
Movie Criticism Quotes

There are 110 quotes

"This might be the film that comes the closest to the line of so horrible that it's hilarious without crossing it."
"Man of Steel was more like a Goku movie, not a Superman movie."
"When Doctor Strange was released, it was slightly criticized for being too similar to Iron Man."
"It's funny when they screamed 'Phantom Menace' like the reactions of everybody when it's over because they all hate it."
"What a monstrous, horrible thing you've done."
"What movie has a plot hole that can't be ignored? The Santa Clause! The parents are so skeptical that Santa Claus exists, but the movie clearly shows Santa delivering presents on Christmas Eve."
"It's not a shit movie because women were cast, it's a shit movie because they decided to do an all women remake."
"Imagine if you went to the most expensive IMAX theater, fought for a ticket, then watched the latest Steven Seagal movie while someone threw human feces at you."
"Guess what, they weren't [answered] and Rian Johnson was like he can't can't he like even everyone and that was one of the worst most painful movies I've ever had to sit through."
"Almost on principle, I think it might turn some people off, which is unfortunate because it's a really entertaining movie."
"I really do think that this line right here is up there as one of the worst lines in Star Wars history: 'Somehow Palpatine returned.'"
"The legacy of these movies is ultimately one of failure. They rarely spent any time focusing on the now, and the characters all suffered for it."
"Movies that lots of the general population likes, critics do like them when they're good."
"I almost would have rather have seen a movie just with Indiana Jones at his height than what we got."
"He's not great at staging an exciting fight scene, but he tried, God damn it, he tried."
"I actually thought the way they handled the rose character and fin like the fin and rose characters I didn't think we're handled right those are a couple of the pieces of weaknesses I thought to that movie."
"Wonder Woman 1984 is not a good movie. In fact, it's a bad movie like as bad as my childhood home movies bad."
"I just wanted something more, something a bit more plot related beyond Thor needs yet another movie to find himself."
"Some people said Lawnmower Man a lot, and a lot of people said Dreamcatcher, which is one of the strangest, weirdest, most bizarre movies."
"Looney Tunes Back in Action was Dante's Inferno."
"I couldn't give a [ __ ] less about this new Mulan movie."
"It's fine to not care about plot holes but people who do aren't wrong."
"It delivers the fun that the premise promised—Eddie and Venom are a fun bromance rolling down the street like a turd in the wind."
"This is a movie with nothing. There's a movie that had nothing. This is just... a cycle of the same scene."
"One interesting thing as well at the time Jumanji was heavily criticized for being marketed to kids but also being too scary and adult."
"I recommend it, last film you watched that you thought was utter garbage."
"People are having an emotional and not necessarily a logical response to the movie."
"White people in these films are often portrayed as the real heroes, robbing any societal gains or achievements of their own and giving them to the white characters."
"How did Green Book win Best Picture? It's only evidence of who this movie was really made for."
"Godzilla vs. Kong, no one cares about the plot."
"A movie does not have to be good to be entertaining."
"The decision to not recast T'Challa was a bad decision."
"That's pretty much what happened with the Percy Jackson movies. They were so bad compared to the books."
"This movie, the movie that most people seem to think is the worst DreamWorks film ever, has more people who say they liked it than say Cars 2."
"The main thing people were really upset about wasn't even the movie itself... they shot him right out the gate, that was wonderful."
"Mystique gets a lot of grief about these movies, I think she's actually been very pivotal in the storytelling element of it."
"I still love these movies... but it annoys me that people look at the first two as some sort of superhero Holy Grail."
"Halloween Resurrection was a joke, it completely sucks."
"Seriously, if what he delivered was in some B grade 80s Star Wars rip-off we would be laughing our asses off."
"Just make it a gag, which is just about what I expected from this Illumination movie."
"I mean, I would very much like to, just on the back of the movie, the one movie. But given the huge number of spin-offs you've mentioned, all of which are bad, then I don't hold out much hope for it."
"Indiana Jones 5 or a bucket of AIDS? I'll take the bucket of AIDS actually if I can put in a fight."
"You know you're in trouble when a movie can't even get its [ __ ] title right."
"If this movie by the end of 2017 does not end up in my top 10 films of the year then our better than this and 10 Star Wars films like that"
"superhero fans admit that x-men origins wolverine leaves a lot to be desired particularly the visual effects wait is that you"
"that became more famous for its cgi than anything else despite a 300 million dollar price tag justice league isn't up to snuff with steppenwolf being a"
"A Most Violent Year stands out as this century's only film that won the National Board of Review's top prize but didn't go on to receive any Oscar nominations."
"Did he just talk in space? Oh yeah, how deep are we in this movie... four minutes too long."
"The logic of this movie is all over the place."
"If you don't believe in your movie, why should I believe in it?"
"It might be a decent FNAF movie to the fans but it is a horrible horror movie to everybody else."
"The new Lion King is boring and awful and septic."
"The critics were reviewing it as if it was Taming of the Shrew or something while the fans went in there to see a DC movie, a superhero movie, and they loved it."
"I just got to call it as I see it. I know the cool thing is to say that was a terrible movie, and yeah, I get it."
"Godzilla's look... it's better than the Tristar version."
"Face Off is not remembered fondly because it's a great movie, it's remembered fondly because it is absolutely insane."
"Neil Breen is easily the David Lynch of bad movies."
"This movie is a non-stop chain of idiotic nonsense. So you might want to fasten your seat belts. It's gonna be a real bumpy ride."
"It's not like the Grinch is getting nominated for Best Picture... Green Book is way better than Bohemian Rhapsody, I'll say that."
"Honestly, even though I didn't enjoy this trilogy as much as I had hoped, I have still enjoyed some of the other things Disney's done with Star Wars."
"It feels like it was meant to be horrible so can you really blame it if it is that way?"
"It was like watching a dead man walking, then the Emoji movie."
"Not every movie has this level of terribleness and when I see a movie that particularly has this quality I can't help but get a little giddy about it."
"This is such a bad movie that in the middle of the movie I kept standing up because me and Mrs. was watching it and I was like bro, this is bad, I can't watch it no more, I can't. I actually can't. I can't watch it no more."
"I would have to be paid a lot of money to watch Cats again, like I'm talking like five hundred dollars minimum to put myself through Cats."
"I think that a reason why so many blockbusters fall flat is that there's an over-reliance on computer effects."
"I wanted more story for the first time in one of these movies."
"The Emoji Movie' is so bad, it makes us want to yell at strangers on the street..."
"I'm giving this one a 3 out of 10. Wasn't as horrendous as it could have been, but still pretty bad."
"One department this movie did a pretty good job in was casting Carrie and McKenna Grace are so good they trick you into thinking you're watching a quality film at times."
"They could have maybe fused what they had with Lightyear with that energy, where it's a bit more serious with the corny, hammed-up fun exploration of Star Command, and boom, a movie that I would have vastly preferred."
"At least it's not Ice Age 3 dawn of the Dinosaurs or Ice Age 4 continental Drift or ice age five."
"I don't believe there's any reason we should honestly like seriously believe that all of a sudden magically people are gonna magically get on board with Zack Snyder's vision of the DCEU."
"If you make movies that are garbage, if you insult the fan base of Star Wars or Indiana Jones, if you take your beloved products and go woke with them or race swap them or use them as vessels for propaganda."
"That's maybe the most polarizing part of the movie."
"Kylo crashes at 50 mph and survives. The plot protects him, as always."
"So if you're like me and you feel like you've been punched in the face every single time you're reminded of this movie's existence, consider this review a weird sort of therapy."
"Simply because some people don't like certain movies, they're trying to take that movie away from someone else."
"It's crucial to actually provide a clear explanation on why a movie is disliked or considered ineffective rather than just labeling it as woke."
"It's pretty thoughtless cash grab. I will say this about the Meg's I think people knew what they were getting into."
"I'm watching it and I let me say this first the critique that I'm hearing from a bunch of people that it's a really boring action movie I don't get that."
"Suicide Squad is trash, but it made $800 million."
"We all thought Dark Fate was bad. Star Wars is like you there Deion you're the only one that thought Dark Fate was bad because you're the only one that saw it."
"I just get [ __ ] angry in the opening three minutes, and then I'm just... I'm checked out."
"David Fincher has pretty much disavowed this movie completely. It's a movie that I hate, fair enough, right?"
"He has the typical Marvel garbledygook technology."
"Rubber nipples on the bat suit. Two reasons to never watch this movie."
"Terminator Genisys is fundamentally broken on almost every level."
"I can't believe he cried at Titanic. Why? Men have feelings too. Titanic: Why did they spend 200 million dollars making this trash?"
"The turtles look completely different this time. This one upsets me the most out of all the Turtles movies."
"No film should be three [__] hours unless it's Lord of the Rings."
"This felt start it never felt like Star Wars."
"Glad someone's learned something from Spider-Man 3 and Amazing Spider-Man 2 and Batman vs Superman."
"It pains me that I watched The Last Jedi and had my criticisms with it, and then I threw this on and I just felt so different about it right off the hop."
"I've read people's comments on some previous videos of mine mentioning that JJ Abrams just basically retconned everything that Rian Johnson had tried to do, and I totally see that, I totally agree with that."
"My biggest issue with the movie, this is just me personally, is that they set up the whole movie to have a natural conflict between Superman and Batman."
"Has Adam Sandler's movies actually gotten worse or if I have I just gotten older?"
"Bringing back Palpatine was not only lazy, it was completely disrespectful."
"It's so weird that every freaking Marvel movie they destroy the same few skyscrapers, and miraculously, in the next six months when the new Marvel movie comes out, those skyscrapers are back."
"A lot of people don't understand what a reaction to a movie is so they tend to say things about me talking too much things like that but I don't really care that much."
"This movie is unapologetically stupid but at least it's not Batman and Robin."
"This is not Batman, there's nothing about this except 'Oh, oh, Nicole Kidman, no, yes, I like this, this.'"
"I think his recent movies have been his fall from grace."
"I never liked any of Will's movies. I would tell him to put on juice before we made love. The sound of Tupac's voice helped set the mood."
"Boomerang would be amazing at CinemaSins."
"'Avatar' was the cool thing to hate for a while. It's like, 'Oh, it's so popular, we gotta hate it.' But visually, this movie's groundbreaking."
"...boy this movie just didn't even remember its own lore in any given second if it ever tried to it was always wrong..."