
Competitive Dominance Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"The Tennessee Titans win their first Super Bowl in franchise history in complete dominating fashion."
"Poland has dominated a number of those categories."
"We got the points record, two TKOs, we're unstoppable."
"Love them or hate them... that was a good kind of dominance to me."
"Kamaru Usman won it by 67 percent. A landslide. This is absolutely ridic." - Kamaru Usman's dominance in winning Male Fighter of the Year.
"This would be the last time Zero would ever lose a tournament for a very long time."
"Real Madrid, they are European heavyweights in a way that nobody else can compete with."
"I'm inspired after seeing Matutino dominate everyone."
"This domination, he destroyed everybody, impressive."
"That was about as one-sided as it possibly could get... That was like, I mean, just... wow."
"It's like this pleasurable act to make somebody like Novak submit."
"Brazil really starts to barbecue the competition."
"Tribe Gaming dominating, flawless performance."
"Fabiano Caruana's dominance in elite chess is truly remarkable."
"Kai 2012 Arnold, New York Pro, he decimated everybody."
"Tony Bo brilliant in the grand final all of that was carrying an injury as well full credit to Tony Bo certainly the man to beat as far as this 2020 championship is concerned looking good for a 14th title."
"When they get ahead, they look so dominant. Game one you had an absolute slacking from DAMWON, and game two a lot more back and forth, a lot more of these fights on kind of the knife's edge."
"What a performance and there it is a three-nil domination of Man City away from home in the league."
"It's hard to explain that he was that much better than everybody else."
"Every worlds, the best team usually just ends up smashing finals by the time they get there."
"No matter how you look at it, Gorilla has just maintained dominance."
"What a showing from the Spitfire, dominating the Fusion in a post-season game."
"The fusion as expected take map one looking dominant in the series."
"It's not just beating him, it's completely dominating him."
"Blabber has destroyed Closer every single game."
"Octane he's got to be the MVP front runner right now."
"This is where it always feels like they're pretty much bulletproof they rarely ever lose these games from ahead when they are in control in these positions."
"We got the game in the headlock, we got the game in the chokehold if we hold strong."
"Over the course of a single year, Astralis went from down and out to quite possibly the greatest roster in the history of CS:GO."
"He's been the dominant force in this Championship."
"Unbelievable. When he gets into the lead, rarely does anybody pass him back."
"VP didn't lose a single game, a single game, at a Major, crushing the hopes and dreams of every team that so desperately needed those points."
"The combined longest-reigning NXT women's champion in history."
"This is like in gladiators right when you have the unbeatable champion and they just smash down everybody."
"First killer still king of the throne. He's number one."
"It's a shellacking, it's a demolition, it's methodical and it is beautiful to watch for Rogue."
"I don't think anyone will stand a chance against us. We are currently the most famed by a mile and I think we're also in the furthest era."
"Cena beats Stone Cold in a title match four and oh. You gotta be kidding me!"
"Domination from start to finish in two games straight and griffin make a commanding statement here."
"Is he just gonna three-oh, he's just gonna win three-oh in 50 seconds."
"Easily the best team in the world right now."
"We're gonna win the whole thing, we're uncontested."
"City made Bayern look average. We made them look average, like Sonny tried but the rest of the players... three nil without conceding, that's next level."
"And Jett Lawrence wins again at Fox Raceway."
"We beat UConn, we freaking beat UConn, like didn't even just beat, like we killed them, you know."
"It was a demolition job against Newcastle."
"Efren Reyes secured an incredible victory with a stunning 7 to 0 scoreline."
"They do not turn the ball over, and they don't just look to beat you, they want to defeat your will."