
Organizational Impact Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"Was the price ever as low as a hundred dollars? No. These utopian predictions caused some complications for the organization, but ultimately I still think 3 million is a really good achievement."
"Bad management can ruin even the best ideas and end up costing their companies lots of money."
"HoloLive is the biggest of these organizations, beginning its lineup with Tokyo Sora as a recognizable member."
"He forgave himself out of a job because they shut the institution."
"Data scientists analyze and interpret complex data to help organizations make better decisions."
"Any change in command and control especially at the very highest level is always disruptive to a force."
"And the ability to actually influence the direction of the guild and the end outcomes."
"It takes new leadership at the top to change it."
"Chris Smalls did a great job. Did a great job."
"NATO as an organization does more good than harm."
"Success is the ability to make ordinary people do extraordinary things."
"One of my favorite narrative techniques is the things we write out but don't actually say."
"This is the most significant move our club has made in so long."
"I'm a big fan of you trust, I'm a big fan of what they do."
"Leadership capital is more valuable than any other element in the world."
"He's one of the biggest stars in the organization."
"I make DeadSec go where it has the most impact."
"The real focus is on the most good... the best organizations are hundreds or thousands of times better than typical organizations."
"Our work has been so instrumental in this country."
"It's just so fantastic... supporting those organizations is just fantastic... I think everyone owes you a big well done for that."
"They're this endlessly fascinating organization. They have been for hundreds of years. And they still speak to us."
"Unity is the solution, but the most effective display of unity and the power that derives from that unity has always been displayed in an unparalleled fashion by the Nation of Islam."
"The great heights of not even a year earlier were a distant memory. Team turmoil was dead. It is no exaggeration to say that the 1993 Oilers killed football in Houston."
"Our legacy is service to all mankind, our sorority proved this yet again."
"Poor leadership is what leads to burnout, depression, massive layoffs."
"Now more than ever our nation needs a renewal of the values that this organization promotes."
"It really warms my heart to see how incredible of an organization this is."
"Has there ever been an organization in history which has dedicated itself to the destruction of the possibility of organized human life? That's actually what we're facing."
"The importance of the verdict I think it cannot be overstated for the Trump organization."
"That changes the franchise, that's more important than winning."
"As an academic, I can't just be an academic; I have to be an activist, building organizations and making things better."
"For those who have left this organization, we clearly see all the things that these people took from us."
"They have to have some sort of accounting for 90 million dollars... the movement is very important to be damaged by this type of thing."
"They're doing that based off of the success that Bjergsen and players like him on that org have brought."
"The goal of a non-profit should be to put itself out of business."
"We get to set the bar of what that looks like."
"Ultimately, I said it in the last video, An Postu has ripped that club apart from the inside."
"Now the people who published this document claimed it wasn't about cancel culture but that's exactly what it was this wasn't about Justice this wasn't about trying to get reforms in an organization this was about inflicting pain."
"The product will inherently change once Vince is out of the picture and Hunter and Stephanie are running it."
"Administration is like the frontline of the next chapter of every move of God."
"On the other hand, for such a small organization to have such a significant role in true integration, it's a sad commentary on the state of affairs in America."
"What are FSG trying to do to Liverpool and Jurgen Klopp's season? Ruin it."
"This one organization was, if not totally responsible, almost completely, you know, really up there in responsibility for American foreign policy and economic policy."
"If we can change the game at Amazon, then literally anything is possible."
"This is less about party than it is about who you put at the top and whether they know what the hell they're doing."
"Our lead times have been taken off as a strategic guidance initiative but they're still impacting on our procurement programs."
"Their legacy is the destruction of a deadly organization that threatened the neighborhoods they had sworn to protect."
"He single-handedly shut down ACORN and also established himself as a prominent conservative thought leader."
"The best appointment I think you guys could have."
"This guy is a true warrior that has really been made by this organization."
"It's damaging to the club, it's damaging to the fans."
"She injected a lot of fun into TNA at a time when the company was dying because of her family."
"Your support in in fights like this means that we are a much bigger organization in terms of of impact and and ability to deliver good results for this country than we could have ever imagined."
"Brand new era with Triple H in charge. It's gonna be very interesting with NXT, man."
"Step out of your job description, find out what people in your organization need, and give them that service."
"The pressure is so great and people don't want to see their organization sued, ruined, whatever, their reputation ruined..."
"Vince McMahon is the issue, everything you see that is going wrong with this company is directly correlated to Vince McMahon."
"The writing is on the wall and WWE is doing more damage than they realize."
"For me, the most exciting thing about what we do is empowering organizations to transform the way they see currencies."
"Trying to demonize an organization that has around five million members in it is just not a good idea."
"I'm in the chair that I should be in right now to do the most good." - Rob White
"She was an absolute gem in the organization."
"Your support is invaluable to us and empowers us to continue doing what we love."
"Because of you, Creflo Dollar Ministries is empowering change in the lives of millions."
"True leader understands when they have become a liability."
"It seems inconceivable that an organization making such a positive contribution can be allowed to do anything but go from strength to strength."
"The golden order had been struck a devastating blow."
"This is why you should be supporting Judicial Watch, this is the great work we're doing."
"The impact that we're having and the way that we're going about it is just so different."
"It seems like Enzo's influence grew and grew and ironically that grew more as the structure within how he played improved overall."
"Incident management done well can actually change the fortunes of the information security team within the organization."
"...the minute you have that attitude and you start to impose it on people around you, you need to check yourself... because you're shutting down minds and you're really, in the long term, hurting your organization."
"I have to say, when I look, the thing about an organization like God's Love We Deliver."
"The future of my job and our organization really hinges on this."
"If you really want to make a difference in your organization, you want great results and great human satisfaction, go for servant leadership."
"Key account customers are highly important for an organization."
"It's a balance between the benefits that the project will eventually bring to the organization and weighing that carefully against the cost and the risk of doing so."
"The way that your team, your organization, the people you work with, and how those people interact has a profound effect on the structures and the design of the systems that you create."
"People want to stay in organizations where they have an impact."
"HRBP helps organization create results and develop metrics that matter."
"The degree to which somebody feels like they are heard by the organization will greatly impact their sense of ownership within that organization."
"It is the ability of a stakeholder to influence an organization and affect its decision-making."
"Improving benefits at one organization was an amazing thing that I did."
"Data mesh using a semantic model where you're able to create these common assets and then share across the organization is super powerful."
"The world is very noisy, and most of that noise is made by organizations who don't think about it."
"Greater individual impact of budget cuts is hypothesized to lead to less job satisfaction, less affective commitment, more psychological contract breach, and also more turnover intentions."
"You can make an impact from wherever you are in an organization."
"Improve your leadership and you can impact your organization."
"The role of individual and organizational agency is so important to have an organization, a political party, and an individual lead."
"You have to have not just impact on the customers but also in the organization."