
Environmental Control Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Being able to shift the energy and set the tone is crucial, it changes the whole dynamic."
"Environmental control is your best form of crop insurance."
"Control your environment, control your space."
"Learn to be thermostats and not thermometers."
"Lushu finds out that the Seal of the mountain and river is a Divine object that can observe the Earth and that the aura there can be controlled."
"Bhutan is a great example of balancing traditional economic objectives with other variables like living standards, environmental controls, and culture."
"An oscillating fan makes seedlings stronger and cuts down on fungal issues."
"Eventually we'll have shade over here which will help tremendously with the amount of algae that's that we'll want to grow in the water shaded ponds just do better um."
"Control your environment. If you learn to control your environment, you can learn to control your habits."
"No single ant knows what the temperature should be in the colony."
"Women admire a man who has mastery of the environment and the world around him."
"What is on you is what controls what is around you."
"Aura and flux control the magical environment."
"The heated chamber just makes all the difference in the world."
"A real world Jurassic Park is possible if and only if all the dinos live in giant terrariums."
"Seal off areas with plastic sheeting and duct tape to create a controlled environment."
"Mold's going to ruin your entire garden way faster than if you're not paying attention to keeping your VPD perfect."
"Temperature range should be around 60 to 75 degrees."
"If you don't control your environment, someone else will."
"Nature is not an orchard and it will not obey, no matter how hard you try to force nature to be an orchard."
"The climate Engineers again completely shut down the flow of rain into the West."
"Just because the planet’s quite hot as we get deeper down, doesn’t mean it needs to be or that it behooves us to let it be if we can change that."
"It's the Goldilocks of kinetic buildings - neither too hot nor too cold, always just right."
"We control every aspect of the environment and can fully customize it to our needs."
"72 degrees is too hot, it makes it harder for cold storage units and sometimes even incubators to maintain temperature."
"The McKinley Climactic Weather Testing Laboratory is an insulated, refrigerated hangar that has been operating since 1947."
"We need to control the rain, we need to control the water."
"He who controls the weather controls the world." - Lyndon Baines Johnson
"Can you please turn on the air conditioner? I'm dying."
"Clear out the ELL cluster because if I can lock that place down, no more great tempest."
"For me personally, I feel a need to start fixing my environment, controlling sounds and lights. That's good."
"The loss of environmental controls in your data center can very quickly lead to operating temperatures, which will destroy hardware."
"Finding the right balance of humidity and airflow is key."
"To address mold issues, it's essential to identify and mitigate sources of moisture in the environment."
"We are the controllers of our environment."
"When you have an altar, you can govern the environment; you can govern the territory."
"If you are using the Airyscan, we recommend that you close the chamber as small air currents and temperature fluctuations can have an effect on the image acquisition."
"Consistent with a life cycle perspective, our controls are established to ensure that environmental requirements are addressed in the design and development process."
"It's about controlling the landscape, controlling nature."
"Environmental control means setting up strategies and procedures to create an environment that supports healthy eating."
"We prefer to use different systems inside our IT environments."
"The ideal operative temperature is defined as when the individual does not feel any heat gain or heat loss from the area immediately surrounding them."
"I'm going to make the sun a bit brighter, so I'm going to turn the sun strength to a 10."
"The internal working model is a mental model of the world to help dictate and control an individual's environment."
"If you want to tackle that stuff in a way that is positive forward motion and starts to make a shift in an environment you can control, I think it will have a lot of positive effects."
"And just like the sky, there are extensive settings to customize all of these features to fit your needs."
"Here in the greenhouse, we can control the wind, we can control the moisture, and they can still get all the benefits of being outside in the warm sun."