love you all we love this community we're excited to be back I've been excited for weeks to have a good chat and start crying on camera with laughter that's what it's about."
"Thank you for listening tonight. Love you. You'll be back on. You safe out here. Make wise decisions. We are love y'all. Peace."
"Stay true to who you are, stay strong, stay solid, we love you."
"The retention today is nuts, I love you guys."
"Utah loves you, the world loves you."
"I'm just thankful for you guys, you know why? Because you guys subscribed, you like the videos, in the comments section. I love you guys the most."
"So with all of that being said, I love you all and happy pouring."
"Insane how much love there is out here in Boston."
"I am sending you a ton of love. I'll see you for the next video."
"Who wouldn't think that that's amazing? I love it here."
"Thank you all for subscribing thank you for supporting rat pack love y'all."
"I love this community and especially coming from academia I love how this world is so non hierarchical."
"Everybody that's down here supporting local just makes my heart happy."
"Thank you for showing out. All love top to bottom. You already know what it is. Peace."
"That's what I love about the community."
"Thank you all for participating. Be kind to each other. I love you guys."
"I love you guys very much, you guys take care, have a good one, have a good weekend."
"Thank you so, so much. That's so cute. We love y'all."
"It's just nice to hang out with you guys; me and Seb greatly appreciate you, we have a lot of love for you."
"I was just blown away, totally blown away. I just can't get over the love that these people have; it's just unbelievable."
"I was teaching black history and about our people and how we need to love each other."
"Thank you so much for my million subscribers, I still cannot believe it. I love you guys so much."
"We really have something to love here, we have something to cherish."
"I love you guys and I love this community."
"Have an awesome freaking day, happy Tuesday everybody, I love you wonderful people."
"Thank you guys so much for your endless support, we freaking love you guys."
"Love y'all for the community, world, all that."
"We love you guys so much, and we'll see you all next time."
"We love where it's been, we love where it's going."
"We are very grateful for all the love that we get on all of our channels."
"What a great community; it's a beautiful little town we love it up here."
"I get the love from the Queens for who I am."
"I love you guys so much, I hope you all have a fantastic day or night whenever you're watching this."
"It's a pleasure to be on here and all the love that you guys give me."
"You guys have made this community one filled with love and support, and that's exactly what I want Alexis and Company to be."
"She was really loved by not only her kids but everyone in the neighborhood."
"We are all part of this big Community which I love so much."
"I appreciate you guys so much. Thanks, I love you. Bye!"
"We just hit 100,000 subscribers! Oh, we love you guys. Thank you so much for watching, listening."
"Brandy was still somebody who was beloved by the community, by her fans, and by audiences."
"Thank you all for doing this, everyone stays safe and healthy, sending so much love."
"I love it, I love the people; it's why I'm still here."
"I just really appreciate your support and your love."
"We hope you have a great day, God bless, and we love you guys."
"It's a rough city and it goes down here, but it's still just full of love."
"Merry Christmas, how much we love y'all."
"Thank you once again, and I will see you in the next one. Take care, guys. Much love."
"I'm so grateful for all the help, support we've received from our family, and the love and support from you guys."
"I absolutely love this community, these are the places you need to come to really fall in love with this city."
"I love all you guys and stay safe."
"I love to see this community, I love to see God's people just love on other brothers and sisters in Christ."
"We love this community, we love you guys."
"You have to be famous for your love for the city."
"She just wanted to nurture and she loved the knitting community so much."
"I love the community with all my heart."
"Love yourself and those around you; that's truly the only way forward."
"I love all of you and I'm excited to continue to stream in a place where I feel safe and comfy."
"It's really love here. I love these people."
"I love you guys so much and have a great month."
"We love you guys, we hope you have a great 23rd day till Christmas, and we will see you in the next video tomorrow."
"I love this community, I love all my preloaders."
"We're grateful for the opportunity to chase and make videos for you guys, we love you."
"We love you guys so much, have the best Christmas."
"You are Mom of the Year, Tessa. Thank you so much for loving your kids, loving your community, and loving that little nine-year-old boy that's living across the street."
"I love you guys so much and don't forget to share the video with a friend, family member, whomever. We welcome everyone to the channel, welcome to the family."
"We love you guys so much, and we hope you guys are enjoying your weekend."
"Love y'all, catch you guys back here in a bit, peace."
"I'm always surprised when people message me that. You don't have to thank me; I love you guys and I love my job."
"Love to the beautiful community, wishing everybody a great day and night."
"Cheers to 100,000 subscribers, love y'all, it's good, it's good."
"I love you guys, thank you for what you do, thank you for your support."
"All love in the community, y'all."
"I've fallen in love in a platonic sense with a lot of you."
"We love all of you guys, all of you guys."
"For the love of the community and for the love of myself that can only thrive within the context of some community, I am willing to give over some of my personal liberties and capacities for the greater thriving of those with whom I share my love."
"We really love you guys so much, thank you for the Christmas cards, thank you for everything."
"Loving our community does not mean that we have to hide the abusive aspects of our community. Loving us is us being honest with each other."
"We love you too, and to the rest of you 2,000 people out there, we love you too."
"Once again, thank you to Link Equestrian for sponsoring this video. I love you guys so so much, and I will see you guys in my next video."
"I love you guys so much; I'm so excited to see where this channel takes me."
"It's been a dark few days, but it's good to be here. We love you guys incredibly."
"I really love this community, that was so nice."
"The love that the townsfolk have for its community."
"Stay tuned, don't leave us, stay with us, we love you guys, peace and love."
"We mean it, we love you, thank you for being such a great community."
"I'm a proud black American, I love who I am, I love my community, I love black people."
"I love your channel, I love the camaraderie, I love everybody."
"I love the community that I'm part of."
"I got love for the black and brown community."
"The Steenkamp family was said to be loved by their whole community."
"Thank you guys so much for watching and thank you for all the love in the store."
"We're really coming from a place of love for ourselves, love for our community, love for the people in our community, and for people who might be joining us."
"Stockbridge is just a great place, so I love Stockbridge, hope you guys do too."
"I love this community so much, you guys are everything to me."
"I love my community, I happen to love black people."
"We love you guys so much, thank you so much for continuing to support us."
"We love you guys, don't forget to give the video hope you have a wonderful Sunday."
"We love you guys so much, we will be back in another week."
"I love you guys so much and I will see you all very soon maybe tomorrow but no promises."
"I just love you guys so much and I really appreciate each and every one of you."
"I absolutely love this community and the positivity that comes from it."
"We love the community, that is our goal, and we're happy to have you here today."
"We love you all so much, and we will see you all tomorrow at 6 o'clock."
"I love you all so much, I'll catch you on that next video, peace out."
"I love the Swamp family, and I love you guys."
"Hey, so much love from everywhere, I've been reading the comments, you guys are amazing, thank you for staying up late to watch."
"I appreciate you guys and I love you guys."
"What you're doing is great, it's awesome, I love you guys and just keep doing what you're doing."
"I ask for forgiveness for my colleagues and from the residents of this city that I love so much."
"So much love to you guys, and I'll see you next time."
"Now they are very loved in the community and now they are pillars of this community."
"Turn the resentment that you might have for the American structure into love for your community."
"I love this community, I love this channel, and I'm happy to be back here with you."
"I love this community so very much, and I care about the future of this community as well."
"They are so kind, and we love it. We love meeting you, talking to you."
"Thank you for the love and the support that you all have been showing me."