
Past Influences Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"You are a product of your past but not a prisoner of your past."
"I don't care what you were told in the past; I'm going to think differently."
"Your past has a way of sneaking up on you. You'll hear your broken echoes of it everywhere."
"Don't let the past hold you back from receiving valuable insight and critique."
"There was a voice that was silenced in a past life, all of these communicative cards here are coming through to remind you of the power and the importance of your voice."
"The power within, awakened by the echoes of the past."
"Scorpio, the past is watching, but you're on a whole new path."
"Leaving it in the past is gonna help you ascend to even getting to know the greatest version of you is truly magical."
"I see a bright future with roots in a memorable past."
"If they haven't already undone a lot of that stuff that they've learned, they can be carrying over a lot of those issues into future relationships."
"It's like you're not allowing the universe to bring in your karma because you're still stuck on something in the past."
"Be mindful of your past coming back trying to ruin shit."
"Don't allow the ghost of the past to cloud your present moment."
"We are not defined by our past. There is hope, there is faith."
"Your whole life will change direction during this time, faded old talents and situations from your past can come back around."
"Don't ever let your past prevent you from being what you can be in the future."
"We've taken a lot of ideas from previous games and reinterpreted them to make sure they work with Diablo 4."
"The past is gone, it's unfair to try and live with it always on our minds."
"Don't let the past influence what the future could become."
"The past creates the present but the past can be repaired and the present healed."
"Don't let a past person mess up a good new thing."
"You better run with that [__] and you better understand that you have to stay away from your old gang."
"You don't want to be a prisoner to the past."
"Are we going to let our past seal our future?"
"Our past is present with us... that's why we're stuck and that's why a lot of us struggle to move forward."
"My past is not a memory, it's a force at my back."
"You are dating her past, you're dating his past."
"Be aware of holding onto the past that doesn't belong in your life anymore."
"Reconciliation, past life, religious factors, passion."
"I love that idea for Ubben it would already you're making him the street of three-dimensional character because he has to deal with his past."
"It's just a reminder isn't it that the past is when it comes to their mother never that far away for them."
"To have something new, you have to let go of the past."
"Your past self has led you to be who you are today."
"You have a voice that I feel you didn't necessarily maybe have in the past lifetime."
"All of your old stuff that used to freak everybody else out have been washed away like footprints in the sand."
"He can't change the past, but He can change the way it affected you."
"We're not our past, we're not our mistakes, we're what we do with it."
"You are not the past mistakes that you've made, you are not your net worth, that is not who you are."
"What did those three years of your pre-life do to you? What happened? Stop, heal."
"Set healthy boundaries and release past beliefs holding you back."
"They're hurt by your past problems, even though they may be silent with you."
"A person without a vision for their future will always return to their past."
"Allow yourself to be healed because I feel as though for someone I'm tapped into here, there may be something or someone from your past that connected with a lower vibrational version of you."
"Just remember storms do pass, 'this too shall pass.' Yeah, and speaking of the past, don't let your past hold you back."
"Surrender the belief that your past is what is driving your present."
"You can reinvent yourself, and things that have been in the past don't really define who you are now."
"I think about my high school haters all the time."
"Don't even bother starting something new; the past hasn't left yet."
"Don't let your past hold you back, Sagittarius."
"Blaming is limiting you. When we continue to blame others for the past, we're refusing to take ownership of our future."
"I feel like this person from the past is always showing up in the same energy they have."
"Possibly someone who was in and out in the past and now they're wanting a commitment."
"Venus with the south node is a great connection related to the past, and actually very strong."
"The greatest theft of this precious gift that we have called the present is when we allow yesterday's Shadows to drive the light away."
"...both of these individuals are no longer Jedi, they put that part of their lives behind them, but it's clear at every turn, at every intersection, their Jedi past still shadows them."
"So somebody from your past feels like they got a lot of lies, somebody lied to them and they going through Karma or somebody's getting karmic Justice for whatever they did in your past."
"...you are bound to your past, that you are a product of your environment..."
"Whatever you were holding on to in the past made you stagnant, slowed down your dreams."
"The echoes of the past speak louder than any voice I hear right now."
"Step into your power, not letting anything hold power over you from the past."
"The moon represents the past and the conditioning of what's called your lunar vehicles, your physical, emotional, and mental self."
"Past dysfunctions are not excuses for present destruction."
"Always forgive yourself, always understand that you too are a victim, a victim of your conditioning from the past."
"This is someone from the past returning into your present to affect your future."
"Don't allow beautiful opportunities that are supposed to be yours to pass you by because you allow something from the past to hold you back instead of setting it right."