
Cinematic Moments Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"We should all be pursuing the moment when, if we were in a movie, the hero music would be playing. We all recognize it when it happens in the movies. We know when that music is about to start playing, and we know what the character, what we want the character to do. We know we want to be that character."
"The best scene in the film... is a very simple one... where Barbie sits crying at a bench and very earnestly compliments the beauty of an older woman: 'You're so beautiful.' 'I know it.'"
"I also think that the order 66 sequence is one of the best sequences in star wars ever."
"Seeing them take off in the Falcon, flying over the world witnessing civilization start anew with Kefka's demise."
"It's such an awesome moment I mean I cried everyone in the room cried it obviously just meant so so much to her."
"By far the money shot is that last one with Cap and Bucky beaten up on Iron Man."
"But I've only seen it a couple times and I do recall the entire opening sequence being my favorite of the entire movie."
"That's the best part of this whole movie so far - she beats an old person in the head with a bat and it's like, oop sorry, I didn't see you there, my bad."
"Yeah, I had this ideal moment of us literally hands in the air cheering at a very specific point in the movie which I once spoke here and that moment happened so I felt like I achieved my dream."
"The shots where he's discovering what his powers are and seeing how excited he is they are nailed perfectly"
"Some of my favorite moments in the film are those very same moments."
"This is the Darth Vader Rogue one moment I want chills watching."
"If you watch Baby Driver, you know what the hell I'm talking about."
"One scene that I think deserves more credit is the very first Thanos reveal."
"This is kinda cliched, it rains as soon as the battle begins, but it's way too awesome to complain about."
"Seeing the clock drift towards zero with his newfound fan base slowly lifting from their seats, Jeremy rose up and splashed a shot straight out of a cinematic masterpiece."
"The shoe scene in Jojo Rabbit was jaw-dropping."
"Cool death pulling up the last second is the most bond thing he's done yet."
"Everything was just great, even moments as tiny as when Maverick was jumping out of the window."
"It really is like something out of a Hollywood movie when you start doing the agree the potential."
"It was a classic glance like in West Side Story where everything else went foggy. When I met Winona and we fell in love it was absolutely like nothing ever before-ever."
"The sequence where Numenor is revealed with the swelling epic music is one of the most jaw-dropping moments of the show."
"I'm here to help save the world, I'm gonna punch Hitler in the face."
"That's what I call a goosebump moment for me in a movie."
"Wouldn't you expect Thor Ragnarok to have a sequence where Thor tries to copy Steve Rogers' style with the shield?"
"These are those moments that make movies about."
"The post-credits scene, which again introduces us to Spider-Man 2099."
"There is one scene in particular that's like damn, that's exactly what I would want to see in this movie."
"The best scene in the movie is when these Icelandic women linger at the sea to sing a song to Aquaman."
"Cate Blanchett refers to the moment hiccup sees the masked ball Cup for the first time as the greatest entry of a character in cinema history." - Number 88
"You've got to admit in that final season, there's this shot..."
"It's almost like the moment where in a sci-fi movie you kill the monster and then the heroes look up and they're like oh no the monster's in the air."
"There's one that references The Matrix with Monodom reenacting the famous scene where Neo dodges several bullets."
"After he reunites with Harley, their helicopter gets shot down and he blows up. Oh my god."
"That scene was really special to me just because, you know, we've all been in that situation."
"Setpiece after setpiece and these wild moments of the Spider-Man interacting with each other with characters."
"The animation is at a much higher budget and there were a lot of great moments and shots told through the story visually."
"That final shot, wherever Blake comes back for his final blow, is just a great note to end the movie on."
"There's a magic in that... when you can get scenes and moments in movies like that, that create this profound impact on you."
"When the hero's about to fall off a cliff, his friend who disappeared at the beginning of the movie."
"David Fincher's classic film Fight Club has been known for its explosive climax."
"When he says Avengers Assemble, a lot of people have said this movie's a bit of a tearjerker."
"This whole opening scene, one of the best in Horror history."
"I think some people just caught it because they just hopped out the van. It was like a movie."
"That moment where I knew this movie was great? You mentioned the patricide, the moment of the betrayal, right? I think a lot of lesser filmmakers, what they would have done..."
"the house wakes up and in a shot that's so cool I actually had to rewind"
"I do see the value in Star Wars coming back... the things that did manage to get through and felt personal and felt big and felt epic or even felt small and personal I feel it's worth it."
"Playing with the boys. I had no idea that that scene would become this big iconic moment in the movie." - Kenny Loggins
"Why does this character who was barely in the movie get the big triumphant hero entrance?"
"I will say the last 30 minutes when she goes full berserker and it's sick."
"It definitely has a bit of heart in some scenes."
"This movie's best scene is a throwaway tail end Stinger teasing a future where Spider-Man accepts the possible consequences but still fights crime boldly and proudly."
"It also gave the world one of Lee's most iconic moments."
"Other Spider-Man movies have attempted a similar moment, but to me, none have pulled it off quite like Spider-Man 2."
"I think my favorite moment ever is just when Gandalf and Frodo are writing up in the wagon and you just see all the Shire."
"The last twelve or so minutes of A Fistful of Dollars are so epic."
"I loved that scene with a pickpocket. Not just because it made him more relatable, but then it was, I think, him pickpocketing Aladdin which seemed like it just never happened to him."
"I got a problem with this scene right here that punch from Thanos to Iron Man, it does look weak."
"Harley Quinn tearing off her dress and killing all those guys was a standout scene."
"...welling up at Vesper's death scene... hugely powerful emotional moment... top-tier bond stuff."
"It's like the best moment of like badass guy walking away from an explosion."
"I would say the Yoda move of stopping the pillar in the heat of battle was far more impressive than lifting the X-Wing. Yoda was stopping it as it was falling, which is way harder."
"The true highlight of Pitt's performance is the screen time he shares with an elderly woman he meets at the hospital."
"There are certain moments in film almost too good to describe."
"It's a movie that's made up of a lot of great little moments."
"It certainly delivers on entertainment, great moments, iconic shots, laugh out loud little quips."
"This fight had so many great moments. The transitions mid-fight were great, a way to show three different battles at the same time that flowed really well."
"The person you truly loved comes back into your life, just like the movies."