
Personal Impression Quotes

There are 172 quotes

"I'm just going to say it right now, I was thoroughly impressed."
"He struck me as somebody that was really trying to do something transformative."
"This person is going to think you're so unique."
"It just has a really calm, peaceful feeling to it."
"I gassed when I saw you in linen you looked so hot."
"You looked hot like I sto it it stopped me in my tracks on Twitter."
"This is like the cover of a graphic novel I would have seen in Borders." - Julia
"This felt like this is very different than anything I've played before."
"I was really impressed with her gown... it was so flowy, it was fashion."
"I've never heard Andrew Weissman actually speak before, very odd way of speaking."
"I feel like I almost get black widow vibes from this."
"This series feels so much like Harry Potter to me and I can't explain why it just does."
"Elon Musk seems to me a fascinating individual... he's certainly a creative genius, a whirlwind, a life force."
"You look like the friendliest, brightest, warmest individual."
"This is so weird, um, I was very impressed, I was like, wow, I was like, that's, that wasn't too bad, I'm good at YouTube."
"I can't deny that he's impressive. I can only confirm it. It is a pleasure to work with him."
"You're going to make for a spectacular painting."
"She comes across to me as being very authentic."
"Somebody that thinks they have to impress with what they say they make."
"You may be very attracted to this person, somebody that thinks they have to impress."
"It's important to realize that some of the younger people that I've met... are so genuine and lovely and grateful and spectacular."
"It's just rich and cozy and a little bit smoky."
"It's legitimately one of the most impressive albums I have ever gone through."
"That was good, that was uh, he's the magnet."
"I thought this is so typical of him. It's absolutely brilliant."
"Five million, I would be like wow, that's impressive."
"It's just a pleasure to drive this car and to enjoy it."
"Every new Mazda I've tested has impressed me."
"This game's pretty scary, but it's kind of cool."
"I still get this kind of flash game feel from it."
"For me, I was just super impressed with him as an individual."
"I watched 'Ms. Marvel' today and I loved it."
"There's cool stuff in here that really impressed me."
"It's kind of interesting too because in some ways I feel like his voice is not nearly as distinctive as Corpse."
"This might actually be on my top two or three. It makes me feel luminous and boy is it foxy."
"Christine, your confidence and like, um, you just have like this certain, like, power threshold to you."
"It was like coming downstairs this morning and watching a blockbuster movie."
"I'm so impressed by this. I really, really liked it."
"Feel it while driving; it's such a unique driving experience."
"I'm impressed... I like how he's getting it."
"That was really nice, he sounded really genuine."
"He's got that thing in general when you meet him. That's the guy that you're seeing."
"it just seems like when I first started playing that game I was really blown away by as an"
"Unbelievably nice man, one of the nicest guys we've ever met."
"He is probably the most eloquent educated football fan I've ever seen."
"She's the most beautiful personality I've ever met in my life."
"Eric seems like a thoughtful, articulate person for the first time in a while."
"Wow, yeah, and it's, yeah, it was an interesting guy."
"Posture is one of the first things that people notice."
"I thought her story was impressive and inspirational without being intimidating that's what was so impressive about it."
"They always say wow, what a great, it is like a glamour shot, it's so funny."
"I noticed Casey's beautiful face and blue-green eyes, like swimming pools."
"If that doesn't make it a masterpiece, I seriously don't know what does."
"It's really really difficult to explain but one kind of a chord that definitely sticks out might sound weird but I kind of get a Play-Doh smell."
"I honestly don't know when the best time to wear this would be but for some reason I don't know if I'm getting influenced by the bottle but I do get these kind of alpha darker you know dominating vibes from this fragrance."
"Love the books, just finished Killing Jesus. So impressed."
"This is a powerful lady I don't want to mess with. This is good. That's the impression you should get. And I'm the same, I would."
"He said Adam Sandler was hands down the nicest person he's ever met in his life."
"The dynasty cream... Can a moisturizer really impress me? Well, this one did."
"So what are they getting the impression of? First of all, it's what maybe came before, like are you on time? Are you trying to converse with them in an environment that's pleasant to look at?"
"He's like the coldest, coolest dude that you ever meet."
"I liked this new M3 a lot more than I expected, and that's reflected in the Doug score."
"Victoria endlessly trying to improve herself and to impress Albert."
"It looks really, really nice and very handsome in person."
"I'm really intrigued. It doesn't look and feel the way I expected."
"I like your drive, man, and I like the foresight. I like where you hit it from the first time I saw you, man."
"This is some of the coolest stuff I've ever seen."
"I'm really excited, but everything I've seen up to this point has amazed me."
"Germany, you've impressed me. That's what I grew up with, Germany being the favorites."
"There are different technological risks for both of them right now Fusion is so incredibly impactful and important for humankind."
"That's a lot, looks sick right there, wall-e 50, but the Gumbel's back him up, so it's a WoW. Is this me? Is this man?"
"This looks really neat, it does, it's like a hair dryer here isn't it."
"I interviewed Ben Affleck, and he was just normal, but he was also... sad."
"But when he says stuff it's like wow, like that was really good."
"Honestly, it's so much more beautiful than I ever anticipated."
"Sometimes I just hear a name and I'm like, you know what, that's cool."
"I'm impressed, I'm actually kind of impressed."
"Driving a Ferrari in EV mode... I'm just like, this is wow."
"Every time I blend it into my skin I'm like, oh my gosh, it looks like literally nothing is there."
"Does Will not look incredible? I mean, I think he looks amazing."
"I am so impressed with this car more so than I have been with any car I've ever driven ever seriously."
"Seeing Tiso now, you know, I was like, 'That's freaking cool.'"
"You're more beautiful somehow, you got more beautiful. I don't know how that's possible."
"I get this impression from Phil... he comes across to me like one of us, like a gamer who loves games."
"Growing up my general impression was just how enamored people were by her."
"I've genuinely never seen anything like it before."
"Being able to do that, I think, is really impressive."
"She was hella cool. You have no idea. She was like the coolest."
"Moon struck me about it was that when I saw it, I was like 'oh wow, that looks really cool.'"
"I loved just the dressing room, the underfloor heating, I was like 'Rah, man, I put that royalty in it.' You don't get that in many football clubs."
"I think Will is showing tremendous character. I'm so impressed."
"It feels very Brooklyn to me, just charming."
"He projected good man. He projected manliness. I really did good dude."
"Seeing her I was like, 'She's so great and so cool and so funny and so in-command.'"
"This 80 keyboard is blowing me away right now, this is kind of incredible."
"He's just amazing I always impresses me with everything he does."
"Super sharp right now, not gonna lie, that's actually super impressive."
"At this point I'm not impressed by what people do for a living or what they're known for. I'm impressed when they're a nice person and that to me is like an honor." - Rachel Hunter
"Your person feels like you belong in a magazine."
"This is amazing. Like, this is f***ing incredible."
"I'm sorry, this is just absolutely f***ing insanely good. I have literally nothing else to say about it."
"Every single person that's driven a GT8 has come away thinking it's one of the best things ever. The heart says it's epic."
"Wow, I actually have a friend of mine who wears this and every time I see him and I give him a hug his scent is just intoxicating."
"You get a sense of that when you're behind the wheel."
"It is very unique and very hard to put into words but it is beautiful... this one gave me 10 plus hours of wear."
"She seemed like such a wonderful person."
"We look for people who, when you talk with them and you worked with them, you were genuinely impressed by them."
"I think frankly, this is the thing that Fingolfin does that impresses me most."
"Your powers are fearsome, and your determination impresses me even more."
"Is it a gimmick? Absolutely. Am I impressed? Almost definitely."
"I mean, that's just probably the coolest looking animal I've ever seen. It's stunning."
"Hey, good to see you as always, a nice job on your stream the other day, I was pretty impressed."
"What struck me after spending time with him personally was how different he was in person versus the preconceived idea that I had of him."
"It's one of the most beautiful places I've ever been, I think, for sure, it's like a work of art."
"Well, I'm impressed with this pedal commander, just the seat of the pants initial feeling."
"This was probably the most unique review experience I've ever had."
"This view is ridiculous, like oh my God. This is probably the most impressive view I've seen yet."
"It is beautiful and to me it's just a very sexy chocolate scent."
"He's bigger and better and nicer than I even had in my mind."
"I'm very much impressed with this one. It's grown on me real quick, real fast."
"The Canik TP9 Elite series impressed me so much that I had to put them in number one."
"It really seems genuine, doesn't it?"
"A little glimpse there of paradise."
"I'm very impressed with these lipsticks."
"He was the kindest person that she had ever met."
"I never thought they'd make that great of a difference, but I am thoroughly impressed by the difference that's made."
"It's like this golden tinge to it, which is just amazing."
"This is cool though, I mean honestly, man."
"That's actually pretty incredible to me."
"I'm more impressed with the beats than I thought I would be."
"This song was nasty, I think I'm most impressed."
"I'm impressed with this, I'm impressed."
"You're pretty impressive, Dorothy Jane."
"It's like walking onto a different planet almost."
"You definitely showed me some of that sass Pink has."
"Seeing it in person, I am shocked by how much I like the looks of the EV6."
"This is the coolest thing I've ever seen on a car."
"I'm really impressed by it, I really like them a lot."
"It sounded quite beautiful, to be honest with you."
"That's a pretty cool thing and it's something I have not seen before."
"The sheer cleanliness of the MRT and the BTS stations and trains were amazing to me."
"He had a quiet confidence about him which came off as charismatic to me."
"I was just so impressed by this ski."
"I found him to be quite an engaging man to speak with."
"The story is what got me really impressed the most."
"She is so pretty, getting her in person really does the trick."
"I have never had a textural or taste sensation like it."
"There's something about him, it feels very pure."
"I'm really genuinely speaking from the heart about my impressions of these two instruments."
"I've never had a quad that flies quite like this one."
"What an impressive person actually she was."
"I am very, very, very impressed with these."
"Give your honest impressions on what it's like to defy the laws of nature."
"It was just a great day overall, and Geekfest impressed me more than I thought it would."
"He struck me as a very thoughtful, well-spoken man."
"As soon as I got it, saw it in person, I was like, yeah, that thing looks sick."
"To put aside his status as Demon Lord, the person alone is already very impressive."
"It feels really smooth like it's... I thought it was gonna feel like... I don't know, bumpy or scary, but it's like so incredibly smooth."