
Marvel Movies Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"Everything with Chris Pratt and Chris Hemsworth is hysterical. Chris Hemsworth is the best thing in any of the Marvel movies now."
"Thor Ragnarok included some fantastic leading female characters."
"I feel like audiences generally will like Shang Chi more."
"If it was literally any other marvel movie it would have been one of the best."
"Fat Thor is actually the best character building aspect of this movie."
"Films like Iron Man, Winter Soldier, Civil War, and Black Panther... those films are Marvel at its best because the stakes are so much more toned down."
"Tony Stark isn't in the movie, but Robert Downey Jr. is always there, even when he's not."
"The bits of Marvel movies that people love are the scenes in between the action."
"Marvel did it again man, god damn it. Be happy you're alive in this time to watch people as good as they are do something like that over and over again."
"I thought the ending was ballsy as fuck. I cannot believe it ended on the snap."
"Thank God for the Russo brothers, thank God for Marvel."
"In Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, it starts out. There's Doctor Strange who looks different than Doctor Strange, but it's Doctor Strange, so you're like, 'Oh, alternate universe Doctor Strange.'"
"You just feel everybody's feeling the absence of T'Challa. It's so good."
"We now have confirmation they are not recasting. T'Challa is dead."
"The Marvel movies are able to build up to conclusions that strike us as fitting and emotionally resonant."
"Most of us grew up watching Marvel so we're used to fake endings."
"In my humble opinion, we have probably the best villain that Marvel's ever had in Christian Bale."
"Shang-Chi is finally out on Disney Plus, meaning those who weren't comfortable going to see it in theaters are finally getting to experience the best Marvel Phase 4 movie."
"Guardians of the Galaxy's the best movie Marvel's ever made, I know a lot of people are gonna be like 'what?'"
"It's a lot of fun if we can have 900 Marvel movies, why not have 900 Pixar movies?"
"It's there's never been anything like it, I mean the movie is clearly a triumph, everything that they have done since the first iron man to the end of this film is a triumph, there's never been anything like it."
"That could be like watching with my wife Iron Man."
"Wouldn't you expect Thor Ragnarok to have a sequence where Thor tries to copy Steve Rogers' style with the shield?"
"I'd say it's well past time we got a Fantastic Four movie done right preferably with the appearance of Doctor Doom."
"Marvel Phase 4 is killing it. That was awesome. The whole time, it felt like I was watching a comic book."
"I'll never forget seeing Infinity War either when everybody got snapped that was just really totally incredible."
"Responsibility, specifically Thor's responsibilities to Asgard."
"22 movies and it's all been leading to this moment. It's gonna be an extremely satisfying experience for any Marvel fan."
"The Incredible Hulk was a hit and it rose above the rest with its mix of pathos, action and The Fugitive style drama."
"I'm so excited for Spider-Man's Dr. Strange-esque suit in No Way Home."
"And actually at the end of the day it might be one of the most faithful adaptations that Marvel has made."
"Marvel has that down with a lot of times making their lead characters, making them relatable and likable."
"Life is just way too short to not be appreciated for who you are."
"Black Panther is a perfected form of the Marvel formula."
"Civil War is one of the most rewarding as a Marvel fan like movies to watch ever."
"Marvel movies for example are actually getting smaller"
"I loved the visual, like every Marvel movie has to have like a big laser in the sky."
"Quantumania: Rests on Kang, more Kang needed."
"I mean, really when you think about it, the actors in Avengers are fantastic."
"I love the implementation of what they've done with Falcon's wings in the fight scenes."
"One of the coolest moments in Avengers endgame..."
"I think Dustin Daniel is a genius I think he's up there I think he's the next Ryan Coogler when it comes to Marvel so I feel very good about the Kang Dynasty"
"Audiences were surprised but excited to encounter Red Skull in Avengers 3."
"The devious but not altogether evil adopted brother of Thor will be returning for Endgame."
"Hela seemed to meet her end during the destruction of Asgard in Thor: Ragnarok."
"I was blown away. The integration of 10 years of movies into one is handled just about as good as it can be."
"John Krasinski as mr. fantastic Emily Blunt as Invisible Woman Zac Efron as Human Torch will Poulter as the thing make it happen Marvel."
"Interest in Marvel films has never been at a more fever pitch."
"These three latest Spider-Man movies were the first Marvel series to feature the same director throughout all the films."
"Marvel has always tried to really jump into the comedy... The Russos got their start in sitcoms."
"It's just a different type of film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"I think it would be interesting to deep dive into Marvel's maybe worse movies that somehow they made it past."
"Infinity War and Endgame gave me the most emotional reactions."
"There you have it, another great Marvel film."
"Good the movie is 90 doctor strange and Scarlet Witch... very trippy and inventive I like that I appreciated that a lot."
"Dr. Strange and the Multiverse of Madness... the storyline of Wanda is one of the best."
"This movie was start to finish the most fun I've had watching a Marvel movie."
"How does Captain America: The Winter Soldier rank for you in the Infinity Saga?"
"I believe in the Marvels too. They're good. They're doing good for us."
"To each their own. Like, I'm not interested in [ __ ] on Marvel movies for example, but they're not my bag."
"Civil War was phenomenal now that might be my favorite movie so far so I'm very much looking forward because apparently phase three just keeps getting better and better and better and better and I'm here for it you know what I'm saying I'm here for it."
"It's like the method that Marvel uses to make movies seems pretty incompatible with consistently delivering good stories."
"It's everything I love about Marvel movies."
"...as long as there are Marvel movies, the MCU exists."
"These are like Marvel movies. Huge python Tom Riddle. Let's go."
"Spider-Man Far From Home might just be one of the best Marvel movies we've gotten today."
"Marvel movies are also engineered to make profit by the way, but they're relying on story that people have written very earnestly with their true hearts for the last 40 or 50 years."
"Conflict is the key to why the Marvel movies have worked so well."
"The fans have changed since Iron Man 1. A whole new generation of people who didn't grow up reading comics are watching these movies now."
"I am so excited for this movie I've said it before I will sing it again but I feel like the biggest reason that I wanted to watch all the Marvel movies from the beginning was to eventually get to the Tom Holland Spider-Man movies"
"Yes, Civil War and Homecoming are objectively great."
"It's crazy like because they allowed him to do what he wanted, and then it was one of the best Marvel films that ever came out."
"Avengers, Winter Soldier, Infinity War, No Way Home."
"I realize every single Marvel movie I watched in a timeline order."
"I like all Marvel movies, some more than others."
"Enough juice to watch every single Marvel movie since the Iron Man release in 2008 to present on a single charge."
"I didn't expect Shang-Chi to rise to the top of my all-time favorite Marvel movies."
"We're here to spill the beans on the absolute best upcoming Marvel movies."