
Superhuman Abilities Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"The early versions of Mjolnir amplified the Spartans' already impressive strength, speed, and ability, making them the most capable soldiers ever produced by humanity."
"They become superheroes... they are capable of doing things that normal people are not."
"Mind bullets cannot take him down. I guess a power fist to the face is gonna have to do it."
"Imagine the benefits: no need to eat or sleep or perform other functions, walk underwater, crush the heads of every opponent. The possibilities are limitless."
"Dude, you're right. The dude can lift the Golden Gate Bridge with his mind."
"If you've ever wanted to use superhuman powers to manifest the life of your dreams, then do we have the superhuman show for you."
"Kratos is incredibly fast, matching the likes of Zeus who has the speed of lightning."
"Blind people, like Matt Murdock, can learn to process other information from hearing, touch, and smell in ways that seeing people can't."
"Yeah, I'm honestly kind of leaning towards Raphael because, while Red Hood is definitely stronger and faster than a normal human, the Ninja Turtles are definitively superhuman."
"Enables the Spartans to continue to operate above and beyond all possible human standards."
"We are superhuman, we have the ability to bring love to the collective and change the global presence."
"Moving to just about a thousand years before the present day, the warlord Xu Wenwu makes a fantastic discovery of his own when he comes across ten otherworldly rings that grant him immortality and the strength of a god."
"She also seems to possess superhuman agility."
"Loki is said to be able to lift over 20 tons, and that's no small feat."
"Super soldiers could become a reality with genetic modification."
"Main's attacks were executed with superhuman Precision characteristic of a young girl possessing extraordinary abilities."
"Monet is essentially a near perfect being, with all of her physical and mental skills greater than the natural physical limits of peak humans."
"If you can run twice as fast as a regular human, you're running as fast as a horse easily."
"Shang Chi has mastered his chi, allowing him to disperse physical trauma across his entire body and strike with enough force to break reinforced steel."
"This normal dude is so lethal with his hands he's thought of as a superhuman."
"Her reliance on seismic sense from an early age is what allowed the young earthbender to hone the technique to a level that far exceeded any known Bender in the series."
"The Marvel character Magneto may be a fictional character, but maybe there's a real-life Magneto living in Zagreb, Croatia."
"Her strength was so great that just the stomp of her foot created a crater in the ground."
"You could become like a meta clone or metahuman."
"Sage is a super genius with a brain more powerful than any computer in the world."
"Welcome everyone to a very special GTA 5 video. It is hunters vs speedrunners but we have super human abilities. We can jump super high, run super fast, and more."
"Yellow is like the pinnacle of being a superhuman in pokemon."
"Devil fruits: mysterious, distinctive, granting permanent superhuman powers."
"He turned his fist into a giant monkey god gun that was larger than a mountain and then pummeled Kaido miles deep into the ground in a hole that was shaped exactly like a dragon."
"These two vice officers weren't just cops or fashion icons - they were superhuman."
"Saitama exceeded the speed of light and broke through time and space."
"I've got real super soldier serum in me so now I'm Invincible."
"Blast is faster than flashy flash, stronger than blackluster, and completely resistant to radiation."
"Godspeed: Kilua's lightning-fast abilities, manipulating aura to react autonomously, a genius amongst geniuses."
"By various accounts, He-Man is said to be the most powerful man in the entire universe, granted superhuman speed, indestructible skin, and immense strength by the power of his sword."
"The Eternals are a race of super-powered beings created by the Celestials 1 million years ago as an experiment on the planet Earth. Throughout their incredibly long existence, they have shown why they are some of the strongest beings to exist."
"All versions of the Flash have superhuman endurance, allowing them to run incredible distances or complete tedious tasks within a blink of an eye."
"If the Flash is familiar enough with the properties of the Speed Force, they can lend and borrow the power of their enhanced speed as well."
"We have literally made it onto the most powerful superhumans leaderboard."
"Boros was regarded as a god-level threat in the One Punch Man universe, meaning that he was a being who brought forth the possible extinction of mankind on a global scale."
"He doesn't view himself as innately superior despite having god-like powers the show firmly rejects the biological determinism."
"The ability of human beings to do almost superhuman things is resident within all of us but sleeping."
"Superhuman powers could be possible in a type 2 civilization."
"Able to leap small piles in a single bound."
"He's strong enough to push around oceanic plates, throw a submarine around with water magic and lift this giant cruise ship."
"He runs and just, yeah, pokes the glass, and it breaks like surface tension on water. He gets out there, grabs Iris, but he plants his feet, and the asphalt rips up. I was like, this is [__] awesome."
"In the One Piece world, there are non-human species with abilities far beyond human limits."
"He's able to dodge lightning, even Zeus's lightning."
"Golem: immune to channeling and conventional weapons, superhuman strength and agility, unstoppable."
"Heimdall's senses are so precise to the point where he could see 10 trillion souls and hear a butterfly's wing flap from across the universe."
"He's quick enough to dodge gunfire, tough enough to take a shotgun blast to the chest, resilient enough to tank electric shocks, and strong enough to rip a 20-ton turret off a tank."
"Throughout the film, Sil exhibited great speed and strength."
"Black Bolt... a single whisper from this guy could level an entire city."
"Seeing characters move faster than the speed of light, lob energy blasts, and throw punches that can shatter planets has the same spectacular appeal as professional wrestling for millions of people the world over."
"Experience a heightened awakening of their five senses akin to superhuman perception."
"Neymar is Talokan and empowered by their sacred plant which grants him superhuman strength, durability, and speed."
"What happens if we could see x-ray and gamma rays? We would be supermen and superwomen."
"How did he gain his superhuman abilities?"
"Key would actually not just let you sense and react in combat faster but also increase your physical capabilities."
"He can lift well over 100 tons, fly over 5,000 mph, teleport, leech another person's energy, and so much more."
"Her feline physiology grants her a number of superhuman capabilities; in addition to the usual super strength and stuff, she has superhuman senses and a regenerative healing factor."
"Majestic possesses superhuman strength, speed, and durability that rivals even the mightiest of superheroes."