
Montessori Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"At its heart, Montessori is about the child and what's most important is setting them up for success so that they can be happy, confident, self-sufficient little people from as early as they are ready to be."
"In the world of Montessori, you don't need a ton of toys. The emphasis is actually on quality over quantity."
"Honestly, I am a Montessori nerd through and through. I am in love with almost every aspect of it."
"Leave the activity out, allow your child the opportunity to experiment with, to explore the materials."
"If you introduce the material and your child still just doesn't seem to be getting it, then they're probably not ready for it."
"From one busy parent to another, today I'd like to take you guys on a little tour of my Montessori toddler and baby shared playroom."
"Observation is huge in both Montessori and RIE for a very good reason."
"I love the Montessori kind of way of learning or playing."
"Respectful parenting rooted in Montessori principles and guided by the tenets of positive discipline has been really wonderful for our family."
"Love every box is Montessori-based, so all the toys are made out of wood which are really great for the environment."
"In montessori, children are allowed to do whatever they want."
"Montessori: offering freedom of movement."
"Montessori: we're not forcing our children to grow up too quickly."
"Montessori: our goal is not to assume that our children can't do something when in fact they can."
"Montessori: offering the freedom to engage with peers and adults."
"We're offering something that we often refer to as freedom within limits."
"In the montessori approach, we are offering freedom within limits."
"Montessori: presenting a lesson to a child on how to use a material."
"Montessori: closed-ended activities offer the child a sense of accomplishment."
"Montessori: the goal is to foster the child's independence."
"Montessori: the goal is not to force children to grow up quickly."
"Montessori: open-ended activities allow your child to explore their creative side."
"Montessori: introducing the kind of imaginary role play where the child is role-playing real-life situations."
"Montessori: the goal is to foster the child's independence and autonomy."
"A Montessori sleeping space is a place of rest."
"The Montessori visual mobiles cater to different capacities of your child's developing vision."
"Your list of baby essentials as a Montessori parent is going to be incredibly small compared to what you might see elsewhere."
"Your child's very first Montessori toy could be a Montessori newborn rattle."
"Offering your child some choices but with boundaries, in Montessori we call this 'freedom within limits'."
"We keep all the extra toys in a trunk in that room and some up in his closet and the majority of our toys are from Lovevery, which is a Montessori style like toy subscription kit."
"Practical life is the core of Montessori parenting at home."
"I love that with the spindle boxes your child is able to self-correct."
"Montessori children are more advanced than their peers; they're more engaged in learning."
"Montessori has helped me become the person I am today."
"Montessori really believed in giving children concrete information first."
"We've been doing Montessori at home with both of them since they were infants."
"The Montessori three to six curriculum... has been worth every penny and I am so incredibly glad that I did."
"Montessori and minimalism often go hand-in-hand."
"I want to start doing Montessori at home with Adam."
"If you're intrigued about Montessori and don't know where to start, I recommend this book."
"The essence of Montessori at home is involving your child in your family's everyday activities and making them feel like a valued contributing member."
"The more you can involve your child in your practical life activities, the more important part of doing Montessori at home."
"If your goal is to instill in your child a sense of independence, responsibility, and confidence, then a Montessori approach to education might be a good fit for your family."
"The lower income half of the sample, by the end of the study if they were in Montessori, they had statistically caught up, meaning there's no longer significant difference between them and the higher income children."
"Creativity's higher in the Montessori children."
"When I was at Montessori, there was never any end to what I learned."
"The simplest and easiest way to discover Montessori activities."
"Allowing a child to get their own snack is a practice in practical life activities."
"Montessori is not about the stuff; at its heart, it is about respect for the child."
"It's not necessary for you to go out and buy all of these Montessori materials... with the materials that we have at home, we can definitely recreate all of these activities."
"So that is my toddler's Montessori bathroom setup; it is by no means fancy, but it is definitely functional."
"The public school system kind of boxes kids in a desk... whereas Montessori is thrown in a big classroom with no rules, just a ton of content, and let the kid learn what they want to learn about."
"Maria Montessori's earliest work as a doctor was treating abandoned children in a mental asylum in one of the poorest areas of Rome."
"Montessori strongly believed that she had found an infallible system that would revolutionize society."
"It was only when she started to work with the children that she developed the learning materials which are the kind of foundation of the Montessori legacy today."
"We base our teaching... on the principles discovered by that wonderful Italian educator, Dr. Maria Montessori."
"I am all for the Montessori way of letting her learn how to do things that she's gonna have to do anyway."