
Technological Breakthrough Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"The Mark V introduced a major breakthrough: energy shields, creating humanity's first personal energy shields."
"Quantum computers with just a few dozen entangled quantum bits have been shown to do calculations in seconds that would take conventional supercomputer centuries."
"Reusability essentially opens the door for reducing the cost of spaceflight by a factor of 100 or more."
"Quantum computers could answer computational questions conventional computers cannot."
"The dawn of a brand new era for Humanity: AI is a technological breakthrough unlike anything we've ever seen or we'll see again in our lifetimes."
"This is a breakthrough in photography for a smartphone."
"Journey into the astonishing results of Neuralink's human implantation, revealing groundbreaking advancements."
"The tech billionaire Elon Musk is saying his Neuralink company has successfully implanted one of its Wireless brain chips in a human for the first time."
"When AI’s learned to master hide and seek, one of them found that it could use a ramp to jump outside the game walls."
"An utterly profound breakthrough in access to orbit."
"Cardano: The super blockchain, backed by top minds, poised to surpass all others."
"Without the breakthrough that John and his colleagues achieved more than 40 years ago it's probably fair to say that most of the technology we use today wouldn't exist."
"The real killer feature here is the much faster rdna 2 integrator graphics which brings well over a 50 performance increase compared to ryzen 5000."
"A breakthrough in artificial intelligence can affect all other innovation platforms."
"This new state-of-the-art system has really surprised everyone and taken us back."
"Autonomy is an insanely fundamental breakthrough and no one is even close to Tesla for solving generalized autonomy."
"A Promethean revolution as significant to the human story as the harnessing of fire."
"Everyday astronaut said, 'It's quite literally absolutely game-changing what you and the insanely hard-working team at SpaceX have managed to do.'"
"Lotus were the first to ever fit aerofoil wings to a Formula One car."
"Starship really is a game changer to an extraordinary degree with respect to access to space."
"It seems Tesla is getting close and they could soon have a breakthrough that no other company is close to."
"The digital currencies solution is the most important technological advance I've seen since the internet."
"The AI had a breakthrough and beat the current reigning champions, with a winrate of 99.4%."
"This breakthrough right here, seeing a Neuralink implant in a living creature reading correctly, accurately reading signals and activities in the brain is absolutely incredible."
"Artificial wombs represent a groundbreaking development in reproductive technology and neonatal care."
"Lunar Lake could redefine expectations of computing performance."
"Tesla Cybertruck truly is engineering genius. It hasn't just been designed to look a certain way, it has been intentionally designed to be extremely fast, cheap, and efficient to manufacture."
"It makes me so happy that this exists, guys. Like holy crap. I don't think I could have lasted another two years being in this XR thing if this... if a device didn't like... like this did not come up. Like honestly, that's how I feel."
"Alien technology is done, we have a potential Treasure Trove of knowledge."
"This does not just provide cost savings. It represents a drastic change in capabilities of rockets."
"Autonomy is an insanely fundamental breakthrough...no one's even close to Tesla."
"It is incredibly, incredibly rare for a single company to make such a huge leap in the PC space."
"This could be the holy grail of battery technology."
"Celluloid created a revolution that led to advancements in science and technology."
"A breakthrough needs to be a dramatic shift in Hardware, so great it literally changes how people go about developing games."
"We've broken the a hundred-qubit barrier, which puts us into uncharted territory."
"The world's first practical laser, a historic breakthrough."
"This unleashes potential that we have not seen before."
"And finally, they've done it! The absolute mad lads at Bungie Research and Development have achieved The Impossible."
"Chess computers experienced a revolution in late 2017 when Google's DeepMind created AlphaZero."
"Bitcoin does that perfectly and that's why it's such a fundamental breakthrough."
"It's mind-blowing what this does from an AI perspective."
"The Transformer is categorically better than everything that came before."
"Whoever cracks this problem first is going to be mammoth."
"That streak ended abruptly in 2016 when a superhuman AI Gobot demolished the world champion."
"Tesla has been at the forefront of many technological advancements and breakthroughs in the automotive industry over the last handful of years."
"It's hard to overstate just how influential the AlexNet paper has been."
"The locomotive was a technological innovation that completely changed the world."
"My aha moment came when I saw Steve Jobs in 2008 introduce what was to become the App Store for the iPhone."
"AlphaFold was recognized as a solution to the structure prediction problem by the CASP organizers themselves."
"It was a magical breakthrough when the computer became cheap, and we could see that everyone could afford a computer."
"This experiment has enabled us to do spectroscopy a million times faster than was possible before."
"We are close to a breakthrough with robots gaining human level perception and judgment."
"This is really a breakthrough application that allows the Siemens controller to directly communicate with the local control logics."
"We had a breakthrough, we're not going to call it artificial general intelligence but boy howdy, a breakthrough."
"That was such an exciting time in life to demonstrate to the world something that was unbelievable, instant playback of Television of video."
"We think that YouTube has been an amazing breakthrough... there's also videos of great lectures about recursion in computer science."